Laughing Shu: Under the shadow of algorithms, for Ma Huateng, who has mastered the key power of algorithms, the calm inner province MDASH; mdash; especially for excessive pursuit and bigger reflection MDASH;mdash; the most important.

On May 4 this year, Ma Huateng announced the upgrading of Tencent's vision and mission, and officially determined that technology has been to good as Tencent's new vision and mission.

It is said that this is the top -level design of Tencent. It is impossible to make a sensation with Tencent's influence in the industry.Many media and fans are sought after and believe that the new direction of China's new economy, especially platform -oriented enterprises.

But it's not one side.On March 27, 2019, the seventh parallel workshop of the Beijing Stanford Social Innovation Summit, the theme is also the good of technology.Guests from Tencent talked about it, but not all participants were convinced. There were many questions in the interactive link, and they were particularly criticized for Tencent games.

Half is an angel, half of the chaos

The banner of holding high values emphasizes care and mission. This is not a move of Ma Huateng, but the fashion of Internet giants such as Ma Yun.For example, Ali's mission claimed by Jack Ma: No difficult business in the world.This cannot be said to be wrong. Ali did laid almost the power of the entire country with the power of a business.But at the same time, Ali did not make the number of vicious competitions. The most criticized was to seize Dafa again and again, blocking almost all the sources of external flow of Ali.This strong exclusion is clearly conflicted with the mission of Jack Ma.In this regard, Ma Yun said more like: the world is returning to Ali, and there is no difficulty in the world.

Half of the angels, not only advocating technology to good, business, but also practicing to a certain extent.But the other half is not enough to be a demon, at least not to talk about gentlemen.This kind of chaos that has both good and evil is a common phenomenon in China's new economy, especially platform -oriented enterprises.Not alone, no Ali, including Didi, including Pinduoduo, while making bigger and bigger, it is increasingly trapped in controversy.As for Baidu, it is not necessary to mention that it is no longer the so -called controversy, but it has long been a public theory.

The most thrilling algorithm is out of control, algorithm is evil

It is more than China, and the beauty of the Internet of the Internet is also difficult to exceed the exception.Facebook's encounters in recent years are classic examples.

As we all know, Facebook has not many users in China, but it does not affect the popularity of its head Zuckerberg in China.This is mainly because he has made great efforts to expand his business territory to China.For example, learning the works of Chinese national leaders, such as laughing with senior Chinese online officials, such as morning running in Beijing's haze.He also married a Chinese wife.

Zuckerberg, which has a soft spot for China, seems to have a certain degree of Chinese.For example, the unremitting pursuit of winners is the faction of Chinese entrepreneurs.Facebook's block is large enough, but he is not satisfied. In order to continuously expand the market, he strives to eliminate all competitors.The annexation of Instagram and an annexed WhatsApp are based on such strategic considerations.

During the two points that Chinese entrepreneurs are most longing for, Zuckerberg has done it.In addition to the hard work of entering the Chinese market, Facebook can be said to have played invincible in the world.But what about defeating the enemy in the world?This taste is actually not enjoyable, but since then, the trouble of Facebook's co -founder Chris Hughes can't help but shot. A few days ago in the New York Times, a strong appeal: It's time to split Facebook.The reason is appalling: the huge energy of Facebook is enough to shake the country.

His original words are like this: Mark is a good person.But what made me angry is that his attention to growth has led him to sacrifice security and civilization in order to clicks.I was disappointed with the early Facebook team, because we did not seriously consider how the news push algorithm would change our culture, affect elections, and give nationalist leaders.I am worried that the team around Mark will only strengthen his beliefs, not challenging them.

Sacrifice safety and civilization may have no accusations that can be stricter than this.So, what is the basis for Christ Hughes?

This needs to start with the Cambridge analysis scandal last year.The scandal led Zuckerberg to accept five hours of inquiry from the US Congress and publicly apologized.On the surface, the scandal is mainly a privacy leak, that is, more than 50 million user data on Facebook is stolen by third -party companies, but it is actually not so simple.Cambridge analysis uses these stolen data to sell so -called voters psychological files to make profitability by helping some politicians to win votes. This is the key.This highlights Facebook's little -known Mdash; mdash; mdash; may be used by bad politicians or even overseas forces to affect a country's regime.This may be the most thrilling algorithm at the moment, and the algorithm is evil.

This should be that Zuckerberg himself was unexpected.But no matter what its original intention, this is inevitable.The reason is very simple. As the largest speech square in the world, Facebook objectively has the ability to achieve large -scale social mobilization and has the ability to intervene in national political operation.It is no longer just a profitable machine, but also a political weapon, especially the election weapon.This is an irresistible temptation for various politicians and political forces.Facebook cannot not be stunned, and it is impossible not to be abducted, calculated and held by all kinds of abductions.

