In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping creatively proposed the great concept of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong, and highly autonomous autonomy.In 1997, Hong Kong returned to China smoothly.During the 2014 Occupation Movement, whether the author will be better in Hong Kong tomorrow (Lianhe Zaobao October 29, 2014) prediction, accounting may marked the beginning of the era of citizens' resistance.Essence

Nowadays, the Pearl of Oriental is depressed because of the again in the chaos. The two camps are struggling with each other. Various forces are fighting and fighting, each saying each other, and does not give each other.During this sensitive period, most people believe that silence is gold.Especially for outsiders in our bureau, no matter what we say, it is estimated that they are slightly lighter; no matter what, I am afraid that they will offend people.

However, the life and death of the Gou Lili country should be driven by the disaster and blessing.According to the author's observation, although the current chaos in Hong Kong is extremely fragile and intricate, it can be summarized by one country and two governance, Hong Kong -made people Hong Kong, and highly self -made.Among them, the two governances of one country are from the head; the Hong Kong people are painful; the high degree of self -control is the way out.

First of all, the two governances of one country are from the head, that is, the existence of two governance systems within a country lays a foreshadowing.As Professor Zheng Yongnian, a professor at the East Asian Research Institute of the National University of Singapore, said, there is only one mdash; mdash; who is the main in Hong Kong; who is Hong Kong?The lack of political subjects in Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people failed to fully and effectively manage Hong Kong.Professor Wang Xiwu, a well -known Chinese historian, further pointed out that in fact, since the Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong has been a traditional hotbed against China's governing power. In addition, the British education system has continued. Hong Kong people have a very different understanding of patriotism and democracy.

Many Hong Kong people have not caught a cold for a country, emphasizing the two systems one -sided, and in reality, they value the two governances, that is, Hong Kong's independent governance system.Although Article 2 of the Hong Kong Basic Law has clearly stipulated that the National People's Congress authorized the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to implement a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the provisions of this Law, and enjoy administrative power, legislative power, independent judicial power and final trial power.However, how high the degree of autonomy should be in Hong Kong, and the game of various forces has never been interrupted. This is why true and anti -repair examples can attract so many people to take the streets.

Secondly, Hong Kong people (delegation) Hong Kong is a pain point, that is, young people in Hong Kong are more enthusiastic about resisting the Hong Kong Government Police, which is distressed.Regardless of whether it is dominated or anti -repair, young people in Hong Kong are pioneers.They were shot by a group of unscrupulous people with ulterior motives, and they were tompied to charge others, so they were satirical as waste of green (meaning waste youth).This confuses the outside world: Why is Hong Kong young people who have been regarded as the pride of heaven, and they are becoming more and more violent?

Some opinions believe that young people in Hong Kong are difficult to go upstairs due to high property prices. It is difficult to get up due to the solidification of the class. Only when they are on the street, especially when they have money on the street, they can easily be fooled and act as they are.EssenceIndeed, under the summary of democracy and freedom, young people in Hong Kong in unknown Hong Kong wrapped up the difficulty of going upstairs and the difficulty of the upper position, and naturally sprinkled the gas on the Hong Kong government and the Hong Kong police that was the first to be the first to be the mainland and the mainland.The central government, this really hurts the relatives, the enemy is fast.

Young people represent the future. If they really have to be abolished, the future of Hong Kong is worrying; if young people have lost their direction, the whole society will be difficult to blame.People from all walks of life in Hong Kong should ask themselves: Why can't we care, take care of, and educate young people?Of course, young people in Hong Kong should also reflect on themselves: Can Don Quixote -style struggle really fight a better future for themselves?

In the end, a high degree of self -control (balance) is the way out, that is, the self -checks and balances of Hong Kong society are ideal.After a few months, it seems that it is still difficult to calm down in the chaos in Hong Kong. Many people have been muttering: When will the central government send troops to chaos?The author believes that it is unlikely.On the one hand, it is unnecessary, because the situation is controllable, Hong Kong independence is just a dream, and the anti -China is even more like a tree. The current chaos in Hong Kong is a public security incident in the region, at most it is a Hong Kong trouble or Hong Kong disaster.

On the other hand, it is not worth it, because it is endless. If the PLA and the Hong Kong people confront each other, they may directly detonate the Pandora box, which will directly detonate the hatred of the people in the two places.The mouse taboo, the Beijing Central Government should continue to attract without hair, concentrate on cracking down on the scenes behind the scenes and western forces behind the scenes of chaos.We believe that the Hong Kong government and police are determined and capable of flatness, and also believe that the public in Hong Kong has the willingness and wisdom to shake hands.

Stones from other hills, can learn.As the former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen advised, as Sun Wukong could not turn out of the palm of Rulai, Hong Kong's social fantasies would lead to tragedy. Hong Kong people should focus on the future of 2047.Therefore, Hong Kong's chaos should be closed, and it will be accepted when you see it!

(The author is a Chinese independence writer who lives in Singapore)