Zhang Jingwei

The media's evaluation of Bolton, a national security consultant, is gentle and tough in appearance.The eagle figure with a bunch of white beards is more like a grandfather next door.In any case, Bolton's White House has ended.

On the 10th local time in the United States, Trump published a tweet that no longer needed Bolton service on Twitter, emphasizing that he and other government officials did not agree with many suggestions from Bolton, so he asked him to resign.Obviously, Bolton was resigned MDASH; mdash; he was fired by Trump.Bolton's brief resignation letter appeared on the Internet, and it also highlighted that his relationship with Trump was difficult to maintain.Although, Bolton deliberately emphasized that he took the initiative to resign.

This is the third national security adviser who left Trump's resignation, and it also fits Trump's political character that he likes to speculate on the staff.From the Secretary of State to the Minister of Defense, the relationship with Trump has deteriorated with Trump when they leave.It is expected that Bolton is by no means the last staff member of Trump. After all, Trump, who has a good personality, needs to be an absolute loyalty of him.Trump with a person with a personality is always inevitable to be fired.

Bolton was the person you wanted by Trump, but a traditional eagle in the Reagan and the two Bush government has a determined eagle position.Opportunities will occur.When Trump needs flexible policies to turn, Bolton is puzzled, and he will naturally rebel against Trump.For a long time against the dragon scales, he couldn't bear it, and it was inevitable that Trump was fired.

Bolton is right everywhere.From the Iranian nuclear issue to the US -DPRK leaders meeting, to peace talks in Afghanistan, and even in the reconciliation of relations in the United States and Russia, Bolton insisted on a strong stance.But Trump regards the eagle position as a priority of the United States, which constitutes the structural contradiction between Bolton and Trump.The former's eagle ideology is belief, and hopes to use Trump to become policy practice.The latter regards the eagle as a tool, hoping to maximize the interests of the United States through the eagle position and policy.

Therefore, on the issue of Iraqi and the DPRK, Bolton and other eagle figures insist on the position of non -concession, and even use force at the expense.But Trump did not dare to speak lightly, even if Iran laid the American unmanned plane.On the issue of North Korea, Trump hopes to meet with North Korean leaders to achieve its diplomatic achievements, and even allows him to win the Nobel Peace Prize.However, Two Two Times, Trump was broken by his eagle staff. Bolton was one of the leaders.

In terms of relations with Russia, the meeting between Trump and Putin was always criticized by the Hawks (opposed to the entire Western world).The Democratic Party even touched Trump's policy through Russia.Obviously, a group of Eagle staff in Trump not only failed to help him remove diplomatic obstacles, but always made trouble.In this situation, Trump must also use his unruly, sum up to the dry Bolton.

In the Sino -US trade friction, in addition to the slightly mild financial minister, Mnuchin, and the Minister of Commerce Ross, including Bolton, Pompeo, and Navaro, China has left the direction of trade negotiations on China.This led to the continued upgrade of Sino -US trade frictions. From the perspective of Trump's contradictory voice on Sino -US trade consultations, he has been abducted by the Eagle staff.Trump has recently acknowledged that trade friction in China has affected the US stock market and consumers.

The White House is quite chaotic.Trump has passed Twitter's continuous release of contradictions. In addition to Trump's unstable internal province, the cause of contradictions is mainly the leadership of the eagle staff.Although around Trump, although they are eagle, their positions are different.For example, the Secretary of State Pompeo has a long history with Bolton.Pompeo was unaccustomed to Bolton's rights, so it was not surprised by Bolton's fried, and he did not deny his contradiction with Bolton.

After walking Bolton, he will also come up with another hawk, which is determined by the Trump administration's ruling concept.In addition to the piercing head of Bolton, President's economic adviser Navarro is not worrying. He is the only supporter during the process of new tariffs on China.But in reality, this does not conform to the interests of the United States.So, is Navarro the next one for Trump?There are rumors that Trump is dissatisfied with the Secretary of State Pompeo for a long time. Has the Pompei Olympics be fired?

Trump's habitual speculation cannot let Trump began to punch and rulge in his own will.This is determined by the US political system. Trump can only release his depression and voice by constantly Twitter.And this brings more troubles to the United States and the world.

Under the pressure of the 2020 election, under the public opinion of 40%of the support rate, Trump, which fired Bolton, could also break the eagle siege.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Passenger researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute