Trump is intended to impose tariffs at the critical moment of trade negotiations, and the US authorities' measures for Chinese technology companies are further weakening China ’s trust in US presidents.

In the past seven months, the Donald Bull; between the gap between Donald Trump and the Chinese side will cause the summit of the world's 20 major economies leaders.The US -China leaders will try to restart the stagnant trade negotiations of the two countries on Saturday.

A few weeks before the two leaders met in Osaka, Japan, they aimed at ending the negotiations of the bilateral trade war that lasted for one year.Both sides accused each other of lack of sincerity and imposed punitive tariffs on about half of imported goods from the other party.

Although both parties hope that after the leaders of the two countries this weekend, they can at least restart the formal trade negotiations, but if Trump compensates his earlier threat to all China -US commodities, it will be again.possible.

Chinese officials said that Trump is willing to impose new tariffs at a critical moment when trade negotiations, and the administrative authorities led by his leadership have recently rejected China's leading technology companies to obtain US components and software, which has weakened China to the United StatesThe president has rarely trusted.

China has learned a major lesson in the past year, and a senior Chinese official said.In the past 40 years, we have admired and tried to imitate the United States in many ways, but now we know that they will turn our faces without warning.

A executive is detained in Canada and may be extradited to the United States to face bank fraud.After the latest rupture of trade negotiations in early May, Huawei was threatened by the US procurement ban, which may be paralyzed by the company.

Limited by Huawei's obtaining US components will take effect completely in mid -August, which has caused shock and resistance in China.In response, China urged his country to prepare a long march at the goal of technological independence.

The United States should cancel (this administrative order), but if they do not do this, we will not be afraid; it will only make us stronger, and Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with the British Financial Times this week.

Dennis Wilder, a former White House Asian affairs consultant, said that before the G20 bilateral meeting this weekend, China deliberately put on a difficult attitude because it hopes to ensure that China will not be like North Korean leader Kim Jong UN (Kim Jong UN) earlier this year.At the time of holding the Hanoi Summit with Trump, nothing was found.Wadenin said that although the US President wants to focus on trade between him and China, the Chinese President hopes to discuss more extensively and persuades Trump not to adopt his tough Secretary of State and National Security in strategic strategy to China.Opinions of consultants.

He added: For the overall strategic competition pattern, China's expectations are very low, but they still believe that Trump, a businessman, can trade with them on issues such as Huawei, so that bilateral relations have a lower limit.Essence

A person who understands Beijing's preparations for the Osaka Conference revealed that the primary topic on the Chinese agenda is that in the past year and a half, the relationship between the two major economies in the world has appeared as a whole (not limited to the trade dispute itself).The spiral -type decrease.This will be a much more comprehensive discussion. The theme is how to make Sino -US relations return to the right track, the person said.There are many things to discuss.

However, the Wendy Bull, who was a representative of the US trade negotiations and now served in the Asia Society (Asia Society); Wendy Cutler said that if it cannot make progress in trade disputes, it will only damage the overall relationship.In our relationship, on a long list of explosive points involving technology, security and ideology, trade issues are the easiest to solve, Cartler said.If there is no progress in trade, it is difficult to see that other matters will have the opportunity to deal with it.

The Chinese issue of the United States BRIBSH; MDASH; the Chinese issue of the New American Security Center (Ely Ratner) said that the chances of obtaining major breakthroughs are very low, and the meeting will be the main.In this case, in this case, the result will be further accelerating the economic integration of the United States and China for decades.

Some observers believe that Trump's pressure on the trade agreement is less pressure, because the US economy is still strong, and the stock market has not been affected by any long -term negative trade in the US -China trade.Although Trump is increasingly facing the pressure of American farmers (the latter has collapsed), his administrative authorities provided subsidies to farmers last year and promised more relief this year.

Even if trade frictions continue to exist, (Trump) will have the opportunity to see what China ’s current position has come to an end since the negotiation lasts, and a U.S. official said before the Osaka Summit.But the president doesn't matter any ending.

Huang Shulin (Sue-Lin Wong) Shenzhen Supplement Report
