Author: Xie Xiaohong, Kings Tong

Since June this year, the amendment of the fugitive regulations has continued to ferment.The city of Hong Kong has experienced multiple marches for a month.Among them, there are both oppositional demonstrations and large -scale rallys for the Hong Kong police.However, under the ignition of a small group of people, this storm continued to upgrade until the outbreak of large -scale violence.

This is the dark moment in Hong Kong.

After the demonstrations on June 9, June 12, and June 21, the 22nd anniversary of the return of Hong Kong's return of Hong Kong, some armed and organized extremistsThe impact destroyed the Legislative Council, throwing corrosive liquids and toxic powders to police officers, causing more than a dozen police officers to be seriously injured.Extremely rushed into the Legislative Council, smashed, destroyed, and even publicly hung the British British Government's Banner's banner on the podium of the Legislative Council.The bright oriental pearl in Hong Kong was disappointed because of violence and extreme behaviors at this moment, and it could not help but sigh.

With the continuous exposure of television and online media, the acts of extremists in the streets are public.It is distressed that some Hong Kong youths are bewildered by political speculators and rashly participated in the demonstration and even violence.In the great youth, they should be the builder of this city, shoulder the future of Hong Kong's future development; however, some people abandon their studies, abandon their families, and even abandon their future destiny.Before the trend, praying arm is a car.

We can't help asking, who seduced Hong Kong youths to go astray?

Opposition: In order to seek political interests to destroy the spirit of the rule of law in Hong Kong

For a long time, Hong Kong has been proud of the society in rule of law.The rule of law gave each Hong Kong citizen's right to express their opinions freely and peacefully.Under legal rules, everyone can have their own insights and demands, but this is not the same as the bottom line of the law and morality of the law and morality.

In this storm, the opposition always played a role in helping the flames, and adopted double standards for the rule of law in Hong Kong in their mouths.

In 1998, the sensational Zhang Ziqiang crossed the case. One of the opposition leaders, one of the opposition leaders, Li Zhuming, chairman of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, took the opportunity to propose a member of the parliament in the Legislative Council, asking the SAR government to reached an agreement with the Mainland (Mainland) as soon as possible.At that time, he claimed that illegal acts must be interrogated in courts in the criminal areas, and fugitives must be transferred to criminal areas for treatment.Today, more than two decades later, the SAR government revised the regulations on fugitives, but Li Zhuming changed earlier. First, he led a group of opposition members to the United States to attend the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to hold so -called discussion of Hong Kong democratic hearing;Published more than 20 articles to discredit the SAR Government.When he was pointed out, he was silent, trying to touch the fish in muddy water.

Coincidentally, in 2013, Dai Yaoting, an associate professor of the Department of Legal of the University of Hong Kong, incited the occupation of Hong Kong youth to occupy Central and publicly clamored: I hope that 10,000 people will participate in the entire event, and a certain number of people in LSquo; citizen resisted rsquo;No defense.As a result, when he was tried in 2018, Dai Yaoting tried to launch public opinion and media to build momentum, trying to get rid of sin, showing the true nature of the coward in two sides and three knives.

Behind the concept of the opposition party's rule of law adopt dual standards, it hides intriguing political speculation. They try to meet with external forces, with Hong Kong as a fulcrum, and set off storms at the geopolitical level.

Another trick of the opposition is the across of its polar discredit Hong Kong Police Force.

As we all know, the Hong Kong Police Force is always active on the front line of safeguarding the rule of law.Regardless of the previous Occupy Central Movement, Mong Kok riots, or this storm, the Hong Kong police always adhered to the goal of maintaining the law and discipline, maintaining public security, respecting the rights of citizens, and adhering to the rule of law in Hong Kong with their actions.

But sadly, after trying the sweetness of the seven police officers, the opposition politicians and the radical port independent were further used the media such as Facebook (Facebook), WhatsApp Group, and Forum Discussion Area to promote the so -called brave and martial arts fight against the law.righteous.A small number of Hong Kong youths also searched more than a thousand police officers, slandering them as black police officers, and even the family members of innocent police officers received harassment and intimidation.What is ridiculous is that when these young people choose to stand opposite the police, they seem to forget that the Hong Kong police are also the facts of Hong Kong people.

The opposition's means were proud of the sinful people. The innocent people were persecuted, but the core values of the rule of law, the core values of the rule of law.

But even if the opposition disrupts the audiovisual, beautify the violent elements and its acts, most Hong Kong citizens can still see the truth, understand the proper and reasonable law enforcement of the Hong Kong police, and are willing to make their own voice to support the police.

