01 Weekly News Agreement

Since June this year, there have been many anti -fugitives regulations in Hong Kong. Some demonstrators have even shocked the Legislative Council Building of the Legislative Council on the commemorative day.After the storm, all walks of life should calm down, reflect on the past periods that have happened for a period of time, and re -make suggestions for Hong Kong.The more prominent suggestions are to call on the authorities to restart political reform as soon as possible and solve the problem of lack of governance.It is important to identify with political reform, but at the same time, all walks of life must not delay the discussion of socio -economic policies and social livelihood. Otherwise, the real disease source of Hong Kong, that is, the issue of economic democracy and freedom, will continue to be failed.As a result, deep -seated contradictions cannot be resolved.

After the June wave, I believe no one will lower the governance crisis faced by the Hong Kong government.Whether it was two large demonstrations last month, or 6.12 police -civilian conflicts, and even the Legislative Council was occupied, these cases were enough to reflect the anxiety and anxiety of many citizens, especially young people.Unfortunately, the Hong Kong Government does not seem to know how to deal with it. Not only is it unlike the previous anti -dispute methods, but it is more important to grasp the demands of young people.

Since the governance crisis exists objectively, the responsible government should no longer adopt the ostrich policy, but is it as of some social elites that as long as the political reform is restarted, the problem can be solved?Hong Kong 01 has long been clarified that the political democracy reflected in the general election is of course worth promoting, but it also has certain limitations itself.Take Hong Kong people very familiar with Taiwan as an example. Since the first direct election of president in 1996, the recognition of the highest executive head is not a problem, but the Red Shirt Movement and Sunflower Study Games still occur; French President Macron also also occurs.It was generated by the universal election, but the local yellow vest movement has been out of the local area; British voters determine the Brexit in 2016 in 2016, but the country is still entangled on this issue.These examples are enough to explain that political democracy is important, but it should not be exaggerated.

Governance thinking is too deep, the small citizens are deep in water

The Basic Law states that the Hong Kong Chief Executive and the Legislative Council are eventually generated by a popular and equal election method. In other words, Hong Kong should seek universal elections at a suitable time.What is truly vigilant is that some people may wish to choose a pitch to solve social problems in one way, and ignoring the deep -seated structure of social and economy is the root cause of Hong Kong's governance.

Since the return, political conflicts are still frequent, and the causes are extremely complicated.We do not deny that the backwardness of the political system is one of the causes, but the bigger reason is that the outdated governance thinking.For a long time, the Hong Kong government has advocated large markets and small governments, regarding intervention as evil, and complacent to the title of the world's most liberal economy.Under this kind of thinking, the Hong Kong Government has always adopted a small repair and small supplement to respond to the deep -seated structural problems such as houses, medical care, old -fashioned, and rich and the poor, and lacks the courage to make reforms.The water is deep.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a political leader, as long as you imagine the pictures of the mortuary (sub -building unit), the long queues of public hospitals, and the bending of paper skin skin, the old people know that the mild social reform is not enough.It is more active and even radical social reform.

It is worth noting that even though the logic of large markets and small governments originated from Hong Kong and Britain, the colonial government has actually happened when there is a big deal, and it can be imitated by the SAR government.In the 1960s, the situation in Hong Kong was worse than the current MDASH; officials' corruption became wind, the citizens had a bad living environment, and the pressure of education was not popular. In addition, the pressure caused by the influx of the refugees in the Mainland (mainland) caused the entire society to be turbulent.middle.In 1966 and 1967, there were two riots. Although there was a political background, it was essentially the long -term evil results that social problems had not been faced.

McLehic Haozhuyu should see the thoughts in the former Hong Kong Government

Faced with this rotten stall, McLee Hao, who served as Governor from 1971 to 1982, showed amazing courage and courage.He decisively launched many forward -looking policies, including the establishment of a clean government office, implementing the ten -year house construction plan, exploring new towns, implementing nine -year free education, etc., and building large -scale transportation infrastructure such as subways and red -gang underwater tunnels to profoundly change Hong Kong.The appearance of society is still commendable.

Unfortunately, after the McLeladia period, especially since the transfer of sovereignty, the Hong Kong economic structure was affected by various factors of external and internal factors, gradually imbalanced, uneven distribution of interests, social resources seriously tilted towards the business community, and the opportunity of youths was greatly reduced, resulting in political radicals, which caused political radicalsThe doctrine can grow in this developed and rich city.

