Kurt Tong, the former Consul General of the United States, said that the US policy on Hong Kong should continue to operate within the framework of Hong Kong's policy law, but Washington should be more active in contact with Hong Kong and do not regard Hong Kong as secondary issues.He also provided suggestions from the Beijing government to Hebei Beijing's step back in Hong Kong affairs and give more space to Hong Kong.

According to Ming Pao, Tang Weikang talked about the recent situation of Hong Kong and the relationship with the central government at a seminar at the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) on Tuesday (30th).Tang Weikang said that he hoped that the central government would calm down in Hong Kong affairs and create more space between Beijing and Hong Kong.

As the former US highest -level diplomat in Hong Kong, Tang Weikang suggested that the United States and other foreign governments have contacted Hong Kong more and frankly express their views on Hong Kong, but do not exaggerate the situation facing Hong Kong because Hong Kong involves China.

Tang Weikang believes that if the US policy has deviated from the United States MDASH; the framework of Hong Kong policy law is unwise actions.The Hong Kong policy law states that if Hong Kong no longer enjoys sufficient autonomy, the US government will re -consider whether it is given special treatment for Hong Kong.When asked if Hong Kong still enjoys sufficient autonomy, he quoted earlier reports that Hong Kong's autonomy was still enough but declined.

Tang Weikang said that the success of Hong Kong lies in its different from China, but it is part of China. In recent years, Beijing and the Hong Kong Government seem to ignore this different key to Hong Kong. At the same time, it also underestimates Hong Kong people's anxiety about one country and two systems.

It is reported that Tang Weikang also said in his speech that the Trump administration tends to put the primary goals such as the US -China trade at a priority position, and listed issues such as Hong Kong as secondary issues.He called for Washington's foreign policy should not be just about transactions, and should adhere to principle values. Be alert to the spread of hostility between China and the West

Chinese swimming player Sun Yang was recently received by Australian player Horton, and was later refused by British player Scott to take a group photo after the award was issued.Sun Yang said not to be humiliated, and told Scott at the scene: I win, you are Lu Snake.The atmosphere at the scene was very hot.

The Australian and British players were as determined to be together at a press conference afterwards.However, the Australian swimming team was kicked by a female player Xue Najejack, which was found to have a ban on drugs in the body, but Horton did not say the word under the interview with Australian reporters.Its implicit racial factors have been exposed.

The hostility and mutual distrust between China and the West have spread from the fields of geopolitics and trade to the sports field that should not be involved in political factors.

In recent years, China has made progress in swimming in the swimming world, but rapid progress and repeated gold in international sports. In addition, they have been found to have been found to take the drug records in marathon, weightlifting, and swimming, so they have been questioned by some challenged players in the West.

This is very similar to repeating Trump's model of accusing China for unfair trade. It has evolved into one party and felt that it was injured by unfairness, and the other party felt inexplicable.The hostile and distrust rose.What is even more terrible is that a third party that can make fair judgments is idle. Only by competing can we pursue fairness and win their dignity.The original appeal system for trade, objective inspection of the audit system for the athletes to take forbidden drugs was completely ignored.

Study the famous Dour in the East Asian battlefield in World War II, in his ruthless battle: the race and power books in the Pacific War stated that before World War II, the hostility between Japan and the West had risen in various fields, and the WestIt has begun a substantial embargo on Japan, and in the folk, it has been done in advance in the folk, and it has been done.

Rising to hostility and dislocation are the prerequisite for war.With the expansion of the atmosphere of the Sino -US elite, the history of the United States and Japan was worth learning from before and after World War II.