On June 30, the author personally experienced the police parade held in Tama Park, and witnessed nearly 160,000 Hong Kong citizens in order to express their support and respect for the Hong Kong police.Police guarding the peaceful rally of peace and peace, sending righteousness to the Hong Kong police.

There are both well -known Hong Kong artists and many silent silence in politics.Each sentence Sir Madam I support your slogan, expressing their deep feelings for the injured police officer to maintain the harmony and stability of Hong Kong.The shouts of tens of thousands of people are warning, especially Hong Kong youths, especially Hong Kong youths, do not be blinded by the political manipulation of opposition members.

Hong Kong youth should understand that the purpose of the opposition is never freedom, democracy, and justice.Is it true freedom, is it the rumors that disregard the facts and spread panic?Is the real democracy, is it the extreme violence that disrupts the law and order and destroy the society?Is the real justice, and is it highly politically politically politicized to the victim Pan Xiaoying's family abandoned the family?

At many moments, the so -called free democracy and justice has become a political tool for opposition politicians to fight for power. Creating conflicts and inciting splitting is a business that is stable and not compensated. Whenever a citizen walks on the street, these people can stimulate these people to the SAR governments andThe hostility of the institutionalists will strive for more sources for the Hong Kong District Council election in November and the next Legislative Council election.When the opposition members spread their fear, hatred, and opposite thoughts on the street, they never forget to hold up the banner and shout slogan, so that people can vote for themselves.The name of the Democratic Politician, known as the Democratic School, has already left the Hong Kong's political collective action of peace, rationality, and non -violence in the head of the mind and opposition to opposition.They are the culprits that have gone astray in Hong Kong.

Educational Education Practitioners: Infouring the anti -Chinese ideology of Hong Kong youth

As an important part of shaping the values of youth, the school should be a pure land for teaching and educating people.However, the Hong Kong education system in the post -colonial era was deeply poisonous during the period of the Hong Kong and British government, and it has become a wrestling field for ideological struggle for ideology, opposition and extremist Hong Kong.

In this storm, some teachers' unions have repeatedly assisted the opposition to carry out political mobilization.

As an important part of the Hong Kong education system, teachers and members of the teachers' unions of Hong Kong are widely distributed in colleges, primary and secondary schools, and kindergartens. Its influence penetrates all aspects of the entire education system and exerts its influence to Hong Kong youth through teachers.However, since June 5th, some teachers' unions have repeatedly challenged teachers to strike their strikes, linked to the Organization of the Occasion, encouraged their teachers and members to take the streets and carry out strikes.

Not only that, these teachers' unions also instigated their teachers and members to interpret the fugitive regulations to primary and secondary school students based on the principles and objective principles of the so -called professional spiritual citizen education.However, it is contradictory that these unions have issued official public letters and leaflets in advance, unified line with the opposition, and the proper propaganda regulations on the dissemination of the concept of dissemination and the concept of stealing the concept, which is intended to mislead teachers and students.

In primary and secondary schools, teachers have dominated and dominated positions for students.Teachers can use their own status to unilaterally apply their political positions to students. The pressure of peers between the student groups will amplify the influence of these political concepts, which will have an important impact on the ideology of elementary and middle school students who are not yet mature.This political mobilization through the education system has also become the fuse of some schools in Hong Kong in June.

Due to the release of some educational practitioners, Hong Kong's independence thought penetrated and spread to primary and secondary schools.

In recent years, under the acquiescence of some educational practitioners, the Hong Kong Democratic Command, Student Source, and the banned Hong Kong National Party have established Hong Kong independence groups in many Hong Kong primary and secondary schools, and will send out Hong Kong independent leaflets from time to time.The production questionnaire containing inductive issues is made to try to instill the independence of Hong Kong's next generation.

A small number of teachers and schools also actively participated in brainwashing education.For example, for this turmoil, the Hong Kong School Saint -Stock Anti -College is mixed into the second -year common sense test paper of the elementary school.The ground will blame the brainwashing test papers as the personal behavior of teachers.

The dyke of thousands of miles is destroyed in the ant hole. When the anti -Chinese political atmosphere is filled in primary and secondary schools, the consequences will be a series of:

The first is to exacerbate the opposition between Hong Kong teenagers and families.In this storm, some Hong Kong parents tried to stop their children's impulse, but they were counted and abused by their children; some teachers were poured on the fire, encouraging Hong Kong young people to be courageous to resist parents on the streets.Family is a basic unit of society. The exacerbation of family opposition will make the social and political atmosphere more opposite, and it is also easier to explode irrational collective actions.

