Miao Lu: When the current international situation changes, the role of think tanks has played in influence public policies and public opinion, and the responsibilities are more difficult.

At the critical moment of changes in the current international situation and tight relations between Sino -US relations, as a think tank of government departments, the role of think tanks in affecting public policies and public opinion is becoming more and more important. At the same time, its responsibilities are more difficult.In this context, the Globalization Think Tank (CCG) recently held the fourth China Global Think Tank Innovation Conference in the China Center of Bin Da Watton. This is the fourth consecutive year of CCG to host the high -end think tank forum.

This forum captures the latest characteristics of the changes in the global situation and the urgent problem of global think tank development, focusing on the challenges and playable role faced by think tanks in the context of the competition of large powers, and use this as a background to explore the principles of the sustainable development of think tanks and innovative models.EssenceThe forum brought together top Chinese and foreign think tank experts and scholars to participate in the seminar, and conducted in -depth discussions on topics such as think tank cooperation, think tank internationalization, think tank management and talent training, and think tank innovation under the new situation, providing countermeasures and suggestions for the internationalization of think tanks.

China -US think tanks can provide more diversified views through cooperation to avoid decision makers from making extreme decisions

With globalization entering the 4.0 era, the trend of ideas against globalization has continued to emerge, unilateralism and protectionism are constantly looking up. Multidirectionalism is suffering from severe challenges. Sino -US economic and trade frictions are also being upgraded. At this critical moment, cooperation between China and the United States seems to seem to seem to be.Particularly important.Through cooperation between China and the United States, China -US think tanks can provide more diversified views to avoid decision makers from making extreme decisions, to a certain extent improvement of relations between the two countries and promoting international multilateral cooperation.However, to understand the cooperation between China and the United States, first of all, we need to face up to the current relationship between the two countries.Today, the U.S. government impose tariffs on China and frequently suppress Hellip; Hellip; with the upgrading of the Sino -US trade dispute, cooperation between think tanks may be limited, and think tanks will also be subject to politics, society, and ideology.Suppressing and impact.

Although some experts and scholars have remained optimistic about Sino -US relations, they believe that China -US think tanks are currently strengthening communication and communication, which has a great positive effect on promoting real contact between Sino -US relations.However, some people have pointed out that although the exchanges between China and the United States think tanks are very frequent, it still has a significant positive effect on the deterioration of the deterioration of Sino -US relations.In this regard, some think tank experts and scholars analyzed the reason for the reason that the essence of Sino -US economic and trade friction was not a trade issue, but the competition at the scientific and technological level.The United States as a global hegemon is impossible to allow the rise of China to surpass itself in the field of science and technology.

The United States' vigilance against China has forced the US government to transform from its past contact policies to China to current non -contact policies, causing many previous cooperation to be separated from the current political environment.But not only that, from the recent restrictions on Chinese talents in the United States, it can be seen that the friction between China and the United States is not only in terms of finance and technology, but even talents.The author analyzes the opinions of experts and scholars on the forum. There may be three reasons: First, from the strategic perspective, the US strategic direction has changed, which has led to its change in policy formulation and foreign policy.In the context, the United States still adheres to the thinking mode of rights transfer to handle Sino -US relations; third, the United States has a certain degree of misunderstanding of China's global view, development, reform concept, and trade policy.

In the face of the status quo, China -US think tanks can cooperate from the following aspects: First of all, the China -US think tank should continue to promote the dialogue of the leaders of the two governments and the two countries as soon as possible, and transform the current crisis into a deepening of China -US strategy.Opportunities for mutually beneficial relationships.In addition, the think tanks of the two countries can carry out more cooperation on global issues facing some humans such as climate and counter -terrorism issues.Secondly, we must recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the China -US think tanks, so as to avoid strengths and avoid weaknesses, and seek sustainable cooperation development.Dr. James McGann pointed out at the forum that many of the audiences of the US think tank are actually educated public, not the maker of the policy.

The problem encountered by the US think tank is that many people's interpretations of facts are actually based on the party. Many times they are more extreme. They only believe that what they believe, not based on facts.Secondly, there are many different opinions in the US think tank, so many times, it is not easy to let the public deal with such a complicated view.Therefore, the China -US think tank should realize that there are different development models in the think tanks of the two countries, and both sides should find consensus and cooperate on the basis of conforming to their own interests.

Today, Sino -US economic and trade frictions have continued to upgrade, and some misunderstandings in China have not been clarified in time.On the one hand, this requires think tanks to provide diverse sounds for decision makers, and it also needs to provide more Chinese diversity voices to the international community. This is also the mission and responsibility of China International Think Tank.With the rise of China, domestic and internationals are now like a game of chess. When formulating internal and foreign policies, they should predict the international community's views on these policies. It is necessary to consider the response of each other and the corresponding countermeasures in China.This is also one of the primary indicators of the internationalization of China's think tank.

