The Taiwan United Daily News stated that Trump has reunited and included Huawei in export control blacklists. Multinational enterprises such as the United States and Japan have successively announced the suspension of the supply of Huawei and providing technical services.The United States launched a scientific and technological war in China and intended to suffocate Huawei's development. However, Wall Street and the global stock exchange market have been sorrowful, and leading Taiwanese companies have also been created.Regarding the Huawei storm, although the Taiwan Economic Minister Shen Rongjin was lightly described, the Taiwan supply chain was afraid of no luck in this scientific and technological war.

After the US companies such as Google, Intel, and Qualcomm claimed that they cooperated with the ban on sale, the Ministry of Commerce issued a temporary license for the ninety days to temporarily maintain the current situation.American scholars pointed out that the black list has always been a bargaining chip of trade negotiations; but Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei responded to a high -profile response. It didn't make much sense for ninety days, and we were ready.The attitude of unpredictableness indicates that it should be decoupled with the Sino -US trade war.

The US Department of Commerce included Huawei on the blacklist of trade. It is based on the contents of the Ministry of Justice's public prosecution against Huawei in January this year. There is no new evidence.The Minister of Commerce shows that with the support of Trump, Huawei uses American technology to use American technology in a way that might undermine the interests of US national security or foreign policy.

This shows that Huawei is not only a bargaining chip of US trade negotiations. In the strategic competition between the two countries, it is also the main battlefield of scientific and technological competitions, national security and foreign interests.Changban, a former White House strategy in the Eagle, even publicly said that killing Huawei is ten times more important than reaching the US -China agreement.It can be seen that a new technological Cold War has begun.

The basis of the Cold War of the Science and Technology is that the United States ban will allow China to support the power of the whole country to support the scientific and technological war, establish an independent key component and operating system, and predict that there may be two mutually exclusive science and technology fields worldwide.Regardless of whether the iron curtain of technology will appear, it is worthwhile to pay attention to: as the world's most valuable electronic manufacturing service industry chain, where does the industry go?

The United States Lobbying Alliance was beheaded by Huawei, and he simply beheaded.The market forecasting the supply chain industry has a serious loss. Other brands can only make up for 50 % to 70 % in the second half of the year, excluding mobile phones and 5G business.The Taiwan Economic Minister Shen Rongjin deliberately avoided the light and said that Taiwan was mostly a foundry and would be benefited by the transfer. This ostrich mentality does not take the impact of the industry at all.

The US ban is available outside the export control regulation area. As long as the market price contains more than 25 % of the components and software and hardware technology of American companies, they will become the object of control. Violators will be prohibited from administrative penalties such as US companies transactions.And criminal punishment.As a result, several European semiconductor operators stopped supplying Huawei.The stock price of some of Taiwan's optoelectronic communications companies fell severely, and was rated by foreign capital, because its orders and technology from Huawei's US partners.

Following European and American operators, TSMC is currently attracting much attention.The flagship mobile phone that Huawei is about to go public is equipped with the OEM chip of TSMC.Although the preliminary assessment of Taishi Power is complied with export specifications, it leaves a continuous evaluation buffer. After all, it is also a listed company listed in the United States.

What is intriguing is that the United States announced that the ninety days were widely limited, and the industry reported that Huawei launched the supply chain to beautify and increase purchasing for Taiwan.If the United States determines that Taiwan is a ban, the Taiwanese industry may be stared at. Will the Cai government be able to respond?Last year's US sanctions ZTE, the Ministry of Economic Affairs required operators to obtain government permission to ship.If it is handled this time, a positioning controversy will be generated: Is the high -end industrial chain established by Taiwanese businessmen in the future, is it under the US policy?

Tsai Ing -wen responded to Trump's return to China ’s manufacturing return policy, but far from the high value -added industry chain. The key is that the high -tech industry cluster must follow the needs of the main customer's needs.As for what the customer needs is, it has been clearly presented in the Huawei Storm: The high -tech industry is facing the ice storm of geopolitics, which is as important as reducing political risks and reducing manufacturing costs.If Taiwan cannot provide an environment for non -economical interference, the high -level industrial chain is reorganizing in Taiwan to talk about troops on paper.

The most severe test of Taiwan's electronic manufacturing service industry at this moment not only has nothing to return in the industrial chain, but also in the past few years to rely on free trade and globalization of scientific and technological innovation to drive growth models, it will be unsustainable.In vernacular, the main engine of economic growth has declined, so what should Taiwan's kinetic energy move forward in Taiwan?