Industrial and Commercial Times Society

Just as Hong Kong's anti -repair example protests the storms fall into a continuous but unable to stop, the mainland has recently announced documents on supporting Shenzhen to build a pre -demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The content focuses on supporting Shenzhen in the development of emerging strategic industries, promoting Shenzhen and Hong Kong and Macao financial markets, and policy beef first, and the first trial of RMB.

In response to this initiative on the mainland, the interpretation of the outside world could not help but think that this is a countermeasure thrown on the official solving the Hong Kong issue in the mainland.However, if a deeper thinking and interpretation, it also covers the effect of the central government who wants to guide due to potential guidance and take the effect of the crisis.If this is the case, its influence will not be limited to resolving the contradiction between Hong Kong and China, but it will also expand to Taiwan, and even Singapore may be affected.

Doing such an interpretation is neither alarmist nor a sense of worry.May wish to look at the five major points covered by this document one by one.

First of all, the development goals set by this document are expected to build Shenzhen into a modern and international innovative city; then by 2035, Shenzhen will become a city example of the mainland to build a socialist modern power; and to the end ofIn the middle of this century, Shenzhen will become a global benchmark city with excellent influence.

Looking at the three schedules marked by the document, the first time is only 6 years, and it can soon verify whether it meets the standard as scheduled.In fact, the second time has only been confirmed in 16 years.If you look at the experience of Taiwan, the top ten constructions launched during the period of Jiang Jingguo's administration in the early years can basically be achieved smoothly as scheduled.However, during the period of Lee Teng -hui, Chen Shui -bian, Ma Ying -jeou, and Tsai Ing -wen, of course, there were also various national large -scale construction plans for various names, but their performance was not only comparable to the top ten constructions, but even new bottles were constantly using new bottles.Old wine, but performing performance is terrible.

On the other hand, when the mainland promotes the national construction plan, regardless of the Shanghai Pudong New District, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Tianjin Binhai New District, and now the Xiong'an New District, it can basically be said.Here, although there is no need to expand the differences in cross -strait performance, whether it is related to the advantages and disadvantages of the cross -strait system. However, through this opportunity, Shenzhen has the existing basic scale and further reborn.

Some people may think that even in the visible future, it is transformed into a global benchmarking city that has influence. How can this do with Hong Kong, Taiwan and even Singapore?The answer is actually the focus of the development of the new Shenzhen Demonstration Zone, which will be focused on the development of financial openness and emerging industries.

In terms of financial openness, the focus includes staged first promoting the interconnection of interconnection with the Hong Kong and Macao financial markets and mutual recognition of financial products, and then it will promote the first trial of RMB internationalization, support Shenzhen pilot deepening management reform, and support the development of digital positionsCurrency research and action payment.From the content of this plan, it can be seen that the goal of the CCP authorities is to gradually construct Shenzhen to become a position that is enough to replace Hong Kong and become an international financial center. In the end, it is that the internationalization of the RMB is enough to resist the US dollar.In this view, not only Hong Kong's current international financial center status will be gradually replaced, including Singapore, and even the United States will be affected or facing new challenges.As for Taiwan, once the status of Shenzhen International Financial Center is implemented, the amount of funds for Taiwan in Hong Kong, where to go, obviously must be planned!

In addition, in the development of emerging industries, the fields cover include 5G, artificial intelligence, and biomedical health industries. These areas can be said to be the focus of competing for research and development.But objectively, Shenzhen is actually a heavy town of the maintenance of the artificial intelligence industry in the maintenance of the mainland, and the research and development of the biomedical and health industry has changed the structural change of China's unhappy and old.The effect should not be underestimated.

As for the other two key points, international talents who will allow permanent residence qualifications will be allowed to establish scientific and technological enterprises in Shenzhen and serve as legal representatives of scientific research institutions in Shenzhen.Its future results depends on whether China can transform in democracy and rule of law, but talents including Hong Kong, Star, and Taiwan may become a block for its magnetic effect.It is promised to allow the people of Hong Kong and Macao to enjoy the treatment of citizens in Shenzhen. To some extent, it has its irony effect, but it is also equivalent to the official self -period to allow the current development indicators of socialism with Chinese characteristics to enter the new era.The global benchmark cities can have a close effect on the people of Hong Kong and Macao and international talents.

In summary, the mainland planning support will build Shenzhen into a pre -demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics. The purpose is obviously not only the impact of resolving the impact of the Hong Kong counterparting China movement.Testing stone.If Taiwan thinks that things are not close to themselves, they will continue to indulge in the endless party fighting and society to tear. The time will eventually make a final ruling. Then it will be awakened and regrets.