China Central Radio and Television General Studies International Relief

Aiming at the U.S. Trade Representative Office announced that it will impose a 10%tariff in two batches of approximately US $ 300 billion (S $ 416.1 billion) from China (Note: Trump, USA has said it will increase to 15%), China Weekly5 (23rd) announced that in accordance with the basic principles of relevant Chinese laws and regulations and the basic principles of international law, it was decided to impose 10%and 5%tariffs on 5078 tax items native to the United States, about 75 billion US dollars of imported goods.It was implemented on September 1st and December 15th; it was decided to recover 25%and 5%tariffs on cars and components native to the United States. It was implemented on December 15 this year.

This is a necessary countermeasure to deal with US unilateralism and trade protectionism.Some people in the United States held up the tariffs and seriously violated the consensus of the Argentine meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States and the consensus of the Osaka meeting. It deviated from the correct track of solving the differences through consultation, which led to the continuous upgrade of Sino -US economic and trade frictions, which was not good for others.China conducts countermeasures, reasonable and legitimate, which once again uses actual actions to indicate that any extreme pressure is useless to China. China ’s countermeasures say it.

According to the US -announced list of tariffs on US $ 300 billion in China, 60%of the products are products with more than 75%of the imports of the United States, which means that compared with the first two rounds, the United States imposed tariffs on this round.The products of goods are more dependent on the Chinese market, and the impact on American companies and consumers is more serious.The United States has recently levied tariffs on some Chinese goods, fully explaining that there is no winner in the trade war.However, as long as the tariffs are not canceled, it will inevitably harm the interests of the Chinese side. China take countermeasures to resolutely defend the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people.

From the perspective of specific measures, China ’s countercroof is accurate and rational.Taking agricultural products as an example, China is the largest overseas market in the United States.In 2017, 57%of the US export soybean was sold to China, but since 2018, due to the number of tariffs on multiple rounds of tariffs on the United States and Chinese countermeasures, the proportion of exports of US exports in China has decreased sharply to 17.9%of its exports.After the Sino -U.S. dollar in Osaka, China has made a lot of progress in the procurement of American soybeans in accordance with domestic demand and market principles. However, the United States has once again gone back and rejuvenated, completely destroying the necessary conditions for Sino -US to continue agricultural trade.According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the US inventory soybean will reach a record high on August 31.This time, the US soybean will lose the price advantage and it is even more difficult to enter the Chinese market. This result is regrettable.

In addition, US crude oil was first included in the Chinese countermeasures.Last year, the United States became the world's largest oil -producing country, and China was its third largest crude oil export destination, accounting for 11%.Since 2019, China ’s import proportion has fallen to 2.6%since the US’ s upgrade trade friction.U.S. crude oil is imposed on tariffs, which will undoubtedly reduce competitive advantages in the Chinese market and harm the interests of US oil companies.

As the world's largest automotive market, China has significantly reduced the import tariffs on automotive vehicles and components since July 1, 2018. However, American car and component manufacturers have not obtained this benefit, but have become victims of the United States for multiple tariffs.According to statistics, in 2018, the number of US exports to China (including passenger cars and light cards) decreased by 37.5%.After the consensus of the Senior and US dollar Argentina at the end of last year, China suspended tariffs on cars and components native to the United States.However, the United States has repeatedly upgraded economic and trade frictions and departed from the consensus of the two heads of state. China has to restore tariffs on U.S. cars and components, and American car companies have once again become victims of the trade war.

Only two hours after the introduction of Chinese countermeasures, Navarro, a White House trading consultant, stated that the scale of China's counter -tariffs should not be worried about the stock market.However, in fact, the three major US stock indexes fell after the opening, which just shows that the market is concerned about the upgrading of Sino -US economic and trade friction.

There is no winner in the trade war. When the Chinese side implements countermeasures, it adheres to the people as the center, takes into account both internal and external, and fully considers domestic people's benefits and corporate tolerance.Based on this, China has decided to exclude some of the people who are related to the health of the people in the United States in addition to the tariff list, while continuing to carry out the exclusion of tariffs on the United States and plus the United States.This fully shows that the Chinese countermeasures are restrained rationally, the purpose is to reduce the impact of countermeasures on the people and enterprises due to the implementation of countermeasures.

For the trade war, China has repeatedly stated its attitude: unwilling to fight, not afraid of fighting, and if necessary.This resolute countermeasure shows that the attitude of China has never changed.For Sino -US economic and trade differences, China is willing to solve cooperation in cooperation, but it will never give up on major principles. It will be resolutely accompanied by tariff pressure. The United States should not have any misjudgment of this!