Tang Wenfang

In the current tension of Sino -US relations, some people think that the United States changes to the president, especially the president of different political parties, and the contradiction will ease.Looking at the changes in the relationship between the US president and the relationship between China, such as the difference between the Huairou policy of the peaceful evolution of China and Trump, this view has a certain reason.

However, with the continuous rise of China, domestic elites, including politics, business, military, media, learning, regardless of the differences between the party and political views, once they talk about China, the caliber will be consistent.Dangerous opponents, even some people re -proposed the slogan of civilized conflict.

For example, in addition to Trump and his hawk administrative team, one of the highest anti -China -gates in the two houses of the Congress is Republican Senator Rubio.Rubio's family background is the refugees who fled to the United States by the Cuban Revolution. The anti -Communist hardcore has always been revenge in China and has close relations with Taiwan and independence. Last year, I put pressure on the two Confucius colleges in Florida where he was located. The reason was that the Chinese government passed the Confucius Institute through the Confucius InstituteSay to the United States.

If Rubio's anti -China is to support his Republican President Trump, it will be over.However, Trump ’s political opponent in the United States usually fights for you to work with him for the benefit of the party. Once he faces China, he will turn the muzzle and unanimously treat China.For example, the President of the House of Representatives Pelosi was the enemy of Trump. The two also scolded each other's nerves, but every time she encountered criticism of China, she would bravely assume the role of leading dance.

In addition, the media in the United States also anti -China ’s high -profile anti -China.In the last round of the Sino -US trade negotiations, there was no fruitful. The media attacked the whole party. It was not to criticize Trump's asking price too high, but that he had to be not enough.Wait for compromises, isolation in China, so as to raise the chips negotiating against China.Sure enough, the United States then announced the reduction of Canadian tariffs.

In addition, Google, which has always been anti -China, has recently actively cooperated with the US government to try to prohibit Huawei from using Android systems and its applications in order to prevent Huawei mobile phones from selling overseas overseas.Many American scholars also issued a statement in a few days ago to support the government's anti -China position.

In short, in a country with a diversified self, elites can have such a consistent anti -China attitude, indicating that China has touched its fundamental interests.What fundamental interests of the United States will be so panic about China for China?

At present, the most common view is China's rapid rise in economic strength, technology and military, such as China's GDP (GDP), 5G technology, aircraft carrier, Beidou satellite navigation system, high -speed rail, and AIIB, Made in China 2025, etc., all highlight China's strong economic strength and the impact on the status of the American world.

Of course, there are some other views, such as the change in China from the tight light to a strong and high -profile to make the opponent uncomfortable. Others believe that the United States must find a new opponent after the Cold War, so the rising China hit the muzzle.

US anxiety about the Chinese system

These views have a certain reason, and many people have discussed it. Here I want to talk about a deeper reason, that is, the reason for the system.The United States saw the institutional advantages of China's rapid rise, so it had a deeper anxiety about China.

In terms of economy, technology and military, the United States is still leading China, but in terms of system, although the United States still believes that their system is the best, this system does not seem to bring self -confidence that can win in competition with China.Essence

The narcissism of Americans for their own system reached a climax at the end of the Cold War, so some people wrote the end of history to express the victory of the Western system in history.However, since the end of the Cold War, the disadvantages of the US system have become increasingly prominent.

First of all, the United States is an increasingly four -point society. Some people describe the democratic system in the United States.The more detailed the differentiation, and not to mention the rise of feminism, various ethnic groups such as African, Latin, Jews, Asians, etc. are also actively striving for their own interests.If the guns are banned, there are those who fight for abortion, as well as anti -abortion, some who need to legalize marijuana, and some who need to be legalized at same -sex marriage. The bisexuals then have the right, and then the transgender people do not do it.right.Under the absolute political and correct atmosphere of the United States, no matter what kind of interests you represent, you have the opportunity to share a share.

The result of Polyarchy is from society to the government to fall into endless quarrels. Everyone refuses to let it go for the interests of their small groups, causing social division.The presidential election and the midterm election interval of Congress are only two years. For the sake of votes, politicians will use the interests of the above small groups as campaign slogans, such as homosexual marriage, anti -abortion, marijuana legalization, etc. Few people care about the interests of the entire country.After the interests of the group are satisfied, there may not be many money and energy that should be spent for the country.

The US high -speed rail is always a good example.When Obama was in power, he said that he would help the author of the Aiwa state where I was at that time to build a quasi -high -speed rail to Chicago, but the governor at the time (the current ambassador to China) was not repaired. There may be many reasons.The support of the local car owner has repaired the high -speed rail equivalent to the face car industry. Maybe the next time I may not be able to keep the black hat.

The absolute human rights equality also distort the principle of social fairness. For example, ethnic minorities, especially African and Latin people, have preferential treatment in terms of enrollment, employment, assessment and other aspects.How much to take care of African and Latin people, normal assessment standards do not apply to African and Latin descent, which has caused the grievances of other ethnic groups to increase and exacerbate social division.

In recent years, polls in the United States have shown that the decline in the political happiness of the people has declined, and the trust in social and political institutions such as governments, media, and Congress has decreased significantly.

And what about China?There is a ruling party that does not need to be exhausted for the election every two years. It can formulate a strategic plan with a long -term vision, such as Made in China 2025, and can support these strategic projects with national resources. There is also a government that has received support for most people.All of this makes the American elite jealous and envy.They know that the potential of China is rooted in its system, which is what they are most worried about.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Sino -US system are not elite or good. The final evaluation should be evaluated by the people living in each system.An American scholar conducted an Internet citizenship survey in 2017 that the Chinese people's trust in the central government and the cognition of the government's response to the people are 52%and 50%, respectively; and in the United States, these two indicators are pitiful10%and 13%.This huge difference cannot be said to be the consequences of the system.

Some people will say that North Korea will be higher, but it is the result of high pressure.Those who say such words may read too many Western media, but if you want to prove whether it is high pressure or really supports the government, there must be reliable evidence, and you must not talk nonsense with your head.

The anxiety of the American elite towards China is that if the Chinese model and the American model are used in other countries and society, the people's opinion effect will be significantly better than the latter.Taking the above 2017 survey as an example, if Vietnam, which is very similar to the Chinese model, compares the best student in the United States model, Taiwan's trust and response to the government, 48%in Vietnam, 48%in Vietnam, and 48%.In Taiwan, 7%and 11%are pitiful.

People who are not convinced may quote the various benefits of the US system to prove their superiority, but as mentioned above, the evaluation of any system, except for the elite description of its idealization, the people living in it are the most right to speak in it.EssenceThe elite may think that the Chinese people have been blinded, but the American people will be blinded.Regardless of whether it is blinded or not, the public's satisfaction with the government is a political capital that any government wants to obtain.

ReasonIn addition to the rise of China's economic and technological and military power, the United States' anxiety about China is due to China's challenges to the United States in the system.As the polls show, this challenge exists objectively.In contrast, the American elite seems to be increasingly self -confidence in its own system.

The author is Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Director and professor of the Ministry of Social Sciences

In terms of economy, technology and military, the United States is still leading China, but in terms of system, although the United States still believes that their system is the best, this system does not seem to bring self -confidence that can win in competition with China.Essence