1/1 Ren Zhengfei was interviewed by Bloomberg TV and denied theft of American technology.TV screen

After the United States comprehensively blocked the Chinese telecommunications manufacturer Huawei, the company's founder Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Sunday (26th) that China would not retaliate against Apple in the United States because of the Huawei incident., I am the first to oppose "because" Apple is my teacher. "For the U.S. President Trump's referring to the Huawei incident, it can be included in the Sino -US trade agreement. Ren Zhengfei described it as a "big joke", saying that even if Trump called him, he may not accept it.Nothing is worth stealing Huawei. The U.S. Department of Commerce included Huawei on the 10th of this month to ban US companies from cooperating with Huawei.In the visit, Ren Zhengfei acknowledged that the export control officed by the Trump administration will affect Huawei's advantages in the field of 5G networks and reduce the company's two -year leading position for the company's two years of hardships for competitors such as Ericsson and Nokia.However, he emphasized that even if there is no United States, Huawei can still survive, and is ready to fight for a long time. In the end, he can solve technical problems such as chips from the United States. Trump said last week that the Huawei incident could be included in the Sino -US trade agreement to solve, and the outside world interpreted that Huawei has become the US trade negotiation chip.Ren Zhengfei said that he is not a politician, but "this (this saying) is a big joke." Instead, "How can we have something to do with Sino -US trade negotiations?" He believes that Trump often accuses Huawei of the "ridiculous" remarks of American technology, emphasizing that Huawei's technology does not even have the United States. Is it "we steal the technology of the United States tomorrow?"He said, "If we lag behind the United States, Trump does not need to hit us so hard." He also said that "the United States has never bought Huawei products hell; hellip;Sell" .Ren Zhengfei also sarcastically said, "If Trump calls me, I may not answer. But he has no phone number." It is suggested that China can sanction Apple as revenge. If China fully ban Apple products, Apple may lose nearly one -third of profits. When asked if he would support it, Ren Zhengfei said, "First of all, this will not happen. Second, if it happens, I am the first opposition." He said that Apple is the world's premier company. Without applesMobile network, "Apple is my teacher, it goes forward in front. As a student, why do I oppose the teacher? Never."