Author: Chen Yixin

Following the end of last year, US Minister of Defense Mattis became a high -risk position in the Trump administration.Sure enough, Trump appointed the Army Minister Esper in the tweet on the 18th to replace the Agent Ministry of Defense Changsha Nahan who was appointed early this year to serve as a new Agent National Defense Minister.minister.Indeed, Minister of Defense is an important member of the US National Security Team. Candidates have not been determined. It is not only unfavorable to the Indo -Pacific strategy, but it may also have a negative impact on Trump's re -election.

First of all, the Minister of Defense has repeatedly replaced the Pentagon to formulate serious consequences of inconsistency in the US defense strategy.Matisse proposed the US defense report in January 2018, but it was only a summary, and he did not have a lot of strategy to Indo -Pacific.The complete report has not yet been completed, and he stepped down at the end of last year and left an unfinished work.

Secondly, Matisse was respected in the political and military circles of Washington, and he had defeated the Terrorist organization of the Islamic State. He once said that he would come to his own work in early 2019, but Trump asked him to go in advance in advancePeople, like humiliation, also worrying many people, may not have been in the position of defense minister.Whether Esper can pass the test of the Minister of Defense through the test is still unreasonable.In the past two and a half years, the National Defense Minister has been easy to make it easy, showing that the high degree of instability of this position.

Third, Shanahan put forward a Indo -Pacific strategic report, but in the future, it will not be reputable.Although Esper said that China is the longest challenge in the United States in the long run, whether it can make the United States' allies in the Indo -Pacific region feel at ease and rest assured, it is undoubted.In the report, except for Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, and Taiwan are the allies or partners of the United States, other countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and India are all countries at both ends of the mouse.The candidates for the Secretary of Defense are constantly being easy to make people who are not very firm in the United States and the National Defense Minister of the Defense Minister of the United States. Under the pretext of the US dialogue partners, they often deal with American competitors.

The National Defense Minister has repeatedly replaced and the national defense strategy report has not yet been finalized. Although Taiwan has a place in the Indo -Pacific Strategy, it is mostly not arranged for mouth benefits. In particular, Taiwan has expressed many times to the United States., But the United States refused to agree.

In addition to the Minister of Defense, the U.S. State Department and other ministries have not yet made up.According to the latest polls, Trump's polls are still behind five Democratic candidates including former Vice President Biden.The dismissal of the election forced Trump to announce on the 18th at a momentum of the Republican Republican Party in Florida that he officially invested in the US presidential election event from 2020.If Trump has not nominated the Minister of Defense, other important jobs do not make up for it, and may be granted to the handle.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)