Hong Kong South China Morning Post June 16th article, original title: China can learn from the trade war that China can experience from Japan. At present, the science and technology confrontation between China and the United States has intensified.Similarly.Jianxian, understanding these similarities is not helpful.But in view of the differences between China and Japan, it may indicate a different ending.

In the 1950s, the trade tensions in the United States and Japan began in the 1950s. They initially surrounded textiles and expanded to synthetic fibers and steel in the 1960s. By the 1970s and 1990s, they were upgraded to television, automobiles and semiconductor industries.

In the early 1980s, promoted by the government, the semiconductor industry in Japan surpassed the United States to become the world's largest chip supply country, which caused the United States to vigilance and dissatisfaction with national security risks and its competitiveness in the core technology field.The Reagan government at the time regarded Japan as the largest economic threat to the United States.Washington has accused Tokyo accused Tokyo through national support industrial policies, stealing intellectual property rights from the United States, and dumping products from the US market.

The United States shall impose sanctions on the grounds that Japanese companies steal US technology and illegally sell military sensitive products for the Soviet Union.The United States also forced Japan to sign a agreement to share its semiconductor technology and increase the purchase of US semiconductor products.

A Chinese government adviser who did not want to disclose his name said that the Trump administration's means for China now are exactly the same as the set of against Japan in the 1980s and 1990s.

Zhang Moan, a researcher at the China International Economic Exchange Center) believes that competition confrontation in the future will not be alleviated.At present, the US -China conflict is more complicated than the US -Japan conflict. She said that the United States' containment of China in the future will only intensify, and scientific and technological competition will not be alleviated.

After Japan lost its dominant position in the semiconductor field, he signed a series of scientific and technological cooperation agreements with Europe.Zhang said: History tells us that high -tech is important for the national security strategy.It is not a process with only market competition.It follows the law of the jungle.

Professor Wang Yili, who studies international relations of Renmin University of China, said that China must also develop local technology while opening.We may see a certain degree of decoupling with the United States in the fields of science and technology and military and civilians, but China can accelerate cooperation with other countries such as European countries and Israel and offset the risks from the United States.

In Zhang Moan's view, there are differences in the concerns of the United States' concerns about Japan and the current Chinese science and technology development, which may bring some hope to the ambition of China.She said: Japan relies on the protection of the United States in security, and has limited ability to resist the US offensive, and at the time, Japan was a developed country.

In contrast, China has a huge domestic market and has the potential to solve the imbalance between economic and scientific and technological development.This is still very attractive to multinational companies.(Author Wendi Middot; Wu, Qiao Hengyi)