With the upgrading of the Sino -US trade war, the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency commented today that many states in the United States, especially some of the agricultural states, have been injured lightly in the Sino -US trade war. American farmers constantly complained about the government's irrationality;Tariffs imposed on Chinese export goods have leaned to the price of consumer goods rapidly, and domestic inflation pressure has increased.

At the time of the review, almost all of the costs of improving tariffs were borne by American consumers.Sacrifice the interests of the American people to pursue the so -called lsquo; U.S. priority rsquo; very unobstructed, how ridiculous!

The following is the full text of Xinhua Time:

The United States unilaterally provoked a trade dispute over China, trying to force China to set up a city under the city with rude pressure.This is obviously treating itself as a world overlord, ignoring the mighty global development trend, and reflecting that there is a major strategic misjudgment of the US policy on China, and it is not sober!

The U.S. authorities ’priority goals and their path implementation paths are different from globalization.Some American politicians have a serious misjudgment of the Sino -US situation.They believe that there is no innovation and sustainable development path outside the US values, politics and economic systems.They selectively listened to the perspectives of the ears, exaggerating the role of US foreign economic relations, trade and investment in the development of China after 1978, and ignoring the hard work of all Chinese people along the correct road of self -selection.The fundamental reason is underestimated the huge toughness, potential and compressiveness of the Chinese economy, and believes that China cannot survive the United States.

In fact, compared with China, the United States depends more on external markets and international economic relations, and is more likely to be affected by global economic shocks.In addition to commodity trade, considering the huge income of service trade and US companies in China, the United States' dependence on Sino -US economic and trade relations is no less than that of China.If the United States blindly manipulates the upgrading of trade disputes, it will be involved in the global market, and the consequences must be to suffer greater losses.

The world's trend and mighty.The U.S.'s anti -global trend upgrade the trade dispute over China and repeatedly manipulate the limit, which is tantamount to moving to stones to smash its feet.Many states in the United States, especially some of the agricultural states, have not been injured in the Sino -US trade war, and American farmers have continuously complained about the government's irrational; tariffs imposed on Chinese export goods have leaned to the price of consumer goods rapidly.Inflation pressure increased, and almost all of the costs of improving tariffs were finally undertaken by American consumers; MDash; sacrificing the interests of the American people to pursue the so -called U.S. priority, it is not sober and ridiculous!