Ming Pao News Agency

The dispute over the amendment of the fugitive regulations caused social turmoil.The government was pushed into a strong push in the stove, and there was no good stream of people's conditions, which caused a huge political rebound.The authorities judged that there was an error handling of misconduct, and repeatedly missed the opportunity of Linya La Ma. It was not cooler until the crisis was almost out of control.Authorities must learn heavy lessons, and governance should not be lonely.The cost of disputes in this instance is very high, social turmoil, political tearing intensifies, and wound healing time.The government needs to think about how to eliminate the people's indignation. The first step should be apologized to the citizens in the first step.

If you do not do a consultation, you will decide the wrong judgment of the people.

Earlier this year, the government suggested that there are two reasons for the amendment of the fugitive regulations. One is to handle the murder of Taiwanese Hong Kong people, and the other is to block the existing law loopholes to prevent Hong Kong from becoming a fugitive paradise.This time the authorities announced the temporary revision, the reason is that there are two reasons. One is that the practice causes turbulentness. It needs to calm the society as soon as possible. If the second reading repair is resumed, it may cause more serious conflicts. Second, Taiwan said that it will never accept the basisThe current draft draft arranges is transferred to the suspect, so that the urgency of the draft draft in this year's legislation will no longer exist.

In the past few months, the Hong Kong Government has stated that Chen Tongjia, a suspect in the murder of Taiwanese Hong Kong people, will be released soon. In order to have a legal basis, they can make people to Taiwan in time.Handle Chen Tongjia's case in this case.Regardless of whether the Taiwan side refuses to do the political calculation operation behind the income, the Hong Kong Government has always insisted that there is a law after the repair, and it can be discussed in detail with the Taipei authorities. It is obviously a wishful wish.The government now admits that the urgency no longer exists, and it is aware of it.

Since the emergence of the dispute between the repair, we have been calling for two stages to deal with it, first deal with Chen Tongjia case, and then discuss the repair issues from the long -term plan. Because of the revision of the fugitive regulations, we cannot hardly come.Hong Kong people lack the origin of the Mainland's judicial system. The biggest error of the government's handling of amendments is to do warehouses and do not rationalize the people's conditions.In February this year, the government did not formally consult the public, and the first step was wrong.

People from Hong Kong are worried that the suspect will not receive a fair and fair interrogation after the suspect transfers it to the Mainland. Although the government has managed to explain, it has repeatedly emphasized that the draft of the amendment is not allowed to be handed over by politics and religion.The stigma of the next becomes difficult to wash.The Legislative Council ’s Pansen and Institute of Formation are fighting Mao Bo. The Act Committee caught in a deadlock and cannot operate. It was a good opportunity for the government to slow down from the long plan.The attitude of being able to make a quick decision, but the result was to accelerate the hardship of the officials and the people, resulting in a sharp deterioration of the situation.The six -nine civilian commanding parade has a huge momentum, and it is already a warning number. Most of the silences oppose the practice with their feet. The government has seized this opportunity to retreat. Unfortunately, Persist in repair.After the government's battle last Wednesday, the government was temporarily relieved to prevent social turmoil from being exacerbated.

Hong Kong society is unbearable to toss officials and civilians to deal with it properly

The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue said that the Legislative Council Conference revised the work of the fugitive regulations to be suspended. Until the completion of the communication explanation and listening opinions, the integration opinion will report to the Legislative Council's Security Affairs Committee and the opinions of the members of the members.As far as the time limit of the work is set, in short, it will not return to the Security Affairs Committee for discussion this year.Although the statement of the Hong Kong government is temporarily slow, the financial Times and other foreign media have used unlimited periods to describe the latest situation. The problem is that the dispute over the practice has fallen to the relationship and trust of the government and the people.Some opponents strongly demand the withdrawal of the repair, which is not easy to give up. In addition to other political operations, there may still be some fierce struggle games in subsequent development. At present, the most important part of the parties is to keep calm restraint and avoid being tossed in Hong Kong.

According to Lin Zheng's law, the decision to be suspended rather than withdrawn, all because the authorities believed that the original intention and needs of the legal loopholes of the law were still there. However, the government explained that the work was insufficient. Once the reimbursement was withdrawn at this stage, there was no foothold.According to the large -scale polls made by this newspaper at the end of May and early June, the public opposes the majority of the amendments, but it is not a iron board. The polls showEven Panmin and local supporters tend to receive goods.

What the authorities need to do now are really open discussions, including legal scholars and experts with different opinions to re -examine the claims such as Hong Kong people and Hong Kong trials, rather than closing the door early as before.Pan -Minh MPs have proposed that they can amend the external legal rights of the Hong Kong courts and handle serious criminal cases such as Hong Kong people who violate murder abroad.Nothing will be considered, and the authorities should choose to withdraw from the revision.