Starting from Trump's Twitter, in just a few days, he had achieved the third meeting with Kim Jong -un in Banmen Store.The interaction between the two sides on the 38th line has attracted global attention and reached consensus such as restarting nuclear negotiations.

Is this pop -up surface, is it Trump's pre -election operation?How much will it promote the solution to the North Korean nuclear issue? interviewed Dong Xiangrong, a researcher at the Asia -Pacific and Global Institute of Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

June 30, 2019 local time, North Korea's highest leader Kim Jong -un met with US President Trump in the South Korean non -military region.Image source: Visual China This time Trump took the initiative to propose to meet Kim Jong -un in Panmunjom. It seems very sudden. What factors do you think to promote it?

Dong Xiangrong: In fact, it cannot be said to be suddenly.Trump may have such an idea when he promised President Wen Zaiyin's invitation to visit South Korea.When he visited South Korea in November 2017, he took a helicopter to Panmunjom, and he had to return because of the fog. This time, he tried to go to the front line to inspect.

He could fly far away to Singapore and Vietnam to see Kim Jong -un, and he would not miss the opportunity to see Kim Jong -un in Panmunjom.A meeting in Banmenjian will have a strong news effect, attracting the attention of the world, especially American voters.Trump further seized the opportunity and became the first US president who crossed the 38th line and stood on the Korean territory, and once again created history.

As the election curtain has opened, Trump will use all opportunities to attract attention, which is a typical Trump style. Trump attaches great importance to the Nuclear issue. In addition to the general election, is there still a factor in geopolitics and Asia -Pacific strategy?

Dong Xiangrong: National security is an important consideration.In Trump's view, North Korea, which has experienced six nuclear tests and intercontinental missiles, pose a trusted threat to US national security.Therefore, unlike the strategic patience of the former US president, he began to face the North Korean nuclear issue more seriously and behaved proactive. Trump said that he could use the Nobel Peace Prize by solving the North Korean nuclear issue. Many commentators were used as a joke, and he also ridiculed that he just wanted to cover Obama.Is he serious about the peace award?Has it also prompted him to pay more attention to the issue of North Korea?

Dong Xiangrong: Didn't Trump ’s election president not also have a joke to see it?The Nobel Peace Prize is also. If he has made due contributions to peace, it is completely possible to win the prize.Trump has his own logic and cannot analyze him with the logic of others.At present, his support layer is still firmly fans him. North Korea's initial response stated that it was an interesting proposal, but also said that it had not received the formal invitation. It seemed a little hesitant, but eventually it became a way.After the Hanoi Kim Special Conference, North Korea has been said to have made some adjustments. Can you talk about the countermeasures and expectations of the DPRK?

Dong Xiangrong: It should be said that the North Korean side is looking forward to the Hanoi meeting. As a result, Trump has no intention of fighting for domestic politics such as hearing.The saying is unhappy.However, DPRK and the United States are very clear. Maintaining dialogue and not toreting faces is good for both sides. Therefore, North Korea has maintained a statement that stops nuclear tests and intercontinental missile tests, and there are also some small action to test the United States.

North Korea has always been dissatisfied with the US sanctions on the United States, and it has also given the deadline at the end of this year. The game between the United States and North Korea is mainly concentrated on this point.

US President Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un in Panmunjom.Image source: Visual China The results of the talks still look more positive, including restarting nuclear negotiations, but the Hanoi meeting has not been long before, can the two parties get closer to get a breakthrough?

Dong Xiangrong: The so -called restarted nuclear negotiation is that the United States faces reality and adopts a step -by -step manner to promote the nuclearization process.The process of nuclearization is very difficult. It is necessary to fully recognize the complexity of the problem. We must not be hoped to achieve overnight. Every small step that takes forward is worth encouraging. North Korea has been seriously reduced in grain production since last year. When South Korea proposed humanitarian assistance in May, Trump said that it was a suitable and active measure. Can the United States be more actively involved in this regard?

Dong Xiangrong: In general, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Program and other aspects estimate that North Korea ’s 25 million population has a grain output of about 450-4.9 million tons, with a gap of about 1.5 million tons.

The United States has also had a precedent for humanitarian assistance in North Korea.At present, compared with the United States' humanitarian assistance to North Korea, it may be more effective that some of the sanctions that can alleviate the livelihoods that affect ordinary people in North Korea. This time Trump also pulled Wen Zaiyin when he issued an invitation. The Korean side also promoted the successful talks, which is also a bonus for the text, but if the Korean regime is changed in the future, it will become peacefulThe adverse factor that the United States is difficult to control on the road?

Dong Xiangrong: The government of the Korean Fangwen Yinyin has been actively promoting the US -DPRK talks and North Korea and South Korea talks.The advantages of Wen Zaiyin are that at the beginning of his office, he began to promote the improvement of North -South relations and the improvement of North -South relations, and achieved certain results.

Although the economy of South Korea has declined now, after democratization, the term of office of South Korea's president for five years. Unless there are extremely serious mistakes, it will not be driven down because of economic issues.On the day, the window period for South Korea to play a positive role is still for a long time.