01 Viewpoint

Indonesia (Indonesia) West Papua (West Papua) has recently fell into the streets and alleys because of the surplus of colonialism.The incident originated from students who were dissatisfied with the police who were suspected of abuse of the Papua people. However, it later evolved into a large -scale conflict and detonated the independent sound of accumulating accumulation for half a century.Internet.The reason why Sibaba appeared in the chaos today is more or less reflecting the decline of Decolonization after the establishment of the United Nations.

In 1945, the end of the Second World War was over, and the international community realized that under an uncontrollable state, national interaction must build a complete set of codes of conduct to reduce the historical normal of war as a political extension.In the same year, the United Nations was established based on this concept and reshaped the order of international relations.When the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1514 and 1966 in the UN General Assembly resolution, all people have the right to self -determination. This discussion has become the basis for the extension of anti -colonial campaigns.The list of independence of the colonial country and the people,#8943;#8943; must stop all armed operations and suppression measures against the people of the affiliated countries to enable them to exercise their full independent rights peacefully and freely;Respect the integrity of their national territory, and the exercise of rights peacefully means that the colonists can referery and determine the future destiny of the nation.

Since the establishment of the United Nations, there have been more than 80 pre-colonies and about 750 million people have been liberated. Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT), which have not yet been colonized, have not yet completed the remaining 17.However, even if the arrangement of colonization, like Sibaba, has long been completed, it does not mean that it can be exchanged for long -term stability and fairness and justice. In the near future, the situation has gradually heated up.

In 1961, the Netherlands was ready to withdraw from the colonies.However, the new and independent Indonesian time is at a targeted time, advocating sovereignty over Westbabia, causing Indonesia, the Netherlands and local Aboriginal people to conflict.The following year, under the involvement of the United Nations, the Netherlands and Indonesia signed the New York Agreement. The two parties agreed that the Papua people could determine their political status by freely select the bill (that is, citizen voting).

However, the referendum is as absurd as a big blunt film.In the referendum held in 1969, the Indonesian military carefully selected 1,026 leaders, on behalf of all Papuas to decide the future, threatening them to be in danger of life if they vote.In fact, since 1963, many aboriginal people have been monitored and intimidated by the Indonesian authorities. They are living in fear, and more than 400,000 Babans have been killed because they seek liberation.This unjust history has not only become the basis of the independence of the Westbabians, but also exacerbated the current intensity of conflicts.When the sibalization of Sibaba did not mean that peace has come, it also breeds the Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM).

Stepping into the 21st century, colonialism is already a consciousness that people have reached, but the de -colonization plan that was recklessly implemented in the last century indirectly gave birth to many chaos in the world, and the masterpieces of the middle of the middle are Berford in 1917.Balfour Declaration.In the then British Foreign Minister Arthur James Balfour, the Jewish leader Lionel Walter Rothschild letters, except for most of the public customs, the full text was only 67 words.The people of the Jewish nation in Palestine.Although letters are not allowed to damage civilian, religious and political rights that are not non -Jews, this short -term critical impact on the history of the Middle East has a profound impact, and it has also buried the seeds of clashes in Pakistan.

The norms and interpretations of international law on the norms of colonization and national independence are not perfect, but it still has a certain guiding role. The United Nations Charter is one of them.The charter not only emphasizes#8943;#8943; respect for the human rights and basic freedom of all human beings (Article 1), but also requires member states to resolve international disputes with peace methods (Article 2).This set of humanistic concepts are obsessed with the jungle law that opposes the will of others with violence.Unfortunately, more than half a century after the charter came out, there are still many bullies and barbaric behaviors in this world.