Sing Tao Daily News

The European Parliament Election, a large number of seats in the traditional middle line party, some suspicion of European and populous party forces expanded, affecting the unity of the European Union. After the British Prime Minister Trysa Merko announced his resignation, the hard Brexit was very strong, making the EU political situation a Central China situation.In addition to the US trade war, another risk factor affecting the stability of international economic and financial.

The European Parliament's elections have always received much attention. Even voters in the 28th countries of the European Union feel that they are not close to their national elections.However, in recent years, extreme populist forces have risen rapidly using economic stagnation, disparity between the rich and poor, and the influx of refugees. It has set off a wave of extravagance. US President Trump was elected to this type of political party.The populist parties of many European countries are brewing to form an alliance to strengthen their influence in the European Parliament, strive to become the mainstream, and threaten the European Union to unite. As a result, the EU leaders are rare on the eve of this election vote, and they call on the public to confront populist threats with votes.Macron also described the EU's threat to life and death.

Suspected European discourse increasing the crisis of division

This sense of compression made this election vote rate of more than 50 %, a new high of 20 years.Macron, who has been suffering from the demonstration of the yellow vest for many months, and the republics led by the party to get votes, which are slightly surpassed by the National Alliance of the Right Citrus Party.More than ten seats.

In addition to some of the votes of the traditional middle line party, in addition to the loss of the populist party, there are many green parties that have been advocating environmental protection. Since the Green Party is basically pro -Europe, it can maintain the traditional pattern led by the European parliament by pro -European factions, butThe suspicion of the European faction has grown the right to speak because of the increase in seats.

Among the suspicion of Europe, the populist parties are particularly strong, and their influence in their respective countries has increased greatly. In recent years, votes have increased in domestic elections, increasing the risk of division in the European Union.Merkel, a German Prime Minister of Dinghai God Needle, will step down two years later, making the European Union unclear.A polls announced by the European Council of Europe also found that more than half of the EU countries interviewed believed that the European Union would likely disintegrate in the next ten to 20 years.

Various ghost fetuses push English to hard Brexit

In the UK, the big winner of this European parliamentary election is to indicate the new Brexit party that has been set up at the expense of hard Brexit. The leader Farach is an important promoter of the referendum two years ago.Both the Conservative Party and the Labor Party have become losers, reflecting that the people are dissatisfied with the performance of the two parties in Congress.

The hard Brexit and the Labor Party, which tried to promote the rotation of the political party, based on their respective political ambitions, and refused to make Trysa Merri the steps down through the Brexit agreement reached by Prime Minister Theresa May.At present, the popular candidates who have replaced their positions in the Conservative Party belong to the hard Brexit, claiming that it is not a better agreement.Losing the situation may also lead to the global financial market shock.

The Sino -US trade war is expected to be resolved in a short period of time, becoming the focus of investors' attention, and the EU faces two major risks in the face of Britain's hard Brexit and populist impact.We must not help but improve the alert.