Since human beings entering the Internet era, the relationship between people, people and groups, people, and society has undergone tremendous changes. One of the performances is that they have formed a close connection between them and realized interconnection.Not only that, the country has also achieved interconnection, so that people ideal (error) thinks that this is a global village.If the essence of contemporary German philosopher and sociologist Jurgen Habermas is the essence of people in contact.Any cost.

However, the reality is not the case, even the opposite, or in other words, the Internet not only does not realize the ideal exchanges envisaged by Habamas; on the contrary, interpersonal communication in the Internet era is full of human evil traps that humans have.Although the Internet also has a very glorious aspect, compared with the effects of evil help (such as diverse formal cyber violence, radicals, and even terrorism, live broadcast of New Zealand's Kelstucci Massacre, etc.), the former is dwarfed.Therefore, some people began to believe that the Internet is not a tool for human beings to promote goodness, but the most effective tool for humans to use to promote evil and is the world of wicked people.

So far, the Internet is just a tool, and goodness and evil can express and publicize themselves.Obviously, if the Internet is needed to suppress evil, people must have a sober understanding of the evil (at least until now), and the profound impact of the Internet on human nature at all times must be reviewed.

The Internet gives false autonomy

The Internet has completely changed the environment of people's survival, giving people a false autonomy.As the French enlightenment philosopher, Rousseau said that life is free, because no one wants to be a slave, so everyone is pursuing the freedom of basic autonomy.Obviously, Rousseau's words are just an ideal, because in reality, life is not equal.The same is true of the Internet. People think they have become autonomous, but in reality, it is more likely to be a false autonomy, but many people mistakenly think that it is autonomy.

The most important phenomenon is the formation of information cocoons that restrict human intelligence growth and development.This is especially manifested in artificial intelligence (AI).On the one hand, artificial intelligence can liberate human beings from the previous heavy physical strength and even brainpower, but on the other hand, it also deprives humans through everything that labor, including thinking about things and wisdom from this.Things are under development, and people must pay close attention.But one thing seems to have become clear, that is, the rapidly formed information cocoons in the AI era are rapidly weakening the thinking ability of humans (especially young people), leading to new ignorance in the new technology state.This trend can be said to be global, as long as there is a smartphone, there will be this phenomenon.

As far as the collection and dissemination of information, or in terms of information -based interaction, the emergence of recommendation algorithms and circle of friends based on artificial intelligence means that people's obtaining methods of information from traditional mainstream media, transferring to transferring information, transferring the transfer of information, transferring from traditional mainstream media, transferringTo the information stream media with the subject as the main body.This is especially serious among the people at the bottom of the society. People no longer go to the source of mainstream information sources to obtain the content made by media practitioners for everyone.No matter how simple the truth is, AI will recommend that users may want to see and like information in a large amount of information sources.At the same time, because these recommended content can be shared in the WeChat circle of friends, it means that once the user sees a contaminated information, this information will quickly be used in his social circle to conduct two, three, and even endless people in his social circle.The spread of the second.

Information cocoons have brought a sense of identity of the community, allowing people to have their own sense of belonging and become a tool for exercising their own strength and influence.This is also a reason why people are pushed.The question is, is the information obtained from this way?To a large extent, this is a fake autonomous choice.On the surface, people voluntarily choose this kind of information, which is actually imposed, but people do not experience the degree of strength.The radical ideas of various original religion -like ideas in the world today, especially the radical ideas of religion, and the empowerment of this Internet technology cannot be separated.

While the Internet interconnects people, it also causes people's atomicization, that is, not related to each other.American German philosopher Hannah Arendt once described how individuals under the authoritarian regime were atomic.Compared with the atomicization of autocraticism in the Internet era, the new type of atomicization is too late.People can compare the social movements of physical society and the radical movement of Internet space, and we can see why.

The social movement of physical society, such as the 1968 revolution in the West, young people have taken the streets and realized the true interaction between people, people and groups, people and society, people and the government.This interaction affects people's actual life, making many people go to society, creating a real era.

But what kind of social movement is in the Internet era?The social movement of virtual space seems to be much easier than the physical society, and it can also cause greater destructive power.However, the social movement of virtual space is more than the physical society of French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon.It is difficult to say that participants can develop a sense of identity and belonging like physical social movement participants.This is why the contemporary society movement is so easy to happen, but except for showing their destructive power, there is no reasons for the constructive results.

Interpersonal atomicization endangers social existence

Atomicization is more manifested in people's daily life.Today, a common phenomenon is that the more connected with the Internet (especially social media), the farther from real people, groups and society.People can use social media to interact, but they are a lonely individual.In many places, especially in society with high urbanization, people can survive relying on the Internet without leaving home (such as Internet celebrities, live broadcasts, takeaway and the like).The otaku and house girls have rapidly expanded.

