French scientist Basteur has a famous saying: Science has no borders, it is the wealth of all humanity, and it is a torch that illuminates the world.However, some American politicians must run off: as if the border of science is allowed to delineate, and the results of innovation can only be exclusive.

I hope the United States will win through competition instead of rejecting more advanced technology!As soon as the words of the United States vowed to the ground, the banner of science and technology hegemonism was sacrificed. On the grounds of so -called national security, Chinese high -tech companies were prohibited from participating in the construction of telecommunications equipment, especially 5G equipment networks, and even included in the entity list of export controls.Essence

Welcome Chinese students to study in the United States.The United States encouraged humanistic exchanges and the promise of exchanges before, and there was no base to restrict and set up obstacles to normal Chinese and American cultural exchanges, and even fabricated reasons, weaving crimes, directly firing Chinese scientists, and roughly closed its laboratory.

The United States will cooperate with other countries in the world of artificial intelligence. While the United States releases the initiative of scientific and technological cooperation, it will interfere with international division of labor.According to US media reports, at the end of 2018, the United States announced the list of 14 restrictions on export technology, most of which involved artificial intelligence technology.

Vocal sounds advertise the United States, which is free to compete for open innovation and free competition. Mingli secrets are hacked with normal academic exchanges and scientific and technological cooperation.Movement of the Cold War of the Science and Technology, erected iron -in -the -art iron -in, and exposed some of the American politicians to conflict, the words and deeds, and the different faces in the face.

As we all know, the core concept that the United States promotes the construction of the construction after World War II is based on systems and rules to promote free flow of commodities, personnel, capital, and technology.However, some American politicians have subverted this rule system with naked bullying.In the field of science and technology, pursuing weak meat and strong food and winners can not be allowed to be allowed to be challenged by any scientific and technological hegemony. In an attempt to occupy the top of the industrial chain, obtain a generous technological monopoly profit, and the country continues to be at the bottom of the industrial chain.

Only the American innovation and not allowing other countries to progress, which is simply the logic of robbers!As the science and technology of common wealth of human beings, it is the achievement of scientists in the world to learn from each other, learn from each other, relay, and create together.Whether it is a new driving force for economic development, or to deal with major challenges such as environmental pollution, climate change, and disease plague, it depends on the joint efforts of global scientists.Especially in the deep development of economic globalization, innovative resources have accelerated the flow worldwide, and the economic and technological connection of various countries is closer. It is impossible for any country to rely on its own power to solve all innovation problems, and the United States is no exception.

Do not refuse the flow, Fang is Jianghai.Innovation must gather the spirit of all over the world and borrow the power of all directions.Before and after World War II, a group of European scientists came to the United States to make outstanding contributions to innovation and development; today's success in Silicon Valley is inseparable from the tireless efforts of scientific and technological talents around the world, hell; according to statistics, scientists who have doctorates in the United States38%of the engineers were born in foreign countries, and more than 1/3 of the first -tier researchers in the United States were born abroad.As the survey report of the American Information Technology Innovation Foundation said: In fact, innovative talents in the United States are more overseas immigrants who have high education and have cultivated in large companies for many years.

Today, some politicians in the United States are willing to close the door of scientific and technological cooperation, which seem to protect the leading scientific and technological status in the United States. In fact, it hinders the mechanism of free competition and destroy the close cooperation of the global industrial chain. The ultimate harm is itself.For example, among the overall revenue of some component companies in the United States, Huawei's orders account for 30%to 40%.As soon as the U.S. government's ban came out, these companies retaliated against Huawei before the ban.The process that can only be completed in one and a half months, and the approval is completed in 3 hours now.According to the Wall Street Journal, Qualcomm's dependence on the Chinese market is as high as 67%, and Intel and Apple also reach 26%and 20%, respectively.If the United States continues to break the supply and blockade, it can be imagined.

The American politicians slammed their doors, but they also blocked everyone's way. After all, it was all countries on the global industrial chain.Stanley Middot, researcher at the University of Lezhuo University in Australia; Shadin Dada proposed that Huawei has provided network services to Australia for more than 10 years. The ban on Huawei will drag the update of the Australian network and increase the cost of telecommunications operators.The expenditure will eventually be passed on to the consumer's head.

Open cooperation is the inevitable logic of scientific and technological progress and productivity development.In the face of the world's multi -polarization, economic globalization, cultural diversity, and social informatization, no country can turn off the door to build.The wayward closure of the door is just a praying arm blocking the car, and it is impossible to block the wheel of scientific and technological progress.Some American politicians who advised those American who were holding the door of the door to return to reality, the closed doors and cars and strokes will only go to decline.

(The original title closed its own door, blocked everyone's road mdash; mdash; see the true face of some politicians in the United States, and abandoning the truth)