Cao Xin: Trump needs new diplomatic achievements to serve his re -election campaign.As Kim Jong -un sent him a good letter to him, his political achievements were not invited.

One of the focus of world public opinion last week was the new interaction between the United States and North Korea. US President Trump and his national security affairs assistant Bolton announced that North Korean leader Kim Jong -un sent a good letter to Trump,There will be a third summit between the United States and North Korea.

As President Trump's re -election campaign approaches, Trump, who has suffered difficulties in a series of foreign -related issues such as Sino -US economic and trade disputes or in a stalemate situation, requires new foreign achievements to serve his re -election campaign.

Kim Jong -un sent a good letter to Trump, and the political achievements that Trump needed would not ask.

According to the Russian satellite news agency Washington, June 11th, Bolton, assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, said that Trump and Kim Jong -un are expected to hold a third summit, and the United States has prepared for this.

Bolton said at the Financial Manager Forum that the third summit is very likely to be held.He said: As long as North Korea is ready, the United States is ready.

At the same time, South Korea ’s Central Daily reported on June 12 that Trump said publicly when he met with reporters on the White House on June 11 (local time): Just yesterday (10th), I received a good letter from Kim Jong -un.EssenceTrump added: Although this letter cannot be made public, this is a very personal, warm, and excellent letter.I thanked this.

Trump told reporters that new talks may be held in the near future, but no time and place will be disclosed.

He said: Kim Jong -un kept his promise.This is very important for me.

According to reports, one of Kim Jong -un's letter was to celebrate Trump's birthday.But for Trump, Kim Jong -un took the initiative to write the letter itself, which is a political score, so it is necessary to make it public and render reporters.

However, when Trump asked the prospect of the third summit talks, Trump said: Although it may be held, the hope (non -nuclear discussion) has made progress.Washington diplomatic sources said: This is a euphemistic word for North Korea to change its attitude first.

The above -mentioned statements made by Trump specifically made to reporters. Although they expressed euphemism, they still declare the principle of asking North Korea to abandon nuclear. After reporters reported, they would also add points to him politically.

The next day, Trump continued to say at the United States and the United States at a joint press conference held with Polish President Angeli Bull; Duda's talks after the talks: I have nothing to worry about.Trump showed off to reporters: (For North Korea) sanctions have never stopped, and (North Korea's) nuclear tests have never been at all.According to reporters present, President Trump said four times on the same day (in no rush) and in a hurry.Of course, this method of showing off the political achievements is of course to make momentum for yourself and pull support.

According to news from the Peninsula Foreign Circle, Kim Jong -un wrote a letter to Trump this time with three purpose.First of all, it is not allowed to interrupted by the U.S. -DPRK's heads due to the rupture of the Hanoi talks, that is, the saying that the business is not affectionate.Secondly, it is also to firmly control the North Korean nuclear issue at the level of the heads of state of the two countries.This is that Kim Jong -un completely does not trust Bolton and Pompeo, and the second is also the need for domestic politics in North Korea, that is, the solution of the North Korean -US relations and the North Korean nuclear issue. It must be caught by Kim Jong -un himself.worried.In the end, Kim Jong -un was able to get Trump publicly to receive his own letter, and his purpose did not rule out to send personal feelings to Trump. After all, he did nothing on the issue of abandonment.The relationship between humanity can maintain his relationship with Trump's individuals will not break.Kim Jong -un has a clear heart to how to engage in the personal diplomacy of the head of state.

For Trump, it is clear that as the president is approaching the election, he is increasingly regarded the North Korean nuclear issue as his own diplomatic achievements as one of the capitals of re -election campaign;In Trump, he put North Korea on the issue of abandonment of North Korea. At least he should not be forced to force each other. Therefore, to a certain extent, he is cooperating with Trump. The two sides actually have a tacit understanding.Last week, Kim Jong -un wrote to Trump's other incident that happened in the same period to North Korea, proved the author's judgment on Trump.

Trump uses the Kim Jong -Nan incident to apply both hard and hard Kim Jong -un

Another thing about North Korea was that Trump used the Kim Jong -Nan incident to perform both hard and hard Kim Jong -un, forcing Kim Jong -un to serve his re -election campaign, and at least it could not be destroyed.The reason for things is as follows.

On June 10, the online version of the Wall Street Journal quoted relevant sources as saying: Kim Jong -un's older brother and Kim Jong -nam who was killed in Malaysia in Malaysia in 2017 was an intelligence provider of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).He was said to have met with the CIA agent many times, and there was a connection between the two sides.In the intelligence work industry, this connection is actually (intelligence) work relationship.

As a result, only one day, on June 12, Trump stated to the press on the above reports of the Wall Street Journal that if he knew it in advance, he would not allow Kim Jong -un's mother -in -law, Jin Zhengnan, as a special agent of the Central Intelligence Bureau.

Trump told reporters: I saw a notification from the Central Intelligence Agency about his brothers or his parents.I want to say to him, there is no doubt that this will not happen under my leadership.I will not allow such things to happen.

Trump's above -mentioned remarks actually confirmed the Wall Street Journal report, which is equivalent to saying that Kim Jong -nam provided information for the Central Intelligence Bureau, at least he had a job contact with the CIA.

Trump does this, with two goals.The first is to sell people to Kim Jong -un. Kim Jong -un was notorious because his assassination brother was assassinated in the world. Now Trump is equivalent to helping Kim Jong -un's mdash; mdash; because killing traitors is understandable.The second is to put pressure on Kim Jong -un: Your brother tells us a lot, our third summit, you have to cooperate.

What Trump needs Kim Jong -un to do at least: North Korea holds the third summit to jointly hold a third summit before Trump began to run for campaign; at least there must be a posture on the issue of abandonment;experiment.In fact, as long as you do n’t really abandon the nuclear, you are not difficult to achieve Kim Jong Un; and as long as Trump can open the nuclear network, Kim Jong -un is obviously willing to provide assistance to Trump's election. OtherwiseKim Jong -un will be more difficult for Kim Jong -un's new president of the United States.

In the US presidential election, it is actually domestic issues that can really help candidates vote, especially issues closely related to the personal relationship with voters. Pure diplomatic issues are often not very direct for raising election.For example, Trump said to the American farmers: I force China to buy your agricultural products a large number of agricultural products each year, which is more direct for his choice.The North Korean nuclear issue is not very direct for American voters, but it has certain symbolic significance, because the previous U.S. government has not been able to take North Korea.If North Korea can have posture on the issue of abandonment, it will also have a certain effect on the election of La Ran Trump; as for North Korea's completely abandoned nuclear abandonment, the relationship with the American farmers is far from being imported in large numbers of American agricultural products every year.Americans may not care.

At present, the two sides of the Sino -US trade dispute have actually entered the stalemate stage and upgraded, which is not necessarily beneficial to Trump's re -election campaign.Various signs show that at the G20 meeting at the end of this month, after the meeting between China and the United States meeting, the incident would come to an end.At the same time, trade troubles between Trump and several other large areas are also difficult to end in the short term, such as trade disputes with Europe, India, Japan and other countries and regions.Trump really needs new foreign performance to serve his re -election.

(Note: The author is Chahar SocietySecretary -General of the International Public Opinion Research Center and researcher at the Peninsula Peace Research Center.This article only represents the author's personal point of view.Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])