At the moment when globalization is facing twists and turns, think tanks play an increasing role

Although globalization is undergoing unprecedented challenges, globalization is still the world's development trend.Faced with new challenges, global think tanks have also adhered to the times, showing complex diversified development.

Among them, the development of China's think tanks has obvious localization characteristics, and its influence on government decision -making is increasing. However, there are still large differences in folk and independence compared with the think tanks of western countries such as the United States.At the forum, think tank experts and scholars in some western countries pointed out that one of the problems in the development of Chinese think tanks is that most think tanks also belong to government agencies. In terms of policy research and policy suggestions, the way of thinking and research cannot be separated from government constraints, and they have lost their restrictions and lost their losses.The objectivity and authenticity of research.It is true that due to the differences in the political system, institutional development, and measurement standards of Chinese and Western think tanks, the development level of think tanks in independence is different.

But in fact, Western think tanks cannot guarantee that they are completely independent of the government. On the contrary, it has a close connection with the government.For example, the relationship between many think tanks in the United States and the federal government is inseparable, and its personnel flow between government and think tanks. This is the famous rotating door phenomenon.Of course, Western emphasizing that policy formulation must participate in and maintain policy independence in various parties. It is indeed a reference significance for the development of Chinese think tanks. The author believes that China's civil tanks are important ways to achieve democratization and scientific government decision -making.Because this kind of folk participation can not only help policy makers take into account more interests when formulating policies and regulations, but also meet the needs of the diversified development of today's society.

In addition, although the institutional environment of the think tanks in various countries is different, the development model and focus are not the same, they all have a consensus: at the moment when globalization is facing twists and turns, think tanks are exerting various social complex issues for decision makers of various countries.Increasing role.James McGann, director of the think tank project of the University of Pennsylvania, said that looking at modern history, think tanks play a very unique role at some critical moments. The development of think tanks is affected by many factors, but one thing is always the same.With policy -centered, continuous output has innovative ideas to affect policies.

Anthony Kim, editor and research director of the American Traditional Foundation Economic Freshy Index, also pointed out that the role of think tanks in the complicated international situation at the moment is to add more ideas and choices to the process of solving the problem.In addition, the author believes that think tanks also play an important role in promoting the establishment of cross -border exchanges. The holding of this think tank forum is an effective practice that promotes exchanges and discussions from all walks of life and promotes Chinese and Western communication.In the context of the current international system, the global think tanks need to provide more such exchanges and cooperation platforms in the future, give full play to think tank functions, and assume the responsibility of think tanks.

If you want to go out in China think tank, you need to pay attention to four aspects

In the process of internationalization, the think tank can not only communicate the bookThe country's policies, ideas, and views can play a role in providing different solutions to international organizations and international communities.At present, China think tanks have encountered many major international problems in the development process, including Sino -US issues and new major powers, and these are urgently needed to solve the international cooperation of think tanks.If China think tanks want to go out, they need to pay attention to the following four aspects: to promote cross -domain policy field research, think tank product innovation, think tank talent training, and the diversified development of think tanks.

First of all, think tanks usually take research to promote policy formulation and improvement as the task, and this study needs to be based on a full understanding of the background of policy formulation. Therefore, it is necessary to promote cross -sector policy research.But at the same time, in the process of promoting policy development, the rapid development of the Internet has brought about opportunities to think tanks and challenges. For example, populism continues to rise and conflicts brought by it.In this regard, Dr. James McGann suggested that in the process of promoting policy development, think tanks should explore more new ways to transform the results of think tanks based on different audiences into different presentations.

With the continuous development of scientific and technological land, think tank products should also be innovated in accordance with the development of the times, in order to better benefit the audience of think tanks.Dr. James McGann also said that the main products of think tanks are books and journals, but many products are actually in a state of death. Because the public will not read it, especially serious research may have never been downloaded, so the mission of the think tank will be the mission of the think tank.How to increase the amount of product reading.In addition, the publication of the think tank should be diversified and digitized.CHRISTOPHER A. Preble, Deputy Director of the Cato Institute, also suggested that many think tanks are not close to readers' demands in space. Therefore, short versions should be developed in the future, such as innovation in product forms supported by digital media.

Think tanks must not only publish academic works, but also carry out long -term research and have their own targeted services.In the future, think tanks can also consider publishing research reports on the Internet more extensively, and use digital media technology to display research results.In addition, cooperation between online meetings can be used between think tanks.At the same time, China think tanks should strengthen the development of cooperation, the publication of results, and sharing of internationalized network construction.For example, think tanks can consider choosing a variety of languages for research products. Such multi -language is conducive to international communication.In addition to language, the research direction of think tanks should not be limited to international relations, and it should also expand to global problems.How to build a recognized global view and global governance system will be a major issue for future think tank development.

