Author: Shen Shiwei

Japan will send debt management experts for the deterioration of African fiscal situation.

At the 7th Tokyo Africa International Conference (TICAD VI) held in Hengbin, Japan, the promise of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech created a historic precedent in his speech.In addition, Japan promises to provide Africa with more than $ 20 billion (S $ 27.7 billion) private investment and $ 8 billion in government loans in the next three years.

For the time being, we will not discuss how Japan will implement huge private investment in the next three years.In 2016, Japan's International Conference on Development and Africa's Development in Kenya proposed that government and private enterprises will plan to invest US $ 30 billion in Africa in the next three years. The implementation of today is still to be observed.

For a long time, obtaining African natural resources and market potential through accurate economic and trade exchanges is one of Japan's main strategic goals for Africa.Relying on the private sector to engage in economic development is one of Japan's policy policy for African and trade cooperation since the first Tokyo Africa Development Conference in 1991.Since the 1960s, experts have been sent to implement a mechanism for non -assistance to non -assistance, and now it has changed.

Experts of dispatch debt management: Japan's long -term intended to mean long

Japan has sent experts to African countries to participate in local policy formulation for many years, which is particularly reflected in refined research.

The Japan International Unit (JICA) and the Youth Cooperation Team have engaged in a large number of field surveys in Africa all year round, and have formed considerable first -hand information, laying a solid foundation for the Japanese government and enterprises to make decisions.

When I work in some African countries, the author finds that Japanese financial experts will use the support projects of Japan's international coordinated agencies or other cooperation mechanisms, and serve as a consultant consultation in the financial department of some African countries to provide support for local policies.The non -summit of the non -summit was proposed to send debt management experts on this day, and it seemed that the water was complete.

At present, some African countries have increased economic downlink pressure, and some countries even face the risk of rising debt climbing and increasing repayment pressure.However, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed concern about some African countries' incompetent status, and mentioned China in a speech involved in debt issues, highlighting that Japan's funds provided by Japan pay attention to the sustainable and transparent debt of the debt.refer to.In this regard, some African leaders did not recognize Abe's point of view.

According to Reuters on the 30th, Adehine, president of Africa Development Bank, emphasized that China has not tried to pull Africa into debt trap.Earlier, the President of Africa Development Bank countered a series of discreditation of China -Africa cooperation on multiple occasions.At the Summit of the Africa on the day, he once again said that China and other countries have provided important investment to Africa to fill the funding gap in important infrastructure projects.Adehner called for not to compete with each other in Japan, but should play a complementary role.

It is true that Japan knows it is difficult to compete with China in terms of financing.But in some specific fields, Japan strives to accurately layout.For example, the largest port of East Africa, which is built by Japanese companies and built by Japanese companies, and the second phase of the project construction of the Barcelona Port No. 2 container Pier, Kenya.

In February 2015, Japan and Kenya governments signed a loan agreement of 24.7 billion Kenye Primary Loans (S $ 331 million), which is the largest single loan provided by Kenya since Japan and Kenya's 1963 establishment of diplomatic relations in 1963.The Japanese government promised to raise a 50 billionth pioneer to the project.In addition, Japan in East Africa, such as Kenya, actively participate in geothermal energy development.

In 2012, Japan International Unit (JICA) and Kenya Power Corporation signed a 29.5 billion yen of loan agreement to develop Kenya Geothermal Energy.This is also the first time that the Japanese international cooperative agencies use climate change to provide loans to southern African countries in Sahara.

When some African countries are facing debt difficulties, Japan has a different approach. On the one hand, it will increase support for Africa's government development assistance (ODA) and encourage private investment.The purpose of research and planning is to have influence on African countries and industries that are urgently needed for external funds and cooperation in production capacity.

In addition, Japan's mechanism for the development of international conferences in Tokyo Africa has strengthened cooperation with multilateral institutions such as the United Nations on the issue of African Africa.At the same time, Asia and European and American countries, as well as non -governmental organizations, are invited to participate.Not only is it convenient for Japan to win the support and collaboration of all parties in African assistance and financing support, but also to a certain extent on the windmill of other countries to Africa.

