Xing Yuqing: Huawei's success is the success of the global value link.The use of technological advantages for the United States has exceeded the category of trade disputes, which obviously provides reasons for Made in China 2025.

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Security Agency in the name of maintaining national security will include Huawei in a entity list.In the future, any US company that sells products from Huawei must apply to the US Department of Commerce and obtain permission in advance.Some critics believe that it is almost impossible to obtain a license certificate to sell products to foreign companies listed in the entity list.Recently, American companies such as Google, Qualcomm, Intel, and other American companies announced their confession in Huawei in the name of compliance.

Judging from the current public report, the spare tire chip developed by Hisilicon developed by Huawei subsidiaries, such as Kirin chip, may alleviate the crisis faced by Huawei after the supply of American chip suppliers such as Qualcomm;Toshiba and other Korean and Japanese companies are also candidate suppliers who may provide alternatives.These Korean and Japanese companies also have the opportunity to fill the market for the market left by American chip suppliers.

Replacement of mobile phone chip suppliers is not a precedent in the smartphone industry.Apple used the chip of Samsung, the head of the enemy on the first generation of iPhone.When Samsung has not entered the field of smart phones, the Korean media once proud of the heart of Samsung chip as the iPhone. With the rise of Samsung on smartphones and gradually becoming Apple's main competitors, Apple decisively abandoned Samsung chip and turned to turn to turn.And using the chip developed by itself to avoid the embarrassing situation of the iPhone's core components being pinched in the hands of competitors.The process of iPhone's chip developed from Samsung chip to Apple's own chip process was not shocked, and it did not become an Apple's life and death.

However, unlike the chip offerings, Google banned Huawei ’s mobile phone to update Android operating systems and the disconnection of other Google software, and the future of Huawei mobile phones is a fatal blow.The mobile phone without operating systems is a bunch of assembled electronic components, which is no different from plant people.The two mobile phone operating systems commonly used in the world are Google's Android and Apple's iOS system.Apple's iOS system is not open to anyone, and you can't buy it.Although the operating system developed by Microsoft is almost unused, it is impossible to give Huawei because Microsoft is also an American company.

The author believes that even if Huawei has the legendary spare tire operating system, Huawei mobile phones have not provided an ecological environment for its available software for their spare tire operating systems.More importantly, in addition to the hardcore Huawei powder, Huawei mobile phone users will not learn how to use Huawei's spare tire operating system in order to continue to use Huawei.Consumers' inertia and costs in the process of conversion operating system determine the advantages of operating systems in the market, and are the biggest obstacles accepted by consumers by consumers.This is why the open operating system has not been able to break the monopoly of Microsoft window on personal computer operating systems.The success of Google's Android operating system is beneficial to the conversion of personal computers to mobile communication tools driven by the development of wireless Internet.The emergence of smartphones and other mobile communication tools provides opportunities for Google to enter and monopolize operating systems.

From a business perspective, Huawei is a successful enterprise.However, Huawei's success is the success of the global value link, and the success of using and integrating existing communication technologies.It is not the success of many Huawei fans who believe in technical breakthroughs.Today, the signal that Huawei mobile phones are accepted and sent still need Qualcomm's chips for processing; various parts of Huawei mobile phones can become real communication tools only under the instructions of Android operating systems.The popularization and development of the global value chain has reduced the technical threshold of Chinese companies entering the mobile phone industry.Without core technology and do not have operating systems, as long as there is sufficient investment in funds, you can create smartphones with the most advanced communication and data transmission through integrated existing technology.The rapid rise of China's smartphone industry, and the result of the three seats in the top five smartphones in the world in the world in a short time is the result of using the global value chain development.OPPO and Vivo's mobile phone manufacturers, just behind their mobile phones, are frank and honest, printed the English explanation of OPPO (vivo) designing Chinese assembly.

The global value chain is developed on the same product, component manufacturing, assembly and sales tasks, and the detailed labor division of labor in the national boundaries is based on comparative advantages.Therefore, it is also risky to use the global value chain to produce finished products.If any problem with any node on the value chain will cause the entire value chain operation to stop.Enterprises use the value chain strategy to operate, and there is also a prerequisite.That is, any company can get necessary parts and software from the international market.After the Great Fukushima Earthquake in Japan in 2011, many makers relying on Japanese components have a brief interruption of the value chain.The large earthquake in Japan is a natural disaster that leads to the interruption of the global value chain of some products; the embargo of the United States to Huawei is to interrupt the global disasters of mobile phones with Huawei as a leading company.

The United States is understood by the name of national security and the disability of Huawei devices.National security is a concept without specific definition. In an era of sovereignty, no matter the size of each country, regardless of the size of the sovereignty, the cross -border flow of capital and goods is regulated.Define what is national security.The United States is prohibited from the use of Huawei equipment, and the use of Google search engines in China is the same as the same work in the name of national security. It is only the difference between fifty steps and hundred steps.

However, users of Huawei mobile phones include Chinese consumers and other non -American customers. These groups using Huawei mobile phones will not affect US national security.The US government's embargo on Huawei completely cut off Huawei's ability to serve non -US customers, artificially blocked the operation of Huawei ’s mobile phone industry chain in accordance with market principles, and infinitely enlarged Huawei’ s risk of mobile phone business using the global value chain.The author believes that the US government's approach is beyond the category of maintaining US national security and belongs to the abuse of the United States to monopolize in the field of communications technology.

The use of tariffs forced China to return to the negotiating table to further open the market and reach an agreement that is beneficial to the United States, which is a normal means of negotiation.However, the use of technological monopoly advantages and implementation of embargo that can put Chinese Huawei companies in a deadland is beyond the category of trade disputes and is a behavior that destroys game rules.

US President Trump has always emphasized that China -US trade is unfair, hoping that China will reduce tariffs and non -tariff barriers, and to buy more American products in China.The disconnection of Huawei caused by the US government's embargo order was obviously running counter to President Trump.The disconnection of Huawei will not only reduce China's demand for the import of semiconductor products in the United States, but also stimulate Huawei to develop its own chips, or find alternative products from third countries such as Japan and South Korea.In the long run, it will definitely weaken the monopoly capabilities of American chip manufacturers and Android operating systems in the field of smart phones.

In contrast, Made in China 2025 has always been an example of the United States accusing the Chinese government of using subsidies to support Chinese companies and conducting unfair competition with American companies.In the Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States clearly demanded that China has abandoned the Chinese Made in China 2025 plan.Considering the request of the United States, Made in China 2025 has disappeared from Chinese media and seems to have been beaten into the Cold Palace.In addition to promoting technological innovation and helping Chinese companies enter the high end of the global value chain, one of the goals of Made in China ’s 2025 strategy is to prevent Chinese companies from being monopolized in the core technology field to pinch their necks.In other words, Made in China 2025 is also the insurance for the risk of one thousandth of probability.The embargo of the United States to Huawei obviously provides the reasons for Made in China 2025.

Last year, the US government's embargo on ZTE once led to the shock of China's second largest communications equipment manufacturer.The embargo on Huawei can almost completely expel Huawei's mobile phones out of the overseas market.The author believes that the encounter with ZTE and Huawei's current dilemma may promote the Chinese government to re -consider the practical value of Made in China 2025 in the future to confront American technology blockade.

Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view