Everyone knows that it may be evil, but it can't be separated from it

But to this day, it cannot be said that Zuckerberg's reflection is in place, and there is at least awareness of this biggest risk.Because, so far, all its improvements have stayed in privacy protection and remarks.What he did not even think of is that no matter how he has the sincerity of improvement, to protect privacy and regulate remarks sincerely, it is often counterproductive.It should be noted that on the speech platform of up to 400 million people, no matter privacy protection or speech regulation, they cannot personally say it, nor can they just say it, but must be passed through public procedures.Of course, the actual situation is not the case. For example, Chris Hughes disclosed in the New York Times, and often Zuckerberg calls a certain kind of remarks as hateful remarks and institutional remarks to block some users.Facebook in this context is like a private empire, and Zuckerberg is the king, and can implement his own king's method in this huge empire.Even if it is sincere for goodness, it does not have procedural justice, and it is inevitable that the dictatorship is suspected.

This is the dilemma of Zuckerberg.He was bigger and stronger, but he was really bigger and stronger. Facebook became a algorithm monster that he could not control himself, and became the enemy of possible countries.As Chris Hughes said, the concept of the US national foundation is that power should not be concentrated in anyone, because we are easy to make mistakes.This is why the founding of the founding of the country has established a three -power separation system.They do not need to foresee the rise of Facebook to understand the threat of monopoly companies to democracy.Facebook's rise not only threatens the personal privacy of citizens, threatens freedom of speech, but also in fact threatens the decentralized checks and balance system and shakes the foundation of the United States.This can explain why Chris Hughes must stand up and challenge Zuckerberg, and must slap his old friend.

Chris Hughes's concerns are understandable.After the bigger and stronger, Facebook has exceeded the general corporate function and has a certain degree of rule.Any rulers must be restricted and must not be in a monopoly position.But Facebook, which has a certain rule, is in a monopoly position.As Chris Hughes said, Mark's power is unprecedented, non -American tradition, and incompatible with the United States.

On the other hand, Facebook has deeply embedded the daily life of Americans.Statistics show that about 70%of the American adults use social media, most of them use Facebook products.Even in the year when the negative news covered the sky in 2018, Facebook's earnings per share increased by 40%from the previous year, reflecting Americans' unprecedented dependence on Facebook.

Everyone knows that it may be evil, but it is still inseparable from it. This is Chris Hughes's profound anxiety and fear, which also represents the anxiety and fear of algorithm monsters such as Facebook in the mainstream society in the United States.As Christ Hughes said: Even if people want to exit Facebook, they have no meaningful choice, as we see after the Cambridge analysis scandal.Due to the lack of confidence in his privacy and the integrity of Facebook, users around the world launched a Facebook movement.hellip; hellip; In the end, people did not completely leave the platform.After all, where can they go?

That is to say, Facebook, which is not compatible with the United States, has objectively abducted or held in American society.This is the basis for why Facebook can interfere with politics and even affect the regime change, and it is also the incentives of all politicians to penetrate Facebook.The evil caused by this algorithm out of control may be a problem that has never been encountered in human history.Regardless of the evil of the government and the evil of capital, the mainstream human society has consensus, and there is a complete set of response or solutions.Therefore, it belongs to the typical virus, roughly in the controlled range.But how the algorithm that is expanding is the face, and how the evil of the algorithm develops is largely unknown, and it is constantly dynamic evolution, which is very similar to SARS virus that makes people talk tiger.

Needless to say, new technologies, including algorithms, are indeed a huge blessing for human capabilities.But this blessing is not at the price. How much is the cost and how to prevent the side of its SARS virus. Human experience is actually very limited.This may be a problem shared by humans at the moment, which belongs to the current human question.

The more urgent technology is good, it may be a calm internal province

However, the United States has an algorithm out of control and the algorithm is evil, after all, it has been alert.As Chris Hughes said, the era when Facebook and other monopoly companies take responsibility may begin.The public's anger is growing, and it cannot be ignored. New people with aspiration have appeared.Many US members of the United States, including former US Economic Consultant Committee Chairman Jason Furman, have stood up to call for investigation to investigate Facebook.Since the vigorous public discussion has begun, since it has risen to the height of security and civilization, it is not difficult for American society to condense consensus and deal with crisis together.

But all of this, China is now in a long way to go.Excessive pursuit of bigger and stronger, excessive pursuit of growth and scale is a major lesson of Zuckerberg.In this regard, Chinese entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs in the new economic field of China, often may go further.In addition, the absence of the rule of law also gives them a barbarous growth space, making them more lack of self -reflection and self -restraint.The algorithm is out of control. In order to sacrifice security and civilization, it may be even better than Facebook.

