In this trend of against globalization, China and the United States are likely to lose, and there will be no winners in the world.(Internet)

The U.S. government will include Huawei and 68 related companies in the export control entity list this month to prohibit American companies from selling technology software and hardware to them.This is an extension of the Sino -US trade war and the Sino -US hegemony. In view of the momentum of the development of the world's science and technology development, the United States will strongly suppress Chinese technology companies, which will not only affect the scientific and technological development of China and the United States and the people's mutual perception.Make digital iron curtains to form two digital worlds, slowing down the development of technology such as unmanned driving and the Internet of Things.

The export control entity list of the US Department of Commerce includes some companies, research institutions, governments, and individuals that think it is threatened to the United States, stipulating that they must apply for a license to do business with American companies.This list has more than 270 pages, and the companies and individuals above are from Russia, Ukraine, Iran, China, Britain, etc.After the US Department of Commerce announced that Huawei entered the blacklist, the US company Google, Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Meiguang Technology, etc., announced this week that it has suspended its business cooperation with Huawei.As the US government's measures also cover other international companies using US technology or cross -technology authorized, it will affect the supply of international companies to Huawei.British chip design company Anmou Holdings announced the suspension of business with Huawei; Japanese Panasonic launched a review to avoid violations of US sanctions.

The US government's move is undoubtedly holding the throat of China's most important communication technology companies.Huawei is the world's most important communication equipment supplier. There are 3G and 4G networks of many countries using Huawei equipment.Huawei is the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, second only to Samsung.Huawei's 5G technology is also leading the world, which constitutes heavy competition pressure on similar European and American companies.The Trump administration of the United States has previously threatened national security, and the allies to prevent the use of Huawei's 5G networks were avoided, but it was unsuccessful.It is expected that Huawei faces a lot of blows by prohibiting it from doing business with American companies.In April last year, the U.S. government once banned China ZTE from purchasing US high -tech parts and services for seven years. Although the measures have only been maintained for three months, ZTE's operation has almost fell into a pause.However, if American companies such as Google and Qualcomm have lost a large number of Chinese technology customers, they will also face heavy short -term business blows before the global communications technology industry is reshuffled.

Although Huawei has stated that it has foreseen this day, it has been strengthened for scientific research and development spare tires a few years ago.For example, Huawei lost the ARM chip design authorization of Anmou Holdings, which is equivalent to designing all chips from scratch. This is not possible for three or five years.Even though Huawei can find reserve supply for most software and hardware, as long as 1%of the supply is interrupted, the entire product is still unable to complete and launch the market.However, from another perspective, this can stimulate Chinese technology companies to strengthen independent development capabilities.After all, China has the world's largest market. From the experience of Apple's self -containing ecosystem, companies such as Huawei may still be successful across the obstacles, and even push their own ecosystem to the international market.

The US government's suppression of Chinese technology companies is not conducive to the development of the global technology industry. For example, the construction of 5G networks will affect the development of other technology such as driverless driving, the Internet of Things, and wireless high -speed transmission.In addition, the growth of the value chain of the international digital product and the employment and consumption of the electronics industry will be affected, and consumers must pay for more expensive products.It has been reported that China may restrict the export of rare earth and respond to the US technical purchase restrictions.The digital Cold War, which is so in China and the United States, must have felt chills in the global digital consumer market.The United States has adopted such a tough means to suppress Chinese companies and prevent scientific and technological companies from developing countries from growing up. It gives people a very bad perception. Scientific and technological companies in other countries will also worry that they will be treated the same in the future.

The US government's sanction of Chinese technology companies such as Huawei is an extension of the Sino -US trade war.Huawei seems to be a victim of the Sino -US trade war, but the Great Wall and online service barriers created by China over the years have excluded European and American technology companies outside China's huge market, which has been dissatisfied with the international community for a long time.Over the years, China has enjoyed the benefits brought about by the retreat of the Great Wall of Fire and the freedom of trade. Now the Trump administration has suppressed Chinese technology companies and forced them to give up the benefits they enjoy.Technology companies also have to pull them back to the origin of fair competition.However, the Chinese people will regard this series as a display of US scientific and technological hegemony and may compete with nationalist emotions in the market.

Once the Digital Cold War Drum sounds, the digital world with polarization is likely to occur in the future.Some people in China now believe that the United States' move is the same as the Eight -Power Allied Forces in the 21st century. The next generation of China and the United States will change the future of each other's thinking and perception. It is difficult to predict.It is certain that in this trend of against the globalization, China and the United States are likely to lose, and there will be no winners in the world.