
Tujing Pickle

There are many ways to avoid the summer of 40 degrees Celsius. If you are a man who lives in Tianjin, Jinan, Shenyang, and Handan, you have to hold the impulse to take off your shirt on the street.

This is because the above -mentioned governments have launched the actions that rectify the uncivilized summer in order to eliminate the scenes of people in public places such as parks, squares, communities, etc., and the middle -aged and elderly men who are shirtless and exposed to their stomachs have become the first to be a bruntRectification object.

Taking Tianjin Civilization Behavior Promotion Regulations as an example, in public places, they are shirtless without listening to dissuasions, or public security organs have ordered people to make corrections but refuse to hear. They can be fined up to 200 yuan (RMB, about S $ 40).

According to media reports, the fine of the renovation of the Grandpa has been issued: a man visited the supermarket a few days ago, and a policeman rushed to the present education after learning from the police. However, the man did not care about it.

To shift your sight to Shanghai, this summer, the Shanghai people should not worry about not being banned, but because the garbage is not fined.After the Shanghai Municipal Domestic Waste Management Regulations came into effect on the 1st of this month, the people appeared in the people, ridicule, and even complaining. Citizens in other cities are now waiting for the days when the garbage must be classified to throw.

The common point of these two rectification measures to govern the governance of the Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand is the incomplete administrative means such as legislation and fines. Correction is considered inappropriate, but strictly speaking, it is not particularly serious or the public is accustomed to personal life and personal life and life.Civilized habits.These habits sound trivial and even a bit funny. To correct habits, it is inevitable to face some real troubles.On social media such as Weibo, many people have spoken their freedom of life and have suffered greater restrictions. I lamented why some things that feel garbled now have to be managed?

Objectively speaking, these new regulations are reasonable and legitimacy: the prohibition is to promote civilization and mandate garbage classification to promote environmental protection.When moral persuasion is no longer used, it is indeed a very efficient way instead of waiting for culture and living habits to change naturally and organically, and fines and compulsory measures are indeed an efficient way, and it can also make arrangements in China's political environment.

However, the small habits of daily life are also institutionalized, standardized, and unified. If the standards fail to meet the standards, they will face fines. Such governance methods can easily cause doubts and one.Like rectifying the grandfather, it causes 40 degrees such as summer temperature. Isn't it freedom to take off your clothes?Puzzle.

I remember when I was stationed in Chongqing earlier, I saw a shirtless man in the hot pot restaurant from time to time in the summer.Eating hot pot is so geographical.But obviously, my aesthetics is not inherent, which also shows that the definition of civilization or uncivilized definition is elastic, and the space for arguing is quite large.

The influence of this round of renovation is not great, but it is reminiscent of Beijing's renovation operations to demolish advertising plaques, show up the skyline movement, and the rectification operations of the small shops of opening the wall earlier.In the final analysis, these actions are pursuing a modern and neat market -capacity standards. They have their reasonable and legitimate starting points, but they also arouse another oppositional view. They believe that there is no need to hardly change some harmless living habits.If the middle -aged and elderly grandfathers are shocked by the upper body, how much is the city's market breath?

Take a step back, the ruling bureau is facing a dilemma.For a long time, there have been no shortage of bitterness in Chinese public opinion. Foreigners love to ridicule these uncle's half -rolling clothes and reveal their belly.Limited concerns.As for the classification of garbage, the government was accused of being unable to keep up with the environmental protection pace of other modern countries.

The key to the discount is that it is not necessarily the most effective way to try to quickly solve the problem with the administrative method of fines.Especially in the daily life of civilization, it is more needed to return to the accumulation of persuasion and consciousness to develop the consciousness of the people; if the management method is too single, the fines are sacrificed to ask the public to change their living habits.Unwilling and not tolerant signals.The men wearing the shirts are full of resentment. Will such a social atmosphere derive the counterproductive effect? It may be worthy of vigilance.