Also fatal is that Americans are abducted or held by Facebook, and this dilemma also plagues the Chinese.Platform -type companies have fully penetrated the daily life of the Chinese people, leaving them, and the public is hard to walk.The public did not know their problems, but helpless.Just as the scandal year in Facebook in 2018, it has not blocked the growth of Facebook. 2018 is also the dark moment of some platform -oriented enterprises in China. Baidu's bidding shady and Didi's security issues are all frightening.But the Chinese are also inseparable from those platform -type companies that are trapped in the scandal.I can only use Baidu while scolding Baidu while scolding Didi with Didi without choice, helpless and humiliating.

But the most fatal may be the political culture of Chinese characteristics.The United States has a strong tradition of decentralized balance, and this is not limited to the political field.The American antitrust legislation is the application of decentralized balance in the economic field.But China does not exist in this historical tradition.In other words, the Chinese do not think that excessive pursuit of bigger and stronger may be a big problem. Too high market concentration may be a big problem.Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied with the public about some platform -type companies, their dissatisfaction is limited to the scope of privacy leakage, speech control, etc., and there is no opinion leader like Chris Hughes. The main problem is that the market concentration is too high.The issue of monopoly is a problem of excessive power of platform enterprises.Of course, there will be no call for splitting Tencent and Disglement.

The greatest danger may be here.Excessive and strong leading to over -restricted power is not restricted. This is evil in itself.This is not only challenging the decentralization and balance, it is also likely to destroy the balance of the entire industrial ecology, economy ecology, and even political and social ecology.The so -called decentralized checks and balances are not anything else. It is nothing more than all the rules of everything and ecological equilibrium in the social and political field.Excessive power is not restricted. The biggest evil is the subversion of the balanced ecology. The subversion of the principles of ecology must eventually go to the opposite side and be rebounded throughout the ecology.

From this perspective, looking at the science and technology advocated by Ma Huateng and Tencent from this perspective, I am afraid that we must not admit the complexity of this issue.The original intention of Ma Huateng and the active promotion of China's public welfare undertakings need not be doubted. The problem is that they may not be prepared for the complexity of the issue.Science and technology companies take a certain percentage of profits to donate to public welfare. Is this technology?Science and technology companies support and even operate some public welfare projects directly. Is this technology facing good?The answer is yes: Yes, they are all.But if it is limited to this, the so -called technology is probably too simple.

Under the shadow of algorithm, Ma Huateng, who has mastered the key power of the algorithm, is more urgent than the company to do more public welfare technology than enterprises. It may be a calm internal province, especially for excessive pursuit.Excessive pursuit of growth and scale reflection.More questions are followed: Do n’t you have a border if you are bigger and stronger?How to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of bigger and stronger?How to control the enterprise and their own power after being bigger and stronger?How to establish a public participation and supervision mechanism?

In the innovation of technological innovation, especially commercial applications, the leaders of China's new economy, especially platform -based enterprises, have demonstrated their almost unparalleled ability and have achieved a miracle of a new economy.Because of their excellent contribution, the Chinese new economy is already the most vibrant and international competitive part of the Chinese economy, and has become the greatest hope of the Chinese economy.The responsibility and ability correspond to the ability. When they reach this step, they must not face greater responsibilities.How to respect the balanced ecology and how to respect security and civilization may be their more urgent tasks, a more significant vision and mission.

Humans urgently need to show greater wisdom in the field of social innovation

But frankly, you can't expect them.Because as mentioned earlier, the algorithm era has strong unknown.Facebook has grown up like this today. Although Zuckerberg did not expect it, can anyone expected?When the Internet, especially social media, the popularization of the world, isn't it full of optimism everywhere and think that the era of globalization of democracy is coming?Do you think that the Internet, especially social media, is most conducive to the development of democracy?Later, the trend made people surprised. Democraticization was not only unable to develop globally, but it had a certain degree of defeat.And this defeat is not related to the Internet, especially social media, shows the unexpected side of the Internet, especially social media, and also shows the huge uncertainty of the Internet, especially social media, and even when Chris Hughes attacks Zuckerberg, it also reveals itself.RegretI was disappointed with the early Facebook team, because we did not seriously consider how the news push algorithm would change our culture, affect elections, and give nationalist leaders.

Therefore, it must be criticized for Zuckerberg, but it is not enough to criticize Zuckerberg.Similarly, the leaders of the new economy, especially platform -based enterprises, must be responsible, but it is not realistic that they are not responsible enough.All human beings lack experience, and it is difficult to foresee all human beings.But the algorithm does not wait for people, and the economic development is not waiting for people.The gap between human experience and economic and technological development is getting bigger and bigger, and the risk of out of control of algorithms is getting greater.Human beings urgently need to show greater wisdom and greater creativity than technological innovation and business innovation in the field of social innovation, otherwise it is not enough to control algorithm monsters and not enough to defend security and civilization.This is the problem of all mankind, the responsibility of all mankind.However, the leaders of the new economy, especially the platform -based enterprises, live in the forefront, have greater capabilities and more blame for loan, and have to be more demanding on them.