Liang Xingguo

In recent times, the Sino -US trade war has been fierce. You increase the tariffs, I also increased the tariffs. You also issued a white paper to accuse. I also issued a statement to criticize. You can come and go.In the process, mainstream domestic official media in China continued to post and publicize the trade war to domestic people.Under China's public opinion control system, this approach has nothing to say. The masses, low awareness, unclear understanding, always need education.

However, two weeks ago, the authoritative Guangming Daily and Xinhua News Agency in the official media have published two articles to distinguish the strange theory of Chongmei Mei Mei Mei and Mei Mei, so that surrender theory becomes a street mouse.The propaganda and education of the trade war led to a new height.

The article pointed out that there were a group of pro -American -American surrender factions in China. To fight the Sino -US trade war, we must resolutely criticize these internal enemies.Judging from the tone and logic of these articles, it seems that the outbreak of the Sino -US trade war should be attributed to the existence of these internal enemies; and the external trading war seems to be easy to win.

Facing the pressure of the trade war, it is understandable to find a way to solve it.However, if the muzzle is inward, select a part of the people from the domestic people as the target, and treat them as an agent enemy in the United States. It is a bad approach to cracking down on them.It not only helps to alleviate the impact of the trade war on domestic people, but has seriously weakened society's unity, an atmosphere of tension, and may even bring a negative effect on the subsequent resolution of the trade war.

For the Sino -US trade war, the public has the right to think freely and tolerate the existence of different cognition.The Sino -US trade war is a conflict between the country and the country. As far as the nature is concerned, it belongs to the category of public affairs, not a private affairs of a person or a group.Since it is public affairs, everyone has the right to pay attention to it and think about it.

In modern rule of law, thinking is not a behavior prohibited by law.Thinking generate cognition. For the same thing, different people have different thinking angles and methods, and the cognition will be different. This is the reason why the human world's ideological results are rich and colorful.In some affairs, cognition may be divided into right or wrong, but in many cases, especially in social affairs, the right or wrong of cognition is not so clear, but which cognition is more favorable or desirable.

Specific to the Sino -US trade war, so far, the state has not legal stipulation that the public is not allowed to discuss the matter, nor has it been seen that the government has issued a policy that is not allowed to make a compromise speech.Including compromised remarks.As a national authoritative official media, those who use malicious words such as the surrender to stigmatize different cognitives are actually abusing power, blocking social words, and interfere with the freedom of thinking.

The view of the surrender of the pain has not harmed the national interests, and no authoritative official media is so popular at all.The so -called surrender is only different from the cognition of the main war in the Sino -US trade war. It is believed that confrontation does not solve the conflict and can make some compromises appropriately.

Conflicts in human society, as long as they do not resort to force, almost all negotiations need to be compromised in essence.Therefore, the view of the surrender of the pain has not exceeded the normal track of people's cognition, which is the normal expression of opinions.

In addition, the government, as the final decision maker of the public policy of the Sino -US trade war, has sufficient decision -making power in their hands. No one from the people from the people can force it to hear it.It's just a kind of view, just don't listen.This view neither harms the interests of others nor the national interests. How can policies be determined?

On the contrary, for public policy formulation and government decision -making, different voices may not be bad. On the issue of Sino -US trade, the view that claims confrontation may not be perfect, and the view that claims compromises may not have a lot of reason.The ancient saying Yun is dark, and it is clear. Only by abandoning the paranoia of preconceived can decision makers can make deeper and more comprehensive thinking about the problem, so that decision -making is more scientific.

Authoritative official media's criticism of the so -called surrender, lack of basic facts and logic, is an emotional product under political correctness.Authoritative official media blatantly reprimand some of their nationals as surrender. This is not a trivial matter in Chinese society. Different from the confrontation between different perspectives under the freedom of the press. It belongs to the guidance of public opinion and political qualitative.Starting from a practical and serious and responsible attitude, this qualitative should have the factual basis.However, the aforementioned article has no facts as a support except to send hats and waving a stick.

One of them wrote that a small number of people got lsquo; rsquo; losing the National Qi Festival, advocating lsquo everywhere, China was at a disadvantage, and called on everyone to compromise the surrender theory of rsquo; confuse audiovisual, disturb public opinion, and scattered people's hearts.In this regard, we must clearly say lsquo; do not rsquo; and to start the struggle and let RSQUO; the surrender theory rsquo; become a street mouse.Although the article is tone, you will find that if you pay attention to it, you will find that the seemingly powerful words are actually not persuasive.

First of all, advocating everywhere is completely true.In fact, under the scenario of public opinion control in China, the sound inconsistent with the mainstream is very weak, and the serious restrictions on the spread of communication, the audience is extremely narrow.

In addition, in the negotiations, it is advocated that compromise can be reprimanded as the loss of the national Qi Festival. According to this logic, since the beginning of the 1980s, China has given up the previous Cold War confrontation under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping.Compromes, are these all the behaviors that have lost their national gas festivals?

Reading these aggressive and strong articles, it instantly felt a sense of crossing, and I returned to the age of being convicted, killing people with literature, and criticizing class enemies in pain.Behind this style of writing, it is actually a traditional political thinking. Whenever the country is facing foreign pressure, it always searches for a passage of pressure release internally, that is, the internal surgery and sacrifice their own flags.

Although it is the 21st century, the path dependence on thinking and the emotional venting under the correctness of politics still happen, so people have seen these known articles from official media.However, historical experience and lessons have repeatedly reminded that this approach is either stupid or ridiculous.

In international relations, there is no permanent enemy.Any confrontation between countries cannot permanently exist, as is the current trade war between China and the United States.Long -term confrontation is not a good option for both China and the United States, and it is not a good result for world economic development.Therefore, in terms of rationality, although the current confrontation is fierce, there is still the possibility of turning around.

Chinese President ... When attending the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia a few days ago, it has been expressed that China and the United States do not want the trade war to continue.It's just that this time to turn around requires time, timing and the wisdom of leaders, and the compromise between the two sides.China's official media guided public opinion so emotionally, and reprimanded all those who held compromises as surrender, and shouted and killed.Cost and manufacturing more obstacles.

The author is an associate professor at the Law School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

China's official media guided public opinion so emotionally, and reprimanded all those who held compromises as surrender, and shouted and killed.Cost and manufacturing more obstacles.