Talent is the first competitiveness of the 21st century. Without high -end talents, there are no high -end think tanks.Think tanks need to study both intellectual talents and management talents.In this regard, Mao Lingfeng, the policy initiative of unity of the Hong Kong Fund Fund and promoting senior manager, pointed out that there are two problems in the development of think tanks. The first is to manage human resources difficulties, and the second is difficult to leave people.Therefore, she suggested that think tanks should be authorized to employees and researchers, giving them a chance to rise, including providing domestic and international conferences to participate in opportunities, and keeping the job search channels for college students.From the perspective of organizational management, in order to catch up with the rapidly changing world, the organizational management mechanism requires flexibility.

Talent management is long -term. You should learn from peers around the world. Cultivating talents not only rely on the talent itself, but also have a leadership spirit.Pan Qingzhong, the executive dean of the Su Shimin Academy of Tsinghua University, also agreed with this view. He emphasized that think tanks should cultivate talent management capabilities because the most lacking development of Chinese think tanks is the leader.What China currently needs is the support of high -quality talents, and the purpose of colleges and universities is to better transport talents to all sectors of society.

Diversity is very important for institutions such as think tanks.Today, we live in an era full of changes, and these changes make the future more difficult to predict.In such an international environment, think tanks need to come from the voices of different groups when conducting policy research, focusing on the diversification of opinions.The internationalization of Chinese think tanks is not simply inviting international guests to communicate, or that Chinese think tanks go out to participate in the event, but on the one hand, telling the international community about the international narrative of Chinese policies, on the other hand, how the international think tank isIt is a kind of two -way communication and promotion to influence the diversification and internationalization of Chinese decision -making in turn.Think tanks at home and abroad should maintain close cooperation. Think tanks should build a bridge to communicate Chinese and Western cultures and encourage diversified participation.

Create a diversified international think tank in innovation and change

How to create a successful international think tank can think from the following three points.

First of all, the key to think tanks for a long time, the key is innovation and change.In the era of globalization 4.0, different organizations in all industries and fields are constantly integrating, adjusting the operation mode, and adapting to the requirements of the new era. Think tanks also need to actively respond to this trend.The Chinese think tank has entered the golden age of development, and has increased huge growth in terms of quantity. The research results are rich. What needs to be done now is to better use these achievements, integrate the wisdom of everyone in cooperation, take advantage of the strengths, and continue to improve themselves.Further promote innovation and change, so that the Chinese think tank has stronger competitiveness in the global market.

Regarding how to innovate and change, Dr. James McGann said that the key to development is to master technology, and the important prerequisite for technological effect is innovation. Think tanks' ideas and structural innovation are the booster of institutional development.With the digitalization and political disruptive innovation, the change is continuing. Only by understanding and actively realizing the importance of these changes in the new era can the target of innovation and development be achieved, and the competitiveness is enhanced in a highly competitive global market.Essence

Secondly, the Chinese think tank should strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international think tanks during the development process, pay attention to drawing on its development experience, learn more research methods, improve its own communication techniques, and improve the policy influence of think tanks on the basis of consolidating research results.EssenceAlistair Michie, Secretary -General of the East Asian Commission, also agrees about it.He pointed out that the Chinese think tank is in the golden age of development. In the speech of the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference, the Chinese national leaders mentioned the concept of learning mutual learning and pointed out the direction for the innovation of think tanks.

Dr. James McGann also said that the strategy of communication should go out of the 1950s model and enter the 21st century model. International conferences such as the China Global Think Tank Innovation Conference will help China think tanks and key institutions, especially Western institutions, especially Western agenciesStrengthen contact and collide with thoughts.In addition, think tanks provide products, researchers produce new knowledge, and experts bring new ideas.As an important part of a think tank, talents are the source of the think tank policy, so it is also important to strengthen personnel exchanges between think tanks.

Furthermore, due to different national systems and social backgrounds, in the competition with Western think tanks, the Chinese think tank must not only maintain its own characteristics, but also actively find common points with international think tanks to emphasize commonality.On this basis, the Chinese think tank should develop a diversified development and strengthen cooperation with other institutions.This can not only break the stereotypes of the government's affiliated by the government by the government or funded by the Chinese ministries and commissions, but also enable China to better integrate into the big family of global think tanks.Let the world understand that the cooperation between Chinese and foreign think tanks meet China's own interests and goals, thereby achieving a closer cooperative relationship with foreign think tanks.

It is true that the development of the global think tank is different, but the mission of exerting academic, policy, and social influence is the same. Especially in the critical period of current globalization facing twists and turns and the upgrading of Sino -US economic and trade frictions, think tanks are becoming increasingly more and more exerting.Important role.Think tanks in various countries should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the future, and actively implement the responsibilities and obligations given by this era.

Note: This article is authorized by the global think tank and does not represent the view of FT Chinese website.CCG, referred to as CCG, is the leading international think tank in China.CCG is committed to China's globalization strategy, internationalization and internationalization of corporate internationalization. At present, there are nearly 100 research think tank research and professionals in full -time think tanks.