Perhaps the influence of Premier Li Xianlong's keynote speech the night before, and has always been regarded as a representative of the US Department of Defense Changsha Nahan, represented by the Eagle School of China.The tone was deliberate and soft, and there was no firepower to launch a violent attack on China's foreign policy.Premier Li Xianlong's keynote speech on the opening ceremony of the incense meeting on May 31, both clearly and firmly expressed the strategic concept of the country that countries do not want to see the comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States and look forward to the United States who can leave a space for the rise of the United States.Essence

The relative balance of the China -related policy in Shana Han in June 1, and the anxiety of the countries in the soothing area seemed to be increasingly warmed up to China and the United States.Han did not want to regard this year's incense as the starting point of announced the New Cold War to China.After all, this is the first time that he has appeared in Singapore, the highest head of the US defense department.Even so, chewing Shanaham's speech carefully, in the policy declaration regarded as the US India -Pacific Strategy 2.0 policy, Shanahan actually said what he wanted to say.

Today, the U.S.'s speech by the Ministry of Defense Changsha, the main tone of the main body is very tough.In addition to the advancement of the Indo -Pacific strategy, the system and comprehensive proposal have been put forward.These claims include: 1 and Pentagon Buildings have increased their military, economic, diplomatic and political inputs in the Indo -Pacific region, and have received great attention and support from the US Congress, completely surpassing the division of the United States and the party in the eyes of the general observer today.Shanaham said high -profile that the U.S. Congress is directly allocating funds to India's strategy, increasing economic and military investment in the Indo -Pacific region.

The Indo -Pacific Development funds invested in the United States in the future will rise from US $ 29 billion to $ 60 billion, for high -quality, high -level and transparent regional and cross -regional infrastructure construction;Regarding the military deterrence and war preparation of the challenging country, emphasize the coordination operations of the United States and its allies on the deployment of the missile defense system, and increase the national and security partners led by the United States in the Indo -Pacific Region.In particular, economic security is also a national security, reminding the Asia -Pacific allies in the United States to be directly linked to China's economic relations with the so -called security prevention of China.

In the Shangri -La dialogue speeches of the U.S. Defense Director in the past 8 years, such a explicitly requires that the United States in the Asia -Pacific region is like the United States, and the economic relationship with China should be directly associated with China.The extensive and deeper economic cooperation and common prosperity process of the Tai area are the first time in the 18 years in Xiangxiang.Fourth, define China directly as the biggest threat to the security of the Indo -Pacific region, and regard all the actions of China today to maintain national sovereignty, development and security, are all as China being attempting to subvert the rules and order and mandatoryly changing the United States and other countries in the United States and regions.The value of sharing.

To this end, the United States not only needs to reiterate that it is an Indo -Pacific country, but also to firmly fulfill its responsibility for maintaining regional order, rules and prosperity.By discrediting China to enhance the image and status of the United States, it endorses the Chinese policy that touches Trump and does not hesitate to comprehensively manufacture tension and conflict. This is the central content of Shanaham's speech today.

This is the speeches of the US Defense Mission since 19 incense since 2001. Shanahan's speech is the most specific, systematic, and directly calling on the entire region to fight against China;Will this forum, the new version of the U.S. Indo -Pacific Strategy to the region and the world.This new version not only announces that the United States is no longer firmly implementing the Obama administration's Asia -Pacific re -balance strategy, and no longer focusing on the United States' global security strategy to the Indo -Pacific region.The primary and core areas of security strategies, its basic means is to return to the major power of national centralism and confront the great power.

Of course, the soft side of Shanhan in his speech is that the United States he also talked about the policy proposition of cooperation with the Chinese PLA and talking with the Chinese PLA.This is not to simply release goodwill or reduce confrontation, but the policy balance required by the Indo -Pacific strategy itself in the United States.After hearing the speech of Premier Li Xianlong on May 31st, Sha Naham and his staff knew very well, announcing a comprehensive confrontation with China naked, and blindly needed a high -profile competitive situation to China.Most countries' anxiety about US diplomacy.

However, what is the essence of the Indo -Pacific Strategy 2.0 of the Trump administration and the Pentagon today?Coincidentally, when Sanhanhan delivered a speech at the Singapore Society, the Pentagon Website released the new version of the US Indian strategic report.The beginning of the report is the report in which Sarahan himself signed.In this explanation, Sha Naham mentioned that the basic attention of the national security strategy is a strategic competition between the country; the decisive element of this strategic competition is the two international order of freedom and suppression; especiallyChina, under the leadership of the Communist Party, is trying to force other countries to yield through the modernization of military forces, influential engineering, and plunder economy, so that regional order is conducive to China's transformation.This open text is really a vivid annotation of the Shana Hanxiang lecture.

The two meanings are very obvious: first, the United States has begun to directly blame the severe Chinese problems in the eyes of Americans as the Communist Party China; the other is that China's economic development and major contributions to regional development and prosperity are characterized as China as China.Third, the plunder economy, the third is to continue to deduct the big hat of the revisionist countries in China, stubbornly believes that what China does is to change the current situation of the order of the Indo -Pacific region.American executives such as Shanaham Agent Defense still have strong ideological confrontation and the concept of cold war. It is a terrible signal that it seems difficult to cool down in the future.

Although the Trump administration's Chinese policy tone in the 2019 Xiangxiang Said Said the Tone of Sanhan is still very dark, whether the 2.0 version of the US India Strategy can succeed, it does not depend on the United States of the United States.The wishful thinking depends on the future reactions of the state and the international community in the region.As long as Beijing continues to adhere to the established strategy of peaceful development, adhere to the win -win cooperation, mutual respect, equal negotiation, and mutual learning of national cooperation with the region to continue to promote the stability and prosperity of the Asia -Pacific region, and continue to adopt dialogue on various territories and sovereignty disputes.In the way of cooperation and control, mutual understanding and control, the American fabrication of China is the attempt of regional order and rules.

It is just that when the Trump administration is preparing to open up the posture and prepare to completely suppress China in the Indo -Pacific region, the challenges and tests facing China's regional diplomats are indeed unprecedented since the end of the Cold War.China's regional diplomacy needs to improve and upgrade in transformation!

(The author is the Dean of the International Research Institute of Nanjing University)