Author: Zhang Ruixiong

Source: Zhongshi Electronics News

President Tsai's thesis has become more and more intense. Recently, Xu Yongtai, a doctor of doctors of Oxford University, went to London College of Political and Economics (LSE) Library to read Tsai Ing -wen's doctoral dissertation and announced his views, which attracted social attention.As the Presidential Palace spokesman said, this shows that there is indeed a doctoral dissertation of Tsai Ing -wen. Although there are some questions in the format, whether this is a doctoral dissertation that graduated from that year is unknown, and President Tsai has also presented reissue issuanceThe doctoral diploma, but why can't the social concerns still be calm?

There are several parties in this incident. If these parties can take some actions to illustrate the truth, so that society and the media will no longer need to waste a lot of resources at the thesis door, so that the presidential election can return to the policy of policy.

First of all, it is Cai Yingwen herself. She must have a doctoral degree, the dissertation professor, the dissertation and the trial member, and the classmates of the doctoral courses.If Cai Neng proposes all information on related person's certificate and physical evidence, you can immediately seal everyone's mouth.Tsai Ing -wen now only puts forward papers that do not let people read publicly. Although the British library directory has this doctoral dissertation, nothing can be found except the topic and author, and there is no abstract.In addition, who is the guidance of the paper?Who is the oral test member of the paper?Even if they have died, if Tsai Ing -wen can explain, at least they can check whether the time is consistent and clarify the doubts.

The second party was the London Academy of Politics and Economics. When Tsai Ing -wen was elected president in 2016, the college published a congratulatory news on the webpage, saying that Cai was an alumni and PhD in law in 1984.But that is just a web page after all.If LSE can issue a formal statement for the college's reputation, it is best to calm the dispute.There are many modifications in the records of Tsai Ing -wen's students proposed by the Presidential Palace, which seems not rigorous enough to a world -class first -class university.If LSE can propose a record about Cai Yingwen's study record, it is more credible.

After Cai Yingwen returned to China to teach at the University of Political Science, it was briefly transferred to Soochow University to teach. Therefore, the two universities should have all the information applied by Tsai Ing -wen at that time, including her doctoral certificate and doctoral dissertation.Can be explained publicly.However, there may be a question of personal capital law, so in the end, Tsai Ing -wen himself is willing to open up and tell the two universities that he can make it public, or wait until the court's trial.

Tsai Ing -wen applied for a professor certificate to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education also issued a press release to clarify, but the press release information did not have a doctoral certificate of graduation. It only shows that the cover of the same doctoral dissertation, the promotion and other conferences of the Ministry of Education, but basically basically, but basically basicallyThere is no more new information on it, and the lack of the most basic information is who is the guidance professor and oral test member of the doctoral dissertation?

A doctoral dissertation and Dr. Paper Graduation Certificate that can be fully reviewed by the outside world. Only Tsai Ing -wen can provide it.Instead of saying that it is really impossible, Cai Yingwen will not open a press conference to disclose the above information to let the outside world test the authenticity.In this way, she can no longer be questioned, and many people can sleep well at night. Why not?

(The author is the president of National Taipei Commercial University)