Sing Tao Daily News

Brexit Minister Brexit Bo Jianxi recently met with the EU chief negotiating representative Barnier, which brought the market for the market to have the opportunity to soft Brexit before the end of October.Broken sleeves need to be negotiated.Regardless of the result, for three years from the referendum Brexit, the United Kingdom has been tossed, and it is necessary to prepare for the people's livelihood for the hard life of the people's livelihood once there is no protocol to avoid grain and medicine.This painful experience shows that the Brexit arrangement and consequences are far more complicated than many voting supporters.

The Brexit problem led to a sudden change in British politics. Two Prime Minister stepped down. Cameron, who started the referendum, resigned to defeat. Following Teresa May could not convince Congress to support her agreement with the European Union.Now, the head -and -face character of the Brexit movement, Johnson, ascended the phase, eliminates dissidents within the party, and arranged for a long vacation outside the party outside the party. It will be resumed to the end of the end of the Brexit.

Social media fake news brainwashing

The tough members of the conservative party and other conservative partys refused to support the agreement reached between Mei and the European Union. The main obstacles involved the final guarantee arrangement of ensuring the seamless boundary between North and South Ireland.About thirty years ago, the British government exchanged seamless boundaries to the end of the Civil War with the conditions of the seamless boundaries, allowing the flow logistics between the Republic of Ireland and the British jurisdiction to enter and exit.Theoretically, the level of level investigators should be set up to check taxes. How to make Brexit and the seamless border between Brexit and the seamless border of love become a very headache.

The European Union held a summit in October. Britain must make written proposals before the end of September. Since Johnson does not have the final guarantee plan, Baniey said that if the UK can propose the arrangement of the same effect to achieve the same effect, the EU can also consider accepting it, which is equivalent to it.Johnson changed soup without changing medicine.Whether both parties can reach an agreement are still unknown.

Most of the people who voted for Brexit would not think of these intricate issues.Kamina, who is currently a senior adviser to the Prime Minister, was the brain of Brexit. It established the slogan to recapture control for the movement, briefly simplified the problem, and vigorously incited.Chinese people regain the vision of glory in the past.

In order to ensure that the slogan can affect the hearts of the people, the Brexit leader deliberately exaggerated the rendering rendering the EU Eastern in the United Kingdom and grabbing rice bowls, and also reported that the UK would be tribute to the EU headquarters every week.Health service.These simplified and emotional messages repeat the hype through social media, constantly brainwashing to the British, getting social tear, and family members.This atmosphere is exactly the same as Hong Kong today.

Check the intervention of foreign forces

As a result, the referendum passed the Brexit with a ratio of 48 to forty -eight. Those who were interested in votes in the year found that it was found that there was no need for people to goods in Europe and not allowing people to enter and exit.The company has relocated some businesses to the European continent, and the celebrities of Brexit have entered French nationality, while British farmers will lose subsidies from the European Union.Britain is also being tracked in the intervention of foreign forces, including social network propaganda launched by Russia, and whether someone accepts foreign political donations. Cambridge analysis founded by businessmen close to the US President Trump, and also acknowledged the abuse of social website for the abuse of social networking sites to conductBig data analysis promotional offensive.

The British Bank has already predicted that both Britain and soft Brexit will damage the economy, only to varying degrees. Brexit will re -ignit as the independence of Scotland and Northern Ireland, which will make British territory face further narrowing threats.

The voters were encouraged to make emotional decisions on the day. Today, I found that this messy stall was a mess. Doro, there would be a series of sequelae.At present, many Hong Kong people are drunk with passion, pursuing the glory of nothingness, and the painful experience of Brexit Brexit, which is worth thinking about.