Tujing Pickle

Watching China Central Television News Broadcast is that many media workers need to do every day in Chinese media workers. Due to the seriousness and seriousness of the news, it is easy to look at it when they look at it.However, the Sino -US trade war has been upgraded in the near month, and the anchors are lingering, but it makes people refreshing.

Spray rice, grievances, rumors, shame, shit sticks, running trains, tire tires hellip; hellip; these are not like words that will appear in the dignitaries.Breaking out, there is only one object of such fancy scolding: the United States.

According to the press release from one of the anchors, some people in the United States with the mentality of grievances, the mentality of seeing people is unbalanced, and the tires are tires.As a stirring stick; and the US hardliners call the U.S. political system to China, politics is normal, and war is an exception. China is the opposite. This view is absurd.

The news network is regarded by the outside world as the vane of observing Chinese politics. It is also a platform for promoting the construction and achievements of the party and the country. The dignified anchor of the manner reads a very vulgar international review. No wonder some netizens want to ask: This is what I know.Is the news network?

This series of unexpected scolding sentences have set off a small carnival in Chinese public opinion recently, and quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list.Netizens joked: This is a drama I want to chase!CCTV is too rigid.I feel relieved to see the motherland so horizontally.

But behind this carnival is a cooler reality.Sino -US trade negotiations have been deadlocked for more than a year, and they are as stalemate like a drama; US President Trump announced last week that China ’s exports of US $ 300 billion (new 412.9 billion yuan) were taxed.Even Sino -US relations pour a bucket of cold water.On the road of twists and turns, as the official news webcast of China's official speaker, it is an alternative window for observing the trend of Sino -US relations.

In the early days of the trade war, the anchors more euphemistically talking about Sino -US trade frictions.It was not until May of this year that Trump announced the tax on $ 200 billion in Chinese goods that the term trade war was more clear. The launch of a trade war in the United States was just a hurdle in the process of China's development. It was not a big deal!Waiting for more domineering and straightforward words, it is also interpreted as a stronger public counterattack in China.Today, the wording used to attack the United States is not only tough, but also becomes sharp and sour. Wen Ya also gave up, reflecting that China and the United States are further tearing their faces.The news network is not only refuting, but also abandoned, ridiculed and abused the United States.

This will definitely bring the impact on Sino -US relations beyond trade.After all, scolding the United States and Americans is a grievance woman and shit sticks. It seems to surpass professional news and diplomatic languages, and closer to personal attack -style language.These scolding paragraphs are undoubtedly very grounded and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but it is also more likely to stimulate nationalism and the emotional emotions, and further enlarge the gap between the Chinese and American people.

Since the escalation of the trade war in May this year, Chinese official media expressed the toughness of the Chinese economy and made psychological prevention for the society as much as possible.However, maybe I believe that the economy is not enough, and the relationship between China and the United States has deteriorated further. When the new round of tax increases in the United States and the actions of China as a exchange rate manipulation country exacerbate the outside world's concerns about the decoupling of China and the United States.Cultural attack emphasizes China's moral legitimacy and the relatively lack of morality in the United States. It is a good psychological preset for the more difficult and even broken negotiations, and the possible serious consequences.

Not long ago, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying published an article entitled to occupy the high point of the moral system to enhance the international discourse in studying the Times.Style and Chinese style of words.

The sharp style of news webcast recently is reminiscent of such an attempt.Looking back at spraying rice, grieving women, and stirring sticks, I remembered that Trump pushed the posts that did not publish cards, exaggerated and instigated posts.Not many people should have previously expected that the news network will now add a touch of Trump color, bringing a lot of entertainment and frightening to the people who eat melon.In the final analysis, the trade war is also a public opinion battle.

The Sino -US game could not see the end point. When the negotiations fell into a stagnation again, the News Union played abandoned elegance and scolding, and also revealed the official etiquette and endurance of the official overdrawn.From the perspective of the countless messages of the anchor on Weibo, this scolding scolding has played a certain role in solving qi.What is sighed is that after all, the scolding cannot promote the process of negotiations, and the fundamental contradictions that trouble the two parties are still the same, and it may be deepened by one layer.