The U.S. Department of Commerce announced on Friday that five companies including Zhongke Shuguang, Wuxi Jiangnan Computing Technology Research Institute, Haiguang, Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit Design Company and Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. were included in the entity list, and they announced that these five companies participated inThe manufactured super computer system supports Chinese military high -tech research such as simulation nuclear tests.This is the latest operation of the United States' disconnection of components such as chip and other components in China.

The U.S. approach will run counter to the arrangements of the two heads of state in Osaka.The greater the pressure on Washington, the more beneficial it is, but it is logical that it is dealing with China.

Since the outbreak of the Sino -U.S. Trade war, the United States has increasingly used the limits to apply pressure until the United States itself feels more and more pain, but China's resistance is becoming stronger and the will of the United States has become more and more.Firm, the entire Chinese society is abandoning all kinds of fantasies and regarding its own things and comprehensively expanding China's scientific and technological and economic strength as the starting point that must be possessed by the United States. The latest actions in the United States will undoubtedly strengthen this understanding of the Chinese.

Regardless of the suppression of the United States, China is negotiating with the United States.We adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude. We must firmly guard the principles and do not refuse the necessary compromises. Everything can promote China's overall interests as the starting point, and to achieve win -win and win -win as the path.But we will not reach an agreement in order to reach an agreement, and take the temporary safety as the goal.

The United States does not allow China to continue to develop high -tech. It has a strategic requirement for China to always lag in the United States in technology.The more the Chinese are seeing the more clearly.In other words, the two parties do not reach an agreement, and the attitude of the United States will not change. Through the latest five Chinese companies in the Black Black, the United States has passed a clear signal.

As for the chip of the United States to strengthen the trade negotiations through chip supply, or to force China to make in unconditional concessions in the high -tech field through trade pressure, or to echo each other in two directions, it seems that it is not very important.

What the Chinese need to be clear is that without the development of high -tech, China's economic progress will be deeply restrained, strategically passive for a long time, and our development will be subject to many skyflowers.China's per capita GDP (GDP in China) is currently only 1/6 of the United States. There are still many backward areas and non -wealthy people in China. Our scientific and technological progress is an indispensable direction for improving the living standards of all people.

China's population is huge, and the potential market and the capacity of advanced technology are unlimited.The United States can create a difficult difficulty for us, but as long as China's internal organization is continuously rationalized and various potential continues to be released, China has a steady stream of motivation to break through the key technical barrier set by the United States for us.The road to science and technology.

Now arguing that China ’s opening up should first be meaningless to the opening of the United States. It is not that we do n’t want to be open to the United States, but that the United States has to cut off our technical connection with our technical. Its actions are intensified.There are no choices for other open pipelines.

Chinese society needs to be calm, and the reality that we have contained in the United States in the second largest economy is not complained, and it is not impulsive.The United States has chosen how it continues to deal with China. We have no ability to change its new route to China in the short term.

We must firmly believe that several common sense doctrines, including Chinese economies, cannot be blocked; the United States curbs China to damage its own interests at the same time, and its infinite implementation is difficult to sustain.The more released, the stronger the independent research and development capabilities, and the more likely the United States to do technology curbing China, the more likely it is.

It is not contradictory to abandon the fantasy of the United States and the development of the United States to achieve an agreement. China and the United States will talk about long -term. The strategic problems between the two countries will not have a fundamental solution in the short term. China needs to grow.Undertake stress, unless we are scattered, rearm or split into a small entity that does not allow the United States to have a sense of crisis, and the pressure will not leave us.At this time, the most important thing is to have persistence and can maintain development and breakthroughs in persistence, which will gradually change the psychological and strength pattern of Sino -US strategic stalemate.

Chinese society needs to be thorough on the issue of the United States, and the establishment of a high consensus that we must unite to respond to the strategic challenges of American strategic challenges on the national revival road.This is the fundamental interests of all Chinese people. It determines whether our lives can continue to improve, and whether the living standards of us and future generations have the right to move towards the level of developed countries.We must never become a plate of loose sand under the pressure of the United States. Source: Global Times News Agency