Increase non -layout: obtain resources and markets to seek political power status

The seventh Tokyo African development international conference is the first day and African summit to enter the order of the times.

Before the summit was held, the Japanese government and the largest economic groups in Japan formed a government -civilian agreement with the largest economic groups, the Economic Same Friends Association, and the relevant people of SMEs to study related policies.EssenceThe core topic is to obtain resource protection and potential markets for Japan through economic cooperation, while seeking to obtain a political power status through normal entry.

Through accurate layout, mining and oil and gas development and export vehicles have become the core of Japan -African economic and trade activities.However, in recent years, affected by the decline in the price of international commodities and the fluctuation of the international financial market, some African countries have encountered some difficulties in the development of African countries.Extreme terrorism, extreme climate, weak exports, and Ebola epidemic have brought challenges to non -economic and trade cooperation in foreign countries, and Japanese -African trade has also been affected.

Data show that after Japan -Africa trade increased from US $ 8.8 billion in 2001 to a high level of US $ 34.5 billion in 2008, it fell to $ 16.5 billion in 2017.Although it has picked up in 2018 and reached more than $ 20 billion, the foundation of sustainable trade is still weak.

To this end, the Japanese government intends to increase policy support through the integration of officials and civilians, and encourage Japanese companies to invest in Africa, especially to consolidate Japan's influence on African fulcrum countries through development aid and financing loans.

Investment data shows that the growth rate of Japan's cumulative direct investment in Africa in recent years has been considerable. From US $ 3.9 billion in 2007 to about $ 10 billion in 2016, it has added 1,000 new non -investment to Africa each year.Japan's companies operating in Africa increased from 520 in 2010 to 796 in 2017.Among them, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, and Mozambique are economically developed or rich in mineral resources, and have become Japan's main investment destinations, occupying Japan's main share of Africa.

However, some African countries have quite opinions on Japan's extremely unbalanced investment distribution in Africa.Although Japan has repeatedly claimed that the Japanese government will preach Japan to African countries to support non -support is high -quality and does not target resource plundering as the goal, mining and oil and gas resources are still the two major areas of Japan's most non -investment.

The Japanese company Mitsubishi Commercial has invested in Mozambique for many years, and has now developed as one of the largest industries in Mozambique.At the 2016 Kenya Summit, Abe announced that it provided a $ 570 million loan for natural gas Monbica for natural gas development, which aroused great attention.In addition, Japan also invested in projects such as coal mines, oil and gas fields, ports and railways in Africa. For example, in the Declaration of this summit, the construction of the Mozambique Caran Corridor, including the construction of ports and coal construction participated by Japanese companies.

In terms of trade, cars are the main products for non -exports in Japan over the past decade.

In Africa, the most direct sense of existence in Japan comes from the streets with Japanese vehicles such as Toyota and Nissan. Japanese electronics products sold in the shops, infrastructure projects supported by some supporting countries such as Kenya, and some water well plans in the countryside.And from time to time in newspapers, Japan International Unit (JICA) recruits local staff or volunteers.

At the same time, localization is also the focus of Japanese companies in Africa in recent years.For example, Honda set up a motorcycle assembly plant in Nigeria and Kenya.Panasonic opened the first consumer interaction center in the East Africa region in Nairobi, Kenya, thereby enhancing brand visibility and consumer loyalty.During the permanent residence of Africa, the author will go to Toyota and Nissan to deploy complete production, sales and service networks in more than 50 countries in Africa.

In recent years, through the concept of strengthening Africa's rights and partnerships in recent years, shaping the image of their own non -Western donors, and successfully improving influence on non -influence, it should better help Africa to achieve durable peace and peace and benefit from the way of equality and mutual benefit.Autonomous sustainable development, rather than using Africa to curb the development of other countries or clip geopolitical and private goods.After all, at the Tokyo African Development International Conference held in Africa in 2016, African countries have clearly opposed the politics of the forum.At this year's conference, some leaders of the participating countries also refers to China's debt issues that are quite dissatisfied with China's debt issues.