Source: WeChat public account Xiake Island

The water hydrogen engine is officially offline in Nanyang, Henan, which means that car water can be used in real time to make hydrogen, and the vehicle can be drove only with water.

It is not a science fiction metaphysics or a nightmare. This report is reported yesterday to see the headline of Zhunanyang Daily: On the morning of May 22, Zhang Wenshen, secretary of the Henan Nanyang Municipal Party Committee, went to the on -site office of the hydrogen energy vehicle project to develop water developed for youth automobile groups.The hydrogen engine is also a artifact that can be drove by legend that it can be drove in the legend.

As soon as the world's leading technology is coming out, public opinion naturally reports a warm response: water transforming oil to water hydrogen?No need to blow up without electrolysis?Netizens have said that their common sense of physical and chemicals have been challenged. Maybe as long as the speed is fast enough, the knife can also cut the hydroxide atoms in the water molecules.

Of course, the subsequent plot also saw MDASH; mdash;

At noon, when the local propaganda department responded to the media questioning, it was the most honest official response after the meeting, and after the unified caliber, it was the most sincere official response.Certification and acceptance, the reporter reported mistakes; the High -tech Zone of Nanyang City denied that the government's government capital injection was 4 billion yuan, saying that the local government had only invested in the early stage.

There was a Bazie farce, and later there were new energy vehicles to cheat the storm in 2017, and then the magic car can be taken in this water;


A water storage tank is placed on the roof. The special conversion settings in the car can be converted into hydrogen, and then enter the hydrogen fuel reactor to generate electricity, and then drive the vehicle motor and engine to make the car drive.

This is the introduction of MDASH; MDASH; MDASH; Youth Automobile Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Youth Automobile) official website.

The company's technicians said that the biggest secret of hydrogen and hydrogen fuel vehicles is also the largest scientific and technological achievement and is a special catalyst.Under the action of this special catalyst, the water is easily converted into hydrogen, and finally achieves an amazing performance of not refueling, not charging, and only water, and the mileage can exceed 500 kilometers, and the car can reach 1,000 kilometers.

It sounds very godly, but the experts shook their heads when they heard it.Chen Nian, director of the Institute of Automobile Research, Tsinghua University, told the media that water transformed by hydrogen must have external energy to have motivation, otherwise it would violate the law of energy conservation.

The reason is simple: the water itself does not contain energy. If you want to decompose water into hydrogen, you must have external energy. For example, the simplest electrical decomposition water produces hydrogen mdash; but the premise is that there is electricity, not just throwing the catalyst into the catalyst in.Just go.

Regarding the special catalyst claimed by youth cars, Chen Quanshi said that this substance is not a catalyst, but a high -quality combustible solid material, similar to explosives, containing a lot of energy inside.Similar experiments are currently only staying in the laboratory stage, and mass production cannot be formed at all, because the process also involves environmental protection and safety issues.

Compared with the doubts of the academic experts, Pang Youth's confidence of the chairman of the youth car is much more fulfilling.Today, he replied to the media that this technology is mature, and it is definitely not a blind compilation. It is normal for the outside world to not accept new things for a while.

Hydrogen energy

Island girl also said two months ago: This year's two -session government work report specifically mentioned the construction of facilities such as charging and hydrogenation.

In other words, new energy, including hydrogen energy, is a new field that the country values.From the perspective, some local governments and enterprises are rushing and logical.

Indeed, the combustion products of hydrogen energy are clean and the environmental protection and renewableness of no greenhouse gases, plus the efficient hub capabilities and thermal value of storage and conversion of other clean energy, which has made it steadily sitting in the new century's secondary energy sourcesLocation.

According to the development of blue books in the development of China's hydrogen energy industry infrastructure, by 2020, China's fuel cell vehicles will reach 10,000 vehicles, and the total industry output value will reach 300 billion yuan.By 2050, the global hydrogen energy industry will create 30 million jobs, reduce 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, and create US $ 2.5 trillion in market value. Hydrogen energy vehicles will account for 20%-25%of vehicles around the world.

No matter how full of ideals, it must be supported by solid technology.

At present, the industrial chain of hydrogen fuel vehicles includes four links: hydrogen, hydrogen storage, hydrogenation, and hydrogen energy.In general, the key technical research between enterprises and researchers will fall in the hydrogen -making link.

Ling Wen, general manager of the National Energy Group, introduced it that China already has various methods such as industrial hydrogen, industrial by -product hydrogen, biomass hydrogen, and other methods.About 100 million fuel cell passenger cars.

The scale is large, but the environment is not small.

Everyone has learned from high school textbooks. Hydrogen can be burned in oxygen, and water cracks can produce hydrogen.Making hydrogen is the most ideal zero emission means.

