Source: United Daily

The US -China Trade War was suspended, and Japan and South Korea, which had a long -term relationship, then set up another battlefield to play a new semiconductor trade war.The Japanese government suddenly announced this month that South Korea has eliminated from the white list of the friendly country economy, and from the 4th of this month, the export of three chemical raw materials such as fluoride polypelida, light resistance, and hydrogen fluoride required for the production of semiconductorsStrict review of South Korea.Regarding the unfriendly move of the Japanese side, the South Korean government immediately carried out countermeasures, mobilized the purchase of Japanese goods, strictly managed a tourist visa in Japan, and increased the import tariffs on Japanese goods and the suspension of remittances of the two countries.The diplomatic nerves between the two countries were tense.

Japan launched a export ban on South Korea. The main reason is that Korean companies have exported raw materials for biochemical weapons to Korean and Korean friendly countries such as Syria and Iran in the past many times.Because fluorine polypelidine, light resistance, and hydrogen fluoride can be easily turned into military use, the Japanese government regulates the export of South Korea on the grounds of this reason.However, the United Nations has never included South Korea in a list of supporting terrorist countries, and the United States has never sanned South Korean companies with the United Nations ban.Japan's export control on the grounds that South Korea's suspected improper export strategic supplies of South Korea have played on the topic, and the reasons are far -fetched.

Fluorine polyetamine, photocainer and hydrogen fluoride are indispensable raw materials for the production of semiconductors, while Japanese companies control the sources of 70 % to 90 % of these three chemical raw materials. As soon as the ban is, it is difficult for Korean companies to find alternative sources.In addition, these raw materials have the characteristics of toxic and difficult to preserve. Generally, the inventory of the general countries will not exceed one month.When the supply source is severely restricted, the Korean semiconductor industry is bound to be greatly impacted.

Japan has a deeper historical background to launch a trade war in South Korea.Last year, the Supreme Court of South Korea ruled that Japanese companies such as Sisters, Singapore Railway, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry and other groups illegally levied South Korean workers during World War II, and immediately faced the huge sums of claims from the South Korean government.Because residents and Xinri Iron and other groups are members of the Japanese Senate Corporation, they collectively put pressure on the Japanese government, and the Abe government faces the defense war of the Senate elections in the end of the month, so it has to take tough countermeasures against South Korea.It can be seen that Japan takes economic sanctions as a means to try to talk about conditions to the Korean government.

Since the normalization of Japan and South Korea relations in 1965, although the two countries are facing territorial disputes and historical issues, Japan has never used the economy as a means of sanctions.Japan and South Korea are important allies in East Asia. The tension between Japan and South Korea will inevitably affect the qualitative changes in the US, Japan, South Korea, and China, and China and South Korea.Looking at the Japanese and South Korean trade war this time, it can be found that two changes in East Asian international relations:

First of all, the influence of the United States on the influence of the Japanese and South Korean allies.During the Obama period, when Japan and South Korea were not arguing with the issue of comfort women, the United States still had the ability to force the tough Abe government to bow and let the Park Geun -hye government, who raised the banner of nationalism to compromise, and promoted Japan and South Korea to sign the US, Japan and South Korea military agreements.EssenceToday, under the U.S. priority policy of the Trump administration, it not only requires Japan and South Korea to bear military expenses, but also threatened to trade sanctions on it; coupled with the ease of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, Trump wants to again want to go on the same day and South Korea.The peacemaker seems to be more and more efficient.

Secondly, it is a symbol of Japan's independent diplomacy.For a long time, most of the Japanese foreign policy has followed the US Asia -Pacific strategic layout; in terms of economic sanctions, Japan has never escaped the scope of the United States.Nowadays, the Trump administration is desperate to ease the situation on the Korean Peninsula in order to deal with the US -China trade issues. The Abe government has mobilized economic sanctions on South Korea and raised the tension between the two countries.The last mile of diplomatic route.

Turn the perspective back to Taiwan.As the influence of the United States in Asia is increasingly degraded, the Tsai government is still intoxicated in the myths of Lianhe and the United States, not only lacking the main thinking, but also not in the international trend.Then when I was in the Japanese relationship, when Abe was anxious to break away from the framework of the US forces and walked out of Japan's own independent diplomatic route, the DPP also regarded Japan as a springboard that entered the Indo -Pacific.

In the face of the Japanese and Korean trade war, although Taiwanese companies have some profits of orders, they should still keep mourning in diplomacy and think of Taiwan's autonomy.Otherwise, it is difficult for Taiwan to be the next target of Japan's sanctions with Taiwan -Japan nuclear food imports and fishery disputes.