In the Centennial Remunction of Overseas Chinese Middle School, Pu Ming (left), a professor of Chinese history at Harvard University in the United States, and former foreign minister Yang Rongwen (right) from the perspective of philosophy and history, talking about how to gather East and Western wisdom.The picture is the editor -in -chief of the Singapore News Holdings of Singapore, the editor -in -chief of the Singapore Newspaper, Malay and Tamilwen Media Group, and the editor -in -chief of the Strait Times Hua Ren Middot; Ferandez.(Photo by Ye Zhenzhong)

Former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen responded in response to questions after a series of lectures on the centennial birthday lecture in Huaoming Middle School that the governance framework of the first system of Hong Kong society and two systems will expire in 2047. What is 2.0 mode will depend entirely on China.Reality.

Just like Sun Wukong flipped into a foothold and could not fly to the palm of Rufo. Hong Kong society should not build a hope of one day to fight for autonomy, because this is bound to lead to tragedy.

Former Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen pointed out that Hong Kong people should refuse any violence or illegal acts, focusing on exploring the future issues of Hong Kong after 2047, in order to consolidate consensus and solve the problem of social differentiation.

He said: Hong Kong people can not like Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e, but this cannot change the fact that she is the chief executive.You need her to solve various housing, medical and education issues.You can not like her, but you must cooperate with her because the central government will not allow her to resign.If he really accepts his resignation, Hong Kong will become irresistible.

Yang Rongwen just removed the position of chairman and executive director of the Hong Kong Kerry Logistics Network in May this year. He is currently a senior consultant of the group.He responded to a Chinese student about Hong Kong in Hong Kong yesterday after lectures at the Centennial Remunction of Huaqiao Middle School yesterday, and shared his observation of Hong Kong's social situation in Hong Kong for more than seven years.

Hong Kong's anti -renovation regulations have become more and more intense, and the demands of peaceful demonstration have recently evolved into street violent politics, and the society is seriously differentiated.

Yang Rongwen compared Hong Kong as Sun Wukong in the Journey to the West, saying that Sun Wukong's mana was high and strong, but he could not turn out the palm of the Rugao Buddha in China; when Hong Kong returned in 1997, China formulated a 50 -year -old agreement.The governance framework will expire in 2047. What is 2.0 mode will depend entirely on China. This is the reality that Hong Kong people must recognize.

He said: If one day Rulai Buddha decided to put a cursing curse for Sun Wu, Sun Wukong would be more alert to be careful.

Yang Rongwen also pointed out that the Hong Kong education system has never encouraged Hong Kong people to be loyal to China. Even he observed that almost all Hong Kong teachers are anti -Chinese. In the university, they must choose a student leader position.With the opposite position, such thinking has been deeply rooted in the concept of Hong Kong people.

The theme of the series of lectures in the China -China Centennial Rebirth is the collection of East and the West to create a global future. The speakers include Michael Puett, a professor of Chinese history at the Department of East Asian Language and Civilization of Harvard University.

Yang Rongwen pointed out the different thinking of Chinese and Western thinking in Chinese society with the role of Fa and etiquette.He pointed out that China has created a society that is highly condensed but separated from the outside world at the same time. It also clearly realizes the distinction between inside and outside and focuses on internal development and social maintenance.Therefore, when Americans question that China is more powerful, it will become a new imperialist country that threatens the development of other countries. He holds a different position because this is not the essence of Chinese society.

Yang Rongwen takes the leading position of China WeChat in the communication application market as an example. WeChat's payment system is a microcosm of Chinese society. Foreigners must bind the Bank of China account with an account.How to contact the outside world, and this social management model cannot be understood by the West; similarly, the United States has been appointed from the judges to the special prosecutor Mueller to investigate President Trump ordinary Russia and other incidents.This also makes the Chinese feel puzzled.

The world is necessary to understand China and the United States

Yang Rongwen quoted the words of British modern poet Rudyard Kipling.He pointed out that Gilina is west of the west and east to east. The west and east of the two bring the barrier of east -west culture.The world is necessary to understand China and the United States.

Professor Pu Ming talked about how the next generation should build an international order of openness and globalization.He criticized the historical end of the Western famous historical end after the Cold War endEssence

Hong Kong people can not like Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e, but this cannot change the fact that she is the chief executive.You need her to solve various housing, medical and education issues.You can not like her, but you must cooperate with her because the central government will not allow her to resign.If he really accepts his resignation, Hong Kong will become irresistible.

mdash; mdash; Yang Rongwen