Sing Tao Daily News

From Saturday to Sunday, Yuen Long and Hong Kong Island have become battlefields one after another, and the fierce conflict will continue. This situation will continue in the future. It will be repeated every week in different regions, and it will not stop.The trauma of continuous chaos on economic and people's livelihood has become obvious. In addition, the international political and economic situation is treacherous. Hong Kong is at the forefront of the storm. The internal chaos is closely linked to this.Going down, the greater damage to Hong Kong will be behind.

International political and economic treacherous closer to Hong Kong situation

The risks faced in Hong Kong are first of all in international economic and financial.Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Secretary, pointed out yesterday that in addition to the US Federal Reserve's ingredients reduced interest rates in the short term, some state central banks have also begun to reduce interest rate reductions or adopt loose monetary policies. Data show that the economies of Europe, the United States, and Japan have fallen in low growth, plusThe tight Brexit and the Middle East are not good for Hong Kong's economy.

Based on the painful experience of the past, when the global economy fell rapidly and caused fluctuations in the financial market, Hong Kong, as an international financial center, would double dangerous if political instability occurred at the same time.Players may use opportunities to make waves and make interest in chaos, which will exacerbate market uncertainties. At that time, Hong Kong will be under great pressure.Of course, Hong Kong's current financial system is sound and has high defense capabilities, but if it is pinched inside and outside the political and economic, it is not easy to cope.

Recently, international securities banks analyze the situation in Hong Kong. It is said that if the political storm continues to deteriorate, there will be capital outflows to combat Hong Kong's international financial center status.Although this is the worst case, it is not vigilant.Liu Yixiang, director of the Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, said at the net yesterday that the status of Hong Kong's international financial center is not easy, and the future of the Hong Kong International Metropolis is to be guarded by young people.Although this paragraph did not mention the recent political storm, it seemed to have any deep meaning at this time.

Hong Kong is also on another international front. Among the Sino -US trade wrestling, Hong Kong is also the goal of American sniper.Last Friday, US President Trump put pressure on the World Trade Organization and demanded no longer allowing Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to obtain trade advantages in the name of developing regions. Obviously, he wanted to use this as a bargaining chip with China.When the US government criticized Hong Kong's political situation earlier, it has proposed that it may cancel Hong Kong's unique trade status to put pressure on China. If the political situation in Hong Kong continues to deteriorate, the possibility of playing this card in the United States cannot be eliminated.

Internal concern plus the United States to wait for the opportunity to snip

In fact, the United States involved in the Hong Kong Political Bureau has recently been upgraded. Engel, Chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said that paying attention to the reports of the Hong Kong police responded to peaceful demonstrators in violence, saying that this made Hong Kong's international reputation.The refutation of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong pointed out that he poured dirty water with his conscience.Earlier, the high -level US government also continuously commented on Hong Kong's political storm. The incident was raised to this level, making this chaos more complicated, and the consequences may be larger than expected.

While in the face of external problems, the internal worry has increased. Hong Kong's retail, tourism and import and export trade will have a double -digit decline, and the impact on the employment market will soon appear., It is likely to rise.When there is a problem with the people's livelihood, the political chaos has not stopped, and the situation will be worse.

At this severe moment, the government and the parties should try their best to relieve the current dilemma, hoping to calm down and let the society return to the right track, otherwise the trauma will be greater in Hong Kong.of.