If the United States signed an administrative memorandum on August 14, 2017 to review the so -called Chinese trade behavior, and then start the 301 investigation, the Sino -US economic and trade frictions from the United States have continued for two years.< /span>

In the past two years, the game between China and the United States has been ups and downs, full of various changes.< /span>

Talk and talk.< /span>

On the evening of August 13, when the United States upgraded the friction situation, when the global market was weaker in China and the United States, the news of the leaders of China and the United States was also reported.

On the evening of August 13, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Vice Premier of the State Council, and the Chinese and American comprehensive economic dialogue, the leader of the Chinese leader Liu He, should speak with the US trade representative Leitheizer and the Minister of Finance Mnuchin.China strictly negotiated the tariffs on China's export of goods in the United States on September 1 on September 1.The two sides agreed to speak again in the next two weeks.Minister of Commerce Zhongshan, Yi Gang, president of the People's Bank of China, and Ning Jizhen, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, attended the call.< /span>

Compared with the previously led news, this time the content is much rich.< /span>

From the perspective of the two words in response to, the United States proposed that the phone communication highlight the pressure caused by the difficulty of digesting and tariffs in the United States in the short term.< /span>

On the one hand, the United States' initiative to call is probably a short -term strategic behavior, mainly focusing on the domestic financial market in the United States.This can be seen from the recent performance of the US stock market and the market response after the two parties call.< /span>

On the other hand, this is not a negative effect of extreme pressure on the US market, and the performance of American behavior gradually returns to rational return.< /span>

U.S. Trade Representative Office (USTR) shortly after the call, it issued a statement of US $ 300 billion in goods tariffs, eliminating some goods, and some goods were extended to the tariffs to be postponed on December 15.< /span>

Foreign media generally believes that the move means that the United States acknowledges US $ 300 billion in tariffs to hurt American consumers.< /span>

According to Reuters on the 13th, President Trump gave a concession on September 1 on September 1 to impose a 10%tariff plan for US $ 300 billion in Chinese transmission to the United States, postponing mobile phones, laptops, and many other consumer products.Taxes can avoid affecting sales at the end of the year.< /span>

Bloomberg analysis of the data imported from China last year from Bloomberg showed that the US Trade Representative Office decided to increase the value of Chinese transmission and the United States with a 10%tariff on September 1st.The value of this type of Chinese -American transmission of 10%tariffs is about 160 billion US dollars, and another $ 2 billion products are removed from the initial taxation list.< /span>

The analysis of the British Financial Times shows that the value of these Chinese transfers to the United States in the United States that the United States has postponed in December is about 156 billion US dollars, exceeding half of the previously added $ 300 billion in China to the United States.< /span>

According to the US media Axios, President Trump told reporters on the same day that some of the delayed tariffs came into effect to alleviate the impact on retailers and consumers.Influence.< /span>

The next step of the United States remains to be observed.< /span>

In fact, China and the United States have been talking for so long, and some of the United States still have traces.< /span>

The rational behavior of the United States often depends on two factors mdash; mdash; < /span>

From the inside, the greater the US market and economic trend, the greater the possibility of regression of its policy regression.From the outside, China ’s firm attitude and position will also put pressure on the United States.< /span>

Last night's leader's call transmitted such information.< /span>

From the content of the news, China is extremely rare to use such diplomatic wording such as solemnly.< /span>

Message content has both serious and positive meaning.< /span>

Saying seriousness is because of communication in the field of economic and trade, and it is rarely used to negotiate such diplomatic words.< /span>

The Sino -US trade war talks for so long. This should be the first time that China has used this way to show attitudes.< /span>

Why?< /span>

The United States claims to impose tariffs on September 1st, which is a dishonesty that violates the consensus of the first Osaka consensus in China and the United States.< /span>

Economic and trade consultation, without basic credit guarantees, other issues cannot be talked about.If this behavior is not corrected, it will inevitably cause serious obstacles to Sino -US consultations.< /span>

Therefore, the serious attitude of China rarely used diplomatic words to use diplomatic words is unquestionable.< /span>

To be positive, it is to show the communication channels of both parties to the outside world.For the market, this is a recent positive signal.< /span>

The two sides agreed to call again in the next two weeks < /span>

It is now in mid -August, within the next two weeks, before September 1.< /span>

To make progress during this time, it mainly depends on the actions of the United States.< /span>

No longer imposed new tariffs on Chinese export products, which is the promise of the United States when meeting in Osaka.< /span>

By violating this commitment, the foundation of equality and mutual respect does not exist, and other things cannot be talked about.< /span>

Only when returning to the Sino -US dollar Osaka meeting consensus, on the basis of equality and mutual respect, Sino -US economic and trade consultations can continue to be effectively carried out.< /span>

In addition, China also participated in the call, the Minister of Commerce Zhongshan, the president of the People's Bank of China Yi Gang, and the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission Ning Jizhen.< /span>

Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, and People's Bank of China, these three major doors have purchased the US agricultural products some time ago, and the United States has spoken to my country to manipulate the country's labels and other issues.< /span>

I don't know if this call is involved in related content?< /span>

In fact, at this time, the outside world should not have any fantasies in the Chinese position.< /span>

China does not want to fight, not afraid of fighting, and have to fight if necessary.< /span>

This position covers the sincerity of full communication, announcing the will of forced but resolutely countermeasures.In the final analysis, it is highlighted that China has resolutely developing its determination.< /span>

How to go next step is actually very clear.< /span>

If you return to the Sino -US dollar Osaka meeting consensus, then on the basis of equality and mutual respect, consultations still hope to advance forward.< /span>

If you still hold the limit on the limit, even even if all the products from China have been exported to the United States are imposed on tariffs, the purpose of the United States will still not be achieved.< /span>

This position has not changed.< /span>

Unchanged, it should be changed.< /span>

(What signals are the original titles?)