Author: Jeffrey Middot; Sax

China is not an enemy.It is a country that tries to improve living standards through education, international trade, infrastructure investment and technological improvements.In short, this is what a country will do in the face of poverty and behind the historical reality of poverty and lag a strong country.However, the Trump administration is now planning to prevent China's development, which may be a disaster for the United States and the entire world.

China is regarded as a scapegoat that is integrated with unequal United States.The trade relations between the United States and China have been reciprocating and beneficial for many years, but due to China's continuous improvement of productivity and relatively low labor costs (although they are rising) labor costs, some American workers, especially workers in the central and western regions, are thrown behind.Rather than blame this normal market competition phenomenon in China, we should tax taxes on the increasing profit of the domestic multinational companies, and use these income to help the working -class family, rebuild the decline infrastructure, improve new work skills, invest in cutting -edge technologyEssence

We should understand that after a long time of geopolitics and economic setbacks, China just tried to make up for the loss of time.This is an important historical background that helps us understand China's economic development for nearly 40 years.

In 1839, because China refused to allow British merchants to continue to provide opium to the Chinese, Britain launched a war to China.The first Opium War ended in the defeat of China in 1842. The shame of defeat triggered a large -scale uprising mdash; MDASH; the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement caused more than 20 million people to be killed.The second facing the Opium War in Britain and France has further weakened China's national strength and internal stability.

In the Sino -Japanese War in the end of the 19th century, China was defeated to the emerging industrialization country in Japan. Europe and the United States took this opportunity to sign more unequal trade treaties with China.These humiliation triggered another uprising movement, but was suppressed with the help of foreign forces.In 1911, the Qing Dynasty died. Since then, the Chinese warlord war in China, and Japan invaded China in 1931.After the Second World War, China entered the civil war.In 1949, the People's Republic of China was established, and then Maoism brought turbulence, including the Great Leap Forward ended in the early 1960s, millions of people died of famine; the Cultural Revolution then continued to become turbulent, and Yu Bo continued until 1977.

Therefore, China's rapid economic development began in 1978, when Deng Xiaoping came to power and opened a comprehensive economic reform.Although China has made amazing growth in the past 40 years, the poverty, instability, aggression, and foreign threats left over for more than 40 years are still very prominent.Chinese leaders want to do things this time, which means they are unwilling to bow their heads to the United States or other Western countries again.

GDP (GDP) calculated based on market price, China is now the second largest economy in the world.However, China is still a country that is getting rid of poverty.According to data from the International Monetary Fund, China's per capita GDP accounted for only 2.5%of the United States in 1980, and by 2018, it reached 15.3%of the United States.If you measure the GDP at a price price, you can measure the GDP of all countries with a common international price, and the per capita income of China in 2018 is slightly higher than the US revenue of 28.9%in 2018.

China has basically extended the same development strategy as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.From an economic point of view, China has not done anything particularly unusual for a country chasing.The United States has always accused Chinese stealing technology too simplified.

By lagging countries, through methods such as learning, imitation, purchasing, mergers, foreign investment, wide use of non -patented knowledge, and of course, plagiarism and other methods are upgraded to upgrade their technology.For all rapid development technologies, protecting intellectual property rights is an endless battle.Even today's American companies are so mdash; MDASH; this competition is just part of the global economic system.Technical leaders know that they should not expect to maintain a leading position by protecting (knowledge), but to continue to innovate.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the United States introduced a large number of British technology.When any country wants to reduce the technology gap, it will introduce technology from abroad.As we all know, the American ballistic missile plan was established with the help of former Nazi Rockets scientists recruited after World War II.

If China is a less populous Asian country, such as more than 50 million people like South Korea, then it will be regarded by the United States as a great successful development story mdash; mdash; the facts are indeed.However, because China's scale is too large, its existence has broken the ambitions of the United States to manage the world.After all, the United States only accounts for 4.2%of the world's population, less than a quarter of the Chinese population.In fact, because the speed of technology and skills in the world is too fast, no country cannot dominate the world today.

Trade with China has provided low -cost consumer goods and increasing quality products for the United States.This also led to the loss of jobs in manufacturing and other industries that directly compete with China.However, trade is like this.Accusing China of being wrong in this regard is the wrong MDash; MDASH; many American companies have benefited from manufacturing or exported products in China to China.Due to China's low -cost products, American consumers have also enjoyed a higher level of living.China and the United States should continue to negotiate bilateral and multilateral trade and formulate comprehensive rules, instead of provoking the trade war with unilateral threats and excessive accusations.

In trade theory, practice or policy, the most basic lesson is not to stop trade, which will lead to decline in living standards, economic crises and conflicts.On the contrary, we should share the fruits of economic growth and let the winners of more profitable compensation to losers who have lost benefits.

However, under the United States capitalism, which has long deviated from the spirit of cooperation in the New Deal era, today's winners have declined to share the results of their victory.Due to the lack of sharing, US politics is full of concerns about trade conflict.Greedy and comprehensively dominated Washington's policy.

The real battle is not to fight with China, but with the large company in the United States. Many companies are plundering wealth, but they cannot pay a reasonable salary to their employees.The American business leaders and super rich are all policies that can improve corporate profits such as tax cutting, increased monopoly, and overseas investment, but reject policies that make American society more fair.

Trump was criticizing China, and he was superficial that China would bow again to Western countries again.The United States is trying to change the rules of international trade by suddenly and unilaterally to crack down on successful companies such as Huawei.In the past 40 years, China has been doing in accordance with the rules of the West, as the United States' alliance countries in Asia have gradually developed.The United States is now launching a new cold war to try to fight China.

Unless there is a smarter solution, we may face conflicts directly with China, starting from the economy, to geopolitics and military, and eventually bring disaster to everyone.In this conflict, there will be no winners.However, the shallow and corruption of American politics today has caused us to embark on this road.

The trade war with China cannot solve our economic problems.On the contrary, we need to come from local solutions: affordable medical care, better schools, modern infrastructure, higher minimum wages and cracking down on corporate greed.In this process, we will also realize that cooperation with China will have more gains than reckless and unfair provocations.

(The author is a professor at Columbia University and Director of the Sustainable Development Center; translated by Zhu Menghan)