Chinese President ... (Figure right) conducted a two -day state visit to North Korea in June this year and met with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un (pictured left).(Reuters)

As the activated stone of the Cold War, the North Korean nuclear issue leverages Northeast Asia's security. China's policy on the North Korea is undoubtedly one of the key fulcrum affecting the direction of the North Korean nuclear issue.From the President of China ... visiting North Korea's trip, it can be glimpsed to the development trend of the North Korean nuclear issue, that is, economic development is the meaning of protecting national security.This has become and will continue to be the focus of the three parties in China, the United States and North Korea around the asymmetric interaction between the North Korean nuclear issues.

The development of nuclear weapons in North Korea is a strategic consideration of closed and introverted national security and breaking the asymmetry of multiple forces.First, the power of the United States and North Korea is asymmetric.Since the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States and North Korea are theoretically in a state of war, because in 1953, it was signed by the suspension agreement instead of a peace agreement.

Second, the regional force pattern is asymmetric transformation.The disintegration of the Soviet Union, China established diplomatic relations with South Korea in 1992, while the United States and Japan's confirmation of North Korea have not realized it.During the Cold War period, the Sino -Soviet camp and the US -Japan -South Korea camp were relatively common, and tilted towards North Korea.

Third, the competitive power of the South Korea and North Korea develops asymmetry.South Korea and North Korea have also obtained seats in the United Nations at the same time, leading in North Korea in the development of the total economic and technological forces, and the national image and international status in mainstream Western media are also better than North Korea.Nuclear weapons are powerful weapons for North Korea to break the asymmetry of strength and ensure national security, and the attractiveness is self -evident.

Nuclear weapons are big kills that North Korea breaks the asymmetry and protect national security, but it is not the only means.In fact, North Korea's development nuclear weapons not only violated the solemn commitment when joining the international nuclear non -diffusion treaty, but also contrary to regional peace and tranquility. Naturally, it was opposed by a large country including China.Sanctions decide.This affects North Korea's thinking on nuclear weapons and national security issues to a certain extent.

But it is the national interest of North Korea.After all, national security is the same as the well -being of the people. Economic security itself constitutes an important content of national security. The development of nuclear weapons tests is obviously consuming that will consume limited national resources.Therefore, after North Korea has piloted the nuclear weapons in substantive tests, the national security strategic route has shifted to focus on economic development, which is reasonable.

The transformation of North Korea ’s national security strategic route is objectively conducive to regional peace. It is naturally welcomed by a large country including China. China and North Korea have disappeared due to the latter's development of nuclear weapons.However, North Korea adheres to the principle of synchronization in the issue of de -nuclearization, and requires de -nuclearization to lift economic sanctions synchronization. The United States hopes that it will instantly achieve nuclearization.forward.These constitute ... the background factor accessing North Korea.

... Visiting North Korea, China and North Korea obviously exchanged in -depth exchanges on nuclear issues and obtained unanimous opinions.China supports the North Korea's implementation of new strategic routes and reasonable concerns; North Korea is willing to be patient and calls on the United States to do each other with North Korea.Therefore, the reasonable concern of North Korea and the economic cooperation between China and North Korea are important parts of the development of China -DPRK relations. It will continue to become the focus of the new round of asymmetric interaction around the Nuclear nuclear issue. The main factors are as follows:

First, the United States and North Korea are not trustworthy, especially North Korea's memory of the United States' weakness in the 1994 nuclear framework agreement, and the United States observing North Korea's prejudice with ideological prisms constitute an important obstacle to dentalization negotiations.Therefore, de -nuclearization is bound to cross the river with stones, step by step, North Korea will adhere to the principle of the same synchronization and requires some economic sanctions.

Second, the success of any negotiations must be given, and the goals that cannot be achieved for the opponent must not be set. It must also maintain the legitimate status of the opponent in domestic politics.Although North Korea is a small country and does not have a three -power separation of political systems, North Korea has implemented military politics, and soldiers have an important position in national political life. Kim Jong -un could unilaterally meet the instantaneous nuclear requirements of the United States without any return.After all, the effectiveness of any agreement will decrease over time.

Third, North Korea has obtained China's understanding and support of its position.There is traditional friendship between China and North Korea. North Korea is a neighbor of China and defense radius in China. Maintaining the stability of the Korean Peninsula and nuclearization of the Peninsula is a firm position in China.This not only means North Korea's nuclearization, but also that the relevant powers have withdrawn the nuclear weapons deployed on the peninsula, allowing the Peninsula countries and people to avoid threats to nuclear weapons.

In addition, economic cooperation such as the Belt and Road Initiative is the normal content of China -DPRK relations. Economic sanctions on North Korea do not include tourism and personnel exchanges and humanitarian assistance. In the case of the rise of the trade protectionism of the country, economic cooperation must be strengthened.

Fourth, China and North Korea ’s position on North Korea’ s de -nuclearization issues have responded in major countries in Northeast Asia.Russia believes that North Korea has fulfilled some obligations hellip; hellip; the agreement reached by both North Korea and the United States must take corresponding measures, and even proposes to hold the formal and informal nuclear national meetings including North Korea.South Korea also called on the United States to alleviate some sanctions on the DPRK and believe that China is helping to break the deadlock.In addition, Russia, South Korea, and North Korea's economic cooperation projects also want to come out, including connecting railways and laying natural gas pipelines and wires.In short, North Korea is obviously asymmetric compared to the US pattern compared to the United States, but the recovery of China -DPRK relations and China's understanding and support for North Korea's nuclearization and reasonable concern, and regional countries consistent with China and North Korea in the issue of de -nuclearization issues with China and North Korea.Knowing, it clearly reverses the asymmetric pattern of North Korea relative to the United States, which means that the United States may consider and respond to the reasonable concern of North Korea on the issue of de -nuclearization.

Therefore, ... only one week after meeting Kim Jong -un, US President Trump was anxious to meet Kim Jong -un, agreed to restart the negotiation of no nuclearization, and officially stated that he could lift the economic sanctions on the DPRK at any time., Also accept stages instead of a performance, solve the problem of the North Korean nuclear.North Korea also responded to peer, discussing the willingness to discuss the process of nuclear non -nuclearization from abolition of Ningbian nuclear facilities, and became more confident and open.After all, North Korea is a small country. If there is no constructive intervention in a third -party country, it is difficult to have enough chips and asymmetric countries to conduct effective negotiations.China's policy on the North Korea is obviously a leverage that promotes the development of the North Korean nuclear issue.

(The author is an associate professor at the School of Political and International Relations of China Tongji University)

The competitive power of North Korea is asymmetric development.South Korea and North Korea have also obtained seats in the United Nations at the same time, leading in North Korea in the development of the total economic and technological forces, and the national image and international status in mainstream Western media are also better than North Korea.Nuclear weapons are powerful weapons for North Korea to break the asymmetry of strength and ensure national security, and the attractiveness is self -evident.