If the problem occurs, the government needs to be resolved.However, the successor of the Chief Executive seems to have lost the ability, sense of responsibility, and mission of the social contradictions in Hong Kong, and then apply a sense of heavy medicine.Turning up the monopoly of the business and the disregard of the interests of the public.If the Hong Kong government wants to achieve a real long -term stability, it must be painful, immediately promote positive social reforms, make good resources allocation, create a diversified economic environment of sustainable development, and meet the lives of citizens.Essence

We are worried that after the June wave, focusing on discussing political reforms, and transferring the attention of social concerns about the contradictions of deep structures, or fading it, it will repeatedly delay the social reform that was already severely lagged behind, which is not the blessing of Hong Kong.The political reform was not done overnight. This wave of social struggle for the governance authorities was urgent to establish a new style of governance and rebuild mutual trust with the citizens.In the current financial abundance, the government should decisively work on issues such as houses, education, living burdens, and An Lao, so that young people who are hopeless to see hope, so that the elderly who are working for half their lives will not be abandoned.This will not only see the courage of reform, but also make the central government realize that the fundamental problem in Hong Kong is not a political power. Hong Kong citizens are pursuing a social life of rationality and peace.In fact, restarting policies and reforms without any challenge of one country, two systems without soil, will not occur to another wave of social movements that destroy Hong Kong.

831 cannot be reviewed?Guoan worry must be taken into account

In 2014, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made 831 decisions and made three main decisions on the Chief Executive Election Measures: 1. The number of nomination committees was 1,200, and the first four major circles were selected.Half of the members are nominated; 3. The committee can only choose two to three candidates.Before 831 decided to introduce, although the non -construction candidate was more difficult to win the chief executive election, it was not difficult to enter the gate. Former Democratic Chairman He Junren successfully entered the gate.The focus of the 831 decision is to require the candidate DQ that the central government is not acceptable during the nomination stage, so that the final winner must be a acceptable candidate in Beijing, avoiding the constitution of the central government who refuses to appoint the winner to the winner.disaster.

The universal selection held according to the above decision is of course controversial, but under political reality, the central government is indeed impossible to accept the true election defined by non -construction, and Hong Kong cannot ignore the central government's consideration in national security.This is both political reality, but also about political game strength.How to promote, and even through political reform in the established reality of the 831 framework is undoubtedly a challenge to major camps.

One thing that cannot be ignored is that if the 831 framework is not optimized, it will submit the Legislative Council voting again. Even if it can be forcibly passed, its recognition will be challenged.Dissatisfaction.Don't stop such political reform.If the two -phase weigh, the Hong Kong Government should strive for a larger political space from the central government. Even if it continues to be a general election plan under the 831 framework, it should also be a staged plan that optimizes or promises to continue to reform, expand the recognition of the general election under the 831 framework,Evidence allows more gentle political voices to support solutions.

Although Hong Kong citizens can freely express their political perspectives and strive for political rights they are pursuing, don't forget that the central government is also the owner of this process. She has her own political needs and considerations.Even if Hong Kong people think that these concerns are lacking, for example, most Hong Kong people do not support Hong Kong independence, or everyone does not think that foreign forces have hindered the rise of China through the special environment of Hong Kong, and so on.But if Hong Kong people cannot eliminate the concerns of the central government, howGet the central government's support for us?This dilemma requires the majority of citizens to solve them together.

Hong Kong people want to re -promote political reform, and they must consider how to deal with the requirements of Article 23 legislation on the Basic Law, as well as the normalization matters of administrative and legal arrangements between other land and ports.At least some of the Hong Kong people believe that if the Hong Kong can actively legislate in Article 23 of the Basic Law, to fill the gap in Hong Kong in national security, it is believed that it will help reduce the central government's concerns about the universal election.From the perspective of constitutional responsibility, Hong Kong cannot avoid the implementation of Article 23 legislative issues, but the current social atmosphere is indeed not conducive to such discussions. In addition, due to the recent conflict caused by revised fugitive regulations, there is a lack of sufficient political energy in the short term.Safety legislation.

This is the question of where the resentment of Hong Kong people came from.When a peaceful society was thought to have such a destructive social movement, politicians should boldly find the motivation to look forward from a extremely restless society.We believe that Judan's threes in the fire is the perception of Hong Kong politicians. If the Hong Kong government has achieved achievements quickly at the level of social and economic reform, and high -efficiency reversing public opinion, maybe 23 legislation can be completed steadily to relieve the central government's concerns.

In summary, the commission of the community has severely torn the society, which completely destroys the relatively stable political situation since Liang Zhenying's departure.As the parties gradually calm down and transfer to a good recipe for re -departure, they must have the correct grasp of the real source of the real disease of Shen Yan in Hong Kong, that is, the contradiction between the deep -seated structure.Thinking.At this moment, the Hong Kong Government must abandon the outdated governance thinking like McLehics at that time, re -checked in the serious social conflict with a great spirit, overcome Hong Kong's deep -seated structure contradictions, and solve the closeness to people's livelihood related to people's livelihood.question.If so, Hong Kong can only continue to be a nirvana.