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The Sino -US trade war has been upgraded, especially Washington has blocked Huawei high -profile. As pointed out by the latest Economist Weekly, it must not help people notice that the latest dynamic MDASH; mdash; Weaponization of (Weaponization ofInterDepencence).

This is a new international political relationship framework for two American political scholars Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman.Under this framework, in the process of globalization, the increasingly deepened international interdependence relationship and international network, not for granted that other scholars think that it will cause democratization in the international community and reduce the influence of the control of major countries on other countries, but insteadexactly the opposite.Due to the imbalance of the inherent development of international networks, it will enable large powers to strengthen their ability and means of dominating the international situation and geopolitics through the weapons of mutual relationships.

Whether it is an information network like the Internet, or the supply chain and material exchange network in international economic and trade, under abstract network theory, it is a network composed of many nodes (NODE) that depends on each other.The globalization process over the past few decades is also the comprehensive expansion of these information and material exchange networks, and the process of adding node indexes to the network.

The author of the theoretical framework of weaponization, the wealthy man who is inherently in the process of network growth, the richer the rich: the fastest development of the Internet, always revolves around existing nodes in a critical position and extensive relationship.Therefore, in the rapid expansion of the international network in the process of globalization, the country with the strongest economic and information strength still occupies the central position of the expanded international network, and because of the increase in nodes that depend on each other, it has obtainedMore external dominance.

This is not an abstract theory.Many surveys of international economic and trade and banking industries have shown that the United Kingdom of the United States represents a node with ultra -highly connected international financial networks.In addition, the rapidly emerging monopoly giants during the development of the Internet, such as Google and Facebook in the United States, also prove this imbalanced characteristics of the development of the Internet.

In such a great increase in international mutual relations, the country that dominates the international network can use two weapons MDASH; MDASH; all -round monitoring (Panopticon, the word used by American scholars from a British philosopher, imagine that he can fully monitor the prisoner's prisonerA circular prison) and a choke point.

The International Bank Payment System SWIFT (Abbreviation of the Global Bank of Finance and Telecommunications Association) is a good example of these two weapons.Swift was originally a international payment information system developed by the European and American banking industry in the 1970s. It expands rapidly in the process of globalization and has become a key network that cannot be replaced by international economic and trade.After the terrorist attack on September 1, the U.S. government fully controlled all the information processed by SWIFT processing through the name of counter -terrorism.Comprehensive monitoring of dripping with public and private financial transactions.This is one of them.

Followed by blocking bottlenecks.The previous US governments have gained tremendous pressure, forcing Europe to agree to the Blood of Iranian banks blocking the SWIFT system.The Iranian economy relying on oil output faces huge difficulties, forcing the Iranian government to agree to restrict the development of nuclear weapons on President Obama in exchange for the Swift system to lift the ban.The Trump administration unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement regardless of European opposition, and forced SWIFT to eliminate Iran again, and the blocking bottleneck was handy.

Washington blocked Huawei, which can be said to be a weapons of mutual relationships.Comprehensively monitoring the Internet is the main example of the two American scholars who propose weapons. In particular, the Internet MDASH; MDASH; all channels have undergone chapters in northern Virginia to illustrate the monitoring of Internet data on the US government and attracted Snowden's leakage.case.Washington will compare his heart, for fear that Huawei will participate in the construction of 5G networks, which will not only cause a large loophole in his circular prison, but also give Beijing the opportunity to draw gourds.Trusting Huawei's software and hardware suppliers in the global computer industry is a standard blocking bottleneck.

For example, the recent interviews of the National Public Broadcasting (NPR) pointed out that the impact of the weapons of mutual relationships makes people worry about the sustainability of the globalization process.However, weapons chemicals specifically pointed out that because the existing international network alternatives cannot be established in the short while, in the visible future, the influence of Washington's dominance will not weaken.

In the end, unlike Obama, which emphasizes universal value, the Trump administration's policy has great racial colors.What he wants to restore is the United States dominated by white people decades ago.Former Trump ’s high -end think tank farmers have warned that the president of Silicon Valley of Silicon Valley from two -thirds to a quarter of Silicon Valley from South Asia or Asia, which is quite inspiration.Economist Weekly pointed out that Washington's current measures to deal with Huawei may also use India's head in the future, which is really the finishing touch.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America