The current hydrogen -making industries in China, Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea are regarded as the mainstream direction of the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the future of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles based on sustainable and low pollution considerations.Hydrogen making.

But unfortunately, the current technical conditions are not mature and costly.In a word, if the water and hydrogen engine claimed by the youth car is true, it is really a great breakthrough in MDASH; MDash; because it fundamentally spans the mainstream research and development system of the same period internationally, it has created the achievements that make the world dazzling.

It is not necessarily a Nobel Prize, but it is okay to win a national science and technology award.



Because, according to this manufacturer's declaration, hydrogen and hydrolyzed products have been produced under the action of car water and reactions in real -time water -based water -to -water production.use).

In other words, not only can hydrogen in real time in the car, but also one of the three links of hydrogen, hydrogen storage, and hydrogenation, can directly solve a series of bottlenecks in the current hydrogen vehicle promotion process.Improved hydrogen storage costs, high cost of hydrogen storage systems.

It will be explained that the white point is, if this thing is reliable, the sentence in the government work report is simply meaningless.The car is done directly in one stop. What do you want to develop hydrogenation facilities?

And also solve the world problem.In 2001, the US Emperor proposed that the development of hydrogen energy was developed. After 18 years, it was still working hard to build a hydrogenation station with a single cost of $ 2 million to 3 million.The layout plan that can be stored is far from the zero distance of watering without water.

How can such a high -level technology, such a cutting -edge field, make a Chinese company take the lead?There is no certification or sanction in the Trump team?

It really doesn't say that the work is not in place.

Lai Road

For a long time, because Pang Youth and Youth Automobile's taboo for special catalysts, the truth about water hydrogen vehicles cannot be known.

However, senior people of new energy vehicles said to the island girls that the density of lithium batteries has been increased for 10 years. The electric vehicle chip has studied farewell to the card neck for more than ten years.Hydrogen energy vehicles go from the concept to adding water, can it be so fast?

Uncle Benshan has educated the audience long ago, and the steps are too big and easy to pull the eggs.

From August 21, 2017, Pang Youth has announced that the company has produced the world's first water and hydrogen fuel vehicles, and has not been delivered by a youth hydrogen fuel vehicle.

Not only that, many media have also picked up their unjustly historical Mdash; mdash; In 2017, this company was listed as a car supplementary company by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.The ticket, because it sells 245 new energy vehicles to Shanghai Bus Bus (Group) Co., Ltd., the actual installation battery capacity is smaller than the announcement capacity.

In addition, the data shows that most of the patents in the name of the main company of youth cars are exterior design patents, and there is only one patent information related to hydrogen energy.Back into the design.

Even so, youth cars continue to apply for subsidies to the government.On May 12, 2018, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology announced the information and vehicle information of the promotion application subsidy funds for the promotion and application of new energy vehicle promotion in 2017 and previous year.

At the same time, many subsidiaries of Youth Motors have gone bankrupt.


Some people also questioned: Is the movement of youth cars this time for cheating?

In the opinion of Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Federation of Passenger Federations, the re -hydraulic hydrogen fuel engine has a certain relationship with the state supporting hydrogen energy vehicles. Everyone wants to seize the development trend of hydrogen energy vehicles.

New energy vehicles cheated state subsidies. This news was available 2 years ago.At that time, a notification from the Ministry of Finance showed that five issues of issues were deceived by 1.01 billion subsidies, which was only the first batch at the time.On average, the amount of subsidies involved in each car are around 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.In 2015, one of the financial reports of one of the problems (also listed companies) showed that the sales of pure electric bus reached more than 8 billion yuan, of which the subsidy funds were 4.2 billion, accounting for more than half of the revenue.

Not only that, similar behaviors have even evolved into a agreement on partnership arbitrage, that is, it goes directly at a high subsidy.

Whether this car company has cheated today, we are not easy to say directly; but the collective fraud with new energy of electricity is ahead, and it is right to habitually get a question mark in similar things.

Of course, how can this shocking news get the local government of Nanyang?It is obviously not enough to throw the pot to reporters (although its professional standard is to be discussed). After all, how does the government attract investment in the early stage, how to reach cooperation, and how much money does the government and enterprises pay each.How much is this investment, it is still waiting to be announced.

Although the impulse of performance can be understood, active actions are also worth it, but whether the investment benefits, whether the technology is excellent, whether it can withstand the market test is also an inevitable requirement for modern governance to refine.

Even from the bottom perspective, if you do not actively publish these situations, you may have avoided the first day, but the fifteenth audit will always be a bit unable to say, right?

Text/Point Cangju, Cloud Song