This is also the same in Asia, which has been regarded as a group or collective society.Japan already has millions of otakus, and this trend has more or less other Asian society.The behavior of these groups can completely subvert the traditional concepts. Their all -in -one life concepts include daily life, marriage, sex, fertility, etc., all seem to be completely running counter to the traditional society.Their behavior has had a huge impact on the existing society.For example, their prevailing unmarried or even asexual concept of life even pose the greatest threat to the survival and development of society.In other words, not only economic factors, but also technical factors that promote the rapid aging of Asian society.

In the economic life of the Internet era, people also unknowingly abandon their autonomy and let the supplier decide their own needs.Today, except for a few people, the vast majority of people do not have their own choices about their economic life, but people are cloudy, and they are dusty.Many choices, brands, and low prices are selected by the product.At the same time, these products purchased by people lack the social nature of the past.In the past, because people lived in a physical society, wearing clothes was social; but now they live in the virtual world, they are not social, and no one knows anyone anyway.Indeed, many people will expose themselves in the virtual space, but in addition to prove that they are in the virtual world, what else can they explain?

The same is true of political life.On the one hand, the Internet makes the quiet revolution may be frequent. Whether in a democratic country or in a non -democratic country, the color revolution has become the norm.Before long, the Internet was regarded as the most effective weapon to launch a color revolution in the non -democratic countries in Western democracy. In fact, this is indeed the case.The West has launched many successful colors revolution in the non -democratic country with the Internet.But today, this color revolution often occurs within the West.

In recent years, traditional Western political parties have gradually been marginalized by the Internet, and more and more outsiders of Politburo have entered the political stage.They do not need a political party platform, rely on an interconnectionThe network platform can defeat politicians who rely on traditional political parties.The problem is that Internet politics has lost the constructiveness of traditional politics.Outsiders of the Politburo can use the Internet to board the power position, but it is difficult to rely on the Internet to govern the country, because governing the country still occurs in a physical society.No matter in democracy or in a non -democratic society, the destruction of Internet politics has been fully emerged, but where does the constructiveness come from?

What's even worse is that in the Internet world, people have lost their sense of authenticity and cannot distinguish themselves in the physical world and themselves in the virtual world.Every moment the Internet is producing a beautiful seductive trap.For example, while more and more people like others, they design a beautiful trap for others.They arbitrarily lure others, create and collect evidence of others, and frame others at will.Recently, a associate professor at China University of Electronic Science and Technology was trapped by the students and was reported by the students after making improper evaluation of the four major inventions of China.However, this is definitely not a special case. Similar examples are endless in real life.When framed by various environments and motivations, and becoming no cost, evil goes well.

Anarchy or new autocratic choice

Social media is a paradise for false news.A common phenomenon is: the more sensational and vulgar news, the more popular social media, the more you can spread quickly and widely.Some people are preconceived. They do not want to know the truth of the facts, and they don't care whether there is the truth. For them, everything is just a consumption, including the dignity and honor of others.For some other people, once the false news spreads, it is the real news.In particular, for some people, only through manufacturing and dissemination of false news can they express their dissatisfaction with the world.Fake news is completely free in the full and free virtual world, and the evils of human nature have changed without any concealment.

Therefore, some people say that in the Internet world, goodness does not overwhelm evil, and it is not evil.Although good can exist, it is easy to disappear.Evil not only exists, but also has no balance.Although countries are trying to regulate and regulate the virtual world through Internet legislation, from the perspective of human nature, there is no enough reason to believe that the invisible evil of the Internet world can be effectively governed by the tangible government.

Indeed, the governance of the government has become a problem.Today, the government is regarded as the eldest brother, and more and more government is not trusted by society.The low trust or distrust of the government has also contributed to huge difficulties in Internet supervision today. The power to dominate the Internet fell into the hands of capital and business.On the surface, people think that they are liberated from political power, at least to gain complete freedom in the virtual space, but in fact, it may be just the opposite. People are slavered by capital and are also used by capital to be slavered by others.Or slavery others.

To a large extent, today's Internet world, if it continues to be effective governance and supervision, the relationship between people in this world will soon approach the modern British philosopher Thomas Hobbes Institute.Described the non -governmental status of the people's war, or the existentialism said that others are the state of hell.Hobbes believes that people cannot endure this kind of anarchic state for a long time; in order to end this kind of anarchy, people are willing to transfer their rights to form a strong government and make the government provide order.For Hobbes, no matter what the autocratic government, it is better than anarchy.

What will happen today's Internet world?If you cannot establish a order that most people can accept, it may be a choice that is not the other or the other, or to endure anarchy or transform into a new type of autocraticism.If people cannot bear anarchy, they will eventually give up their own rights and let the new type of autocracy appear.Although some people like unrestrained freedom, for many people, the order under autocoring may be better than that of everyone's fought anarchy.Can the Internet promote another reincarnation of history?People wait and see.

The author is a professor at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore's National University

The article only represents personal point of view