The miracle promoted by the Rockets in the system often emerges., One step in two or three years, from the customer manager, president assistant, and general manager assistant, all the way to the president of the branch, two months later, the deputy county mayor after two months.After 10 years, it has finished the road that the elite in the system can not finish in 20 years, and entered the third echelon of political and business. However, her starting point is far from the elite. She graduated from a vocational college after graduating from junior high school. I got a college degree through 3+2 models. After work, I got the correspondence of the correspondence.This starting point can be said to be difficult for ordinary youths. In any field, it is difficult to survive without paying great efforts, let alone counterattacks. The banks involved in the bank and the local government responded that the promotion process meets the provisions of personnel appointment and removal.However, seeing that public opinion continued, Jiujiang Bank responded again late at night, announcing the establishment of an investigation team to verify, and dealt with any violations of discipline and regulations.(Upstream news) Obviously, the first response was failed, and the second time was to watch the follow -up.Compliance is definitely not a reason to counterattack. What netizens need to know how outstanding she is. Outstanding, yes, this is the only way to promote the public in the above rocket. How high the threshold in the system is, today's youth has deeply experienced it. Graduates from the University of Finance and Economics are not easy to enter the bank. They can only start with the tellers.Challenge. Some netizens may misunderstand whether the threshold in the system is low.The big mistake is very wrong, there are many invisible thresholds in small places, which will only be more difficult for ordinary students.There are not many decent career opportunities in small places, no BAT or high -tech, big cities have air outlets, small places are only dead water, and the system is the best way out. Young young people grabbing their heads.In the face of all kinds of inside story, most of the public examination scandals exposed over the years are from small places. Many outstanding young people can't fight for their father, so they ran to big cities. Diaosi counterattack in such an environment is not impossible, but if there is a lack of background, it is necessary to make up for itself, such as graduating from 985, 211 schools, and so on.It is not enough to hold this only admission ticket. It is still shocked in the entire system of career career. You cannot make any mistakes.Basic.In order to improve smoothly, we must continue to work hard, such as solid and solid, work hard, and actively work overtime 996. You have to do good performance in good performance. When you wait for people to take over, you will be appreciated by the leaders at the critical moment, the nobles help hellip;It can be said to be excellent in 20 years. In contrast, a college starting point wants to complete the counterattack for 10 years. Everyone cannot imagine how good she should be, or even outstanding, because this is not a conventional path. It is estimated that many students who are like her at the same time.So far, it is still difficult to survive among various small and medium -sized enterprises that are not guaranteed. Therefore, it is not possible to respond to compliance. The local area needs to explain in detail how outstanding she is. Otherwise, if she graduated from college for 10 years, she can be a vice president and deputy county chief. I am afraid that the banks and grass -roots governments in China are not enough. Ordinary tellers who refer to customer managers in two or three years need to prove that her performance is outstanding; the assistant president assistant in two or three years needs to prove that she has achieved excellent team performance;Outstanding; then in less than a year, he became the president of the branch, and he had a real power. After two months, he was hung up with the deputy county chief.Short, everyone can't imagine any conventional performance and ability to prove it. The public does not believe in the counterattack, but the counterattack must have the effort behind it, not just the superficial miracle.If such resumes believe that such resumes are conventional, please list a large number of similar cases.Today's college entrance examination admission rate has exceeded 80%. Regardless of large cities or small cities, regular college students have rotten the street. Then you tell me that a college student has been the president and deputy county chief for 10 years?I am afraid that the birth of the whole China will be crowded to Jiujiang. In fact, Jiujiang has a population of nearly 5 million, and it is not a small city. The scenery is beautiful and the climate is pleasant. There is a lot of universities, hospitals, and economic growth. It is an ideal city.In 10 years, he has been struggling to become the governor of the county. He has stabilized the iron rice bowl and has a future. He has to wake up with a dream. Should ordinary college students have such reasonable expectations? Author: paper architecture May 21, 2019