Guo Taiming said: In all parts of the world, I saw that the Sino -US trade war became more and more intense, and the scientific and technological war was staged at the same time.(Archives illuminates Reuters)

Hon Hai Chairman Guo Taiming attended the public live warning as a preliminary candidate for the Kuomintang this morning (2nd).The tsunami is coming, and the economic collapse caused by it is what I see.

According to the Economic Daily, Guo Taiming said: In all parts of the world, I saw that the Sino -US trade war was more and more intense, and the scientific and technological war was also staged at the same time.

He pointed out that Tsai Ing -wen should hold a national security report in the Presidential Palace.Because the world's economy will change sharply in several months, or even a few weeks, this affects not only manufacturing and industry, which affects the stock price, affects exchange rates, and affects small and medium -sized enterprises. Many companies in Taiwan are survived.It even affects the future consumption economy.

He believes that this time it may occur bigger than the financial tsunami and may occur in a short time.

Guo Taiming emphasized that Taiwan cannot be in trouble. He said: The seriousness of the economic and trade between China and the United States has just begun. I have recently discussed with many small and medium -sized enterprises. Many molds and many things can not get orders.Can't get orders at first, the severity of this problem is beyond everyone's estimates and more than everyone's imagination. Solving the deadlock on both sides of the strait Wang Jinping visited the mainland to resolve the dilemma before he was in his job

Wang Jinping, the former director of the Legislative Legislative Chief of the Kuomintang President, said today (2nd) that in order to solve the deadlock on the two sides of the strait, if he can be elected as the president, he will not be ruled out to visit the mainland before he is in office to seek a solution to the cross -strait deadlock.

According to Lianhe News, Wang Jinping said that the two sides of the strait involved the future survival and development of Taiwan. In the past, Taiwan's diplomacy was broken and international organizations could not participate, and there were regional economy.Elected by the president, with the experience of the President of the Court of Court in 17 years, he will definitely lead Taiwan to get out of the predicament. Before his work, he did not exclude visiting the mainland to visit the mainland and seek a solution to the deadlock on both sides of the strait.Glory.

The topic of cross -strait issues in the presidential election of Taiwan is the most important part. After Wang Jinping throws out the issue of visiting the mainland before his employment, he will inevitably cause the topic in future elections.