A senior White House official said on the 24th that US President Trump stated on many occasions that he was very satisfied with the current negotiation status of the United States and was satisfied with any results. ThereforeLetting Trump with Chinese leaders ... to keep the opportunity to contact, this is a bit like a hint that Xi Te may not be able to talk about any results.However, another US high -level government officials said on the 25th that the goal of the Xi special meeting was to restart the US -China trade negotiations, and this goal was very opportunistic.These contradictory information exist not only in the United States, but also in China.

Before the Xite Club was about to debut, Wang Shuowen, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China and representative of international trade negotiating, stated in Beijing on the 25th that the Sino -US economic and trade negotiation team is conducting consultations to prepare for the Xite Association and call on China and the United States to trade in trade in trade.The negotiations should make concessions each other.

However, while China released goodwill, the mainland official media has published a social review on the 25th that US Secretary of State Pompeo has become a source of chaos on the international stage.What is more interesting is that the CCTV News Broadcast that has always been more rigorous spent nearly 1 minute to broadcast the focus of the social evaluation on the night. Pompeo said: There are rarely such crazy chief diplomats in the world.Despise his actions and crusade together.

It is strange that ... at the Osaka ’s position, it may change because of an academic research report in Tsinghua University in Beijing.The report by Li Daokui, dean of the Chinese Institute of Economic Thought and Practice of Tsinghua University, and report on the Sino -US trade war, pointed out that Beijing's fully capable of controlling the trade war on the Chinese economy has not failed to affect the Chinese economy.

The report states that China's economic growth rate is expected to reach 6.3%this year, which fully meets the officially formulated goals of 6%to 6.5%, showing that the Sino -US trade war has not affected China's economic growth.According to the report, in the next 15 years, China's middle class will increase from the current 400 million to 800 million, becoming the most powerful support for China's economic development. Therefore, there is no reason to show weakness to the United States at the G20 summit at this G20 summit.The report also predicts that trade disputes between China and the United States will promote China to be more open. Therefore, for China, the Sino -US trade war is not completely a bad thing.

The problem is that the Chinese and American trade war variables and consequences that national leaders must consider are far more than one scholar.In addition to the trade war and tariff wars, the scientific and technological war, financial war, exchange rate war, and even the problems of the Korean Peninsula, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Belt and Road, the Middle East, and the China strategic opportunity period.Tiger Fenghe, usefulness.

Based on excessive variables and almost out of control, U.S. government officials have begun to reduce the expectations of the outside world.One of the officials pointed out that Trump has stated that it is necessary to see the substantial structural reforms of many issues and fields, and the fact that the negotiation of the situation in May has never changed this ultimate goal.

Fortunately, the current market is expected to have a big progress. It is believed that if the United States and China can agree to suspend the suspension of mutual tariffs and restart negotiations, similar to the off -war agreement reached during the G20 summit of Argentina at the end of last year.It's good. Source: China Times Author: Chen Yixin