Ning Gaoning, chairman of China Sinochem Group, said in the Davos Forum that Sino -US trade friction is the best education and alert to Chinese enterprises, and the phenomenon of R & D drive in Chinese companies is in a large area.

According to Reuters, Ning Gaoning stated at the China Economic Popularity Outlook Forum today that the uncertainty faced by Chinese companies this year has become less and has a lot of recognition of the environment.

One key reason for Ning Gaoning's optimism and confidence in China's economic prospects comes from the new changes in Chinese companies he observed.

Ning Gaoning said that after the Sino -US trade friction that has never been experienced, it is believed that the quality of Chinese enterprises in the next decade will be greatly improved.At present, Chinese companies pay more attention to long -term planning, more attention to research and development and internal governance of enterprises, more cautious investment, and more rational development methods.Chinese companies have really entered a very good stage of rational development.

China will definitely become a country driven by R & D.The phenomenon of R & D drive is happening in Chinese companies, and it occurs in large areas, which occurs very strongly.From this perspective, it is better than a few years ago.Ning Gaoning added.

He also said that all pessimistic predictions on the Chinese economy have been wrong in the past 30 years. At present, the Chinese government has not implemented a strong policy. On the contraryThe growth momentum is still strong.

Ning Gaining said that China's economic GDP increased by 6.4%or 6.5%. It was not very significant. As long as the employment is sufficient, GDP can be used.