Author: He Sishen

On the evening of May 25, US President Trump ’s special aircraft Air Force No. 1 flew to Haneda Airport. Many aviation fans looked at the camera and hoped to capture the first foreign head of state visits to Japan during the year.Although this is not the first visit to Japan for the first time, but it is different from the previous work visit. This behavior has officially visited Japan again in the past five years.,Significant.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe arranged for this and stated to Trump that in the order of the order, the US diplomacy was still the top priority of Japanese diplomacy, and the United States and Japan alliances were more solid.Therefore, Japan's positioning of Trump's state -of -the -world visits as an hospitality of diplomacy is to make Trump's home.

During the trip, in addition to the golf balls of Abe and Trump, Trump was invited to watch the Park Qianqiu music competition between the two countries of the National Technical Museum, and stood on the Tuzu to the U.S. Presidential Cup to the Shenglixita Mountain to the Summer Place.Although foreign dignitaries visited Japan to watch the Sumo well, in 1986, King of the British King Charles and the princess Diana and the then French President Sihack's visit to Japan in 1996, they all became the seats of the big sumo.Person, but Trump, the tribe, Trump is the first person.Sumo is hailed as Japanese national skills, and only the Japanese emperor or the Prime Minister can reach the awards. This time, Trump is an exception, which shows that Abe has worked hard on the elusive Trump.

Although the Japanese left in the wild party forces Abe seemed to be a tour guide in front of Trump, the Japanese are good at solving the disadvantages by using non -formal channels. Abe is more important to establish a private relationship with Trump.Japan's friendly and friendly symbols, Abe's cabinet staged a sumo diplomacy, intending to ease the friction between the United States and Japan.

Although Abe has a lot of coquettishness in Trump's diplomacy, it is difficult to hide the United States, Japan ’s trade, North Korea nuclear, Iranian issues, and disagreements on China and Russia’ s diplomacy.In response to the many problems related to the interests of Japan, Abe will not obey Trump.

However, compared with European countries leaders often disclosed with Trump's stitches, Abe's warm diplomacy, Trump should have a sense of heart.Ge Lin, a well -known Japanese diplomatic scholar in the United States, believes that US -Japan relations are in the golden age. Abe can take on Trump's communication bridge between Trump and the world to avoid the United States alienated United Nations and NATO under Trump's governance, bringing trouble to Japan.Essence

On the occasion of the United States to prepare for the pressure of Iran, Abe will be dressed as Lu Zhonglian to visit Iran in mid -June. This is the first visit to Iran for the first 40 years.Abe means to prevent Trump from being alone in Iran. Because 80 % of Japan's imported energy rely on the Middle East, if the United States uses soldiers against Iran, Japan will be difficult to pay for the economic loss.

At the beginning of Linghe, Abe and Trump continued to the United States and Japan alliances, and they would reluctantly realize the independent diplomacy that his grandfather Kishimo failed to do his best.Abe's diplomacy will undoubtedly win the diplomatic diplomacy of Trump's hottest girl.

(The author is a specially appointed professor at the Department of Japanese Department of Fu Jen University)