The second is to weaken the national concept of young people in Hong Kong.According to data from the East Asia Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as many as 80%of the young people who support Hong Kong independence ideas are immigration; recent news also pointed out that some of the British national (overseas) passports are petted outside the London Parliament. HopeBritain gives its rights and British rights and the right to work in the UK.These phenomena point to the core issues of the identity identity of the weak concept of Hong Kong youth nationality, and establish the concept of Hong Kong youth nationality to be strengthened, and the field of education is the key part of this struggle.

Third, anti -China ideology will gradually move towards universities and society with the age of youth.The Liang You Legislative Council has sworn in disgrace of the country and the independent speech of the Democratic Wall and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong.The mainstream of the future generation will be hijacked and will cause many chaos.

Only abandoning prejudices can Hong Kong youth get out of confusion

Reason and tolerance, and differences are the characteristics of the city of Hong Kong, and it is also the core value of Hong Kong people proud, but the rational youth who truly loves Hong Kong should understand that freedom is not without the bottom line.Hong Kong's social development will not bring any help and improvement.Hong Kong youth should have shouldered the heavy responsibility of creating a better future and should have the ability to correct and rational analysis. However, in countless conflicts and disputes, they have lost their correct direction.

It has been pointed out for a long time that the hardships of Hong Kong's youth life have been tired of high house prices in Hong Kong, but the author believes that more intuitive issues facing Hong Kong youth are due to the structural unemployment caused by the imbalance of the industrial structure and the imbalance of the educational structure.

As an international financial center, Hong Kong has a high degree of developed financial and professional service industries that support its economy. Although these industries can generate high value -added, the increase in the number of local employment positions is limited.With many reasons such as the decline in the throughput of Hong Kong as a port city in recent years, the lagging development of the science and technology industry, and de -industrialization, the main consumer service industries that can attract a large number of local employment population are the mainstays of the tourism industry.There are too much, and the income of practitioners has increased slowly.At the same time, Hong Kong's higher education expands blindly under the direction of industrialization policy. The average academic degree in Hong Kong's youth has suddenly increased, and the employment expectations are also rising. Young people hope to engage in high -end positions, but the current status of employment has splashed them with cold water.

The contradiction between the increasingly narrowing of Hong Kong's industrial structure, the insufficient supply of employment positions and the needs of career development have caused many young people in Hong Kong to lose confidence in future and future development, and they are hopeless to flow upward.Coupled with the opposition's drum noise and some educational practitioners lost virtue, Hong Kong youths leaked emotions on political activities.

Those who can really solve the youth problems in Hong Kong are Hong Kong youths itself.

In recent years, the mainland's status in the global value chain has continued to improve. Especially Shenzhen, with water with Hong Kong, has become the backbone of the global scientific and technological innovation industry. Historical opportunities for personal development have emerged. With the introduction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area,The broad employment market in the Mainland has embraced Hong Kong youth.

In terms of life, the Mainland has always been concerned about Hong Kong youth. The residence permits of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents are included in the high -speed rail network for the convenience of Hong Kong people in the hardware and hardware of Hong Kong people in work, study, and life.It is better to see it at first sight. As long as Hong Kong youth can abandon ideological prejudice and take the first step to take the north, you can truly share the results brought about by the rapid development of the motherland, and the problem of personal development will be solved.

After the amendment of the fugitive regulations, the SAR government should give full play to political wisdom and give me the prestige of Hong Kong youth.It is necessary to strictly enforce the law and investigate the participating in the violent demonstrators to the end, so that those who are attentive to eat evil will be eaten; they must also establish a real communication bridge with the grass -roots young people in Hong Kong, and use the work mechanism of the Youth Development Commission to increase the efforts of Hong Kong Youth Affairs.And reforms to better promote young people to participate in the construction of Hong Kong, and encourage more Hong Kong youths to go to the Mainland to understand and observe the real situation.

Hong Kong society should also reflect on the price of bravery and martial arts to fight against the law and think about how to bridge the pain caused by social tear.It is hoped that more rational, patriotic and loved young political leaders will stand up bravely and make a voices of justice among the young groups of Hong Kong.We must not let a few noodles of the noodles always occupy the mainstream of the young generation, and to make most of the silence no longer silent and recapture the lost public opinion positions.

It is not afraid that the clouds will cover the eyes, hoping that Hong Kong can calm down the storm as soon as possible, and hope that the young people in Hong Kong can shoulder the heavy responsibility of history, and once again start a beautiful era of common prosperity and common development.