Ming Pao News Agency

The Sino -US trade war has intensified, and the United States has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods. China has also announced that counterattack measures are accompanied to the end. Beijing is no longer polite to improve the door to the United States.Diplomacy talks about the wind and clouds, and you need to be careful to combine the directors to prevent misleading on the surface.The critical moment of negotiations between China and the United States is stiff, reflecting the United States not only to narrow the trade deficit, but to curb China's development, Beijing cannot concession.China's rise means that Western leadership has changed the 200 -year pattern of the world, but it does not mean that the civilized conflict is inevitable. The problem is that Washington is increasingly inclined to use civilized conflict theory, and even white people's perspectives.The world is pushing to extremely dangerous situation.

Midea forced China to sign the city to undetener the inequality treaty is difficult to accept

Last week, the 11th round of economic and trade negotiations in China and the United States had no results. The only good news was that it was not the same as the end of the rupture. It is still unknown when to reopen the negotiations. It is not excluded that it will not wait until the G20 summit will be transferred next month.In response to the US $ 200 billion of Chinese goods in the United States to 25%of Chinese goods, the Chinese side levied tariffs for about $ 60 billion in US goods, and the tax rate ranged from 10%to 25%.CCTV published a tough comment, emphasizing that China is well prepared, talks, open the door;

Trump often talked that the amount of Chinese goods imported in the United States exceeded 500 billion US dollars, which is more than doubled in China.It is not an exporter but an importer. Trump's taxes are actually levied to Americans.Increasing tariffs will weaken the competitiveness of Chinese goods, but American consumers and manufacturers must pay a price.In March of this year, the National Economic Research Agency issued a report that showed the tariffs levied by the United States since the trade war last year. The cost was completely passed on to American companies and families. The deterioration of the war will crack down on economy and stimulate inflation and increase the pressure on interest rate hikes.

In addition, the tariffs are the seven -injuries that hurt themselves. There is no need to fight with the United States in Beijing in Beijing. The most important thing is to hit Trump's pain points.Looking at the Chinese counterattack measures, the tariffs were adjusted to more than 25%of more than 2,400 goods, including food, steel and machinery.The support of the state.

Trump and the United States kept the wind, accusing the Chinese side of the opposite side; Beijing emphasized that China was promised a lot, suggesting that the United States had to enter.After the trade war is full, the truth operation of the truth needs to be careful to open the clouds to see the facts.Chinese negotiator Liu He said that there are three biggest differences in China and the United States, including different views on the purchase amount, tariffs on whether they have completely canceled the trade war, and the text must respect equality.Liu He did not leak the details of the talks, and it was not clear. However, if the content of the report with foreign media confirmed, it is not difficult to see that the problem is that Washington wants to start with the agreement text and execution, trying to force the Chinese side to kneel down the league under the low -visa city.

Reuters mentioned that the United States accused China of the draft text of the agreement, and deleted the commitment to deal with the technical transfer and intellectual property rights. However, the sources were unknown, who proposed the relevant words.If China once agreed to write about the words, the United States can say that Beijing regrets it, but if the United States is willing to write a draft, the Chinese side can of course require delete.Liu He said that China will implement the agreement with administrative and regulatory measures, but the United States adheres to the Chinese side must be legislative.For Beijing, the United States is difficult for a strong man.

The Wall Street Journal stated that in early April, Minuchin announced that China and the United States had reached an agreement on the execution mechanism of the trade agreement, but Beijing stated that it has never agreed to the relevant matters that have been resolved and confirmed that the Chinese side was promised.Reuters mentioned that the United States representative Ledizti was arranged for the implementation of the agreement and demanded that the punishment enforcement mechanism similar to sanctions North Korea is not a general trade agreement.This has obviously deviated from the principle of equality and respect, and reveals that I have the right to punish your hegemonic thinking. Besides, the United States insists on retaining injections and will not withdraw the tariff after the agreement is reached.You can also impose tariffs and not be able to fight back.This unequal treaty is strange to have a country willing to sign.

The US official struggle is narrower than civilized conflict theory

In the May Fourth Movement of 1919, Beijing students were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles to trample on China's rights. On the occasion of the May 4th anniversary, Trump cast a trade bomb to the Chinese side, which was particularly hot.It is not the anger of the Mainland, but the chairman of the American Think Tank's Atlantic Council, Fred Kempe. It is not possible to go online because someone reappears history.In 1915, Japan proposed to the Chinese side of 21 harsh rights. The weak Yuan Shikai government still rose to the end, and the times moved to the end. The United States had no reason to expect that China would accept harsh humiliation.

In the past 200 years, the West dominated the world is an orderly pattern that has never been in human history.As the two pillars of Western civilization, the European Union and the United States have a total of more than 800 million. They are located in the center. They have never thought that there is a day of shaking, but the Chinese rejuvenation is enough to rewrite everything.In the near future, the world is very likely to have two civilized centers with the same economic scale, exceeding the total population or nearly 1 billion levels, but this does not mean that the civilization conflict of the late American scholar Huntington will inevitably be true. After all, different civilizations can respect each other.The problem is that many people in the United States have still been in Western centralism in the past 200 years, trying to keep hegemony.

Recently, KIRON Skinner, director of the Policy Planning Affairs of the United States State Council, described that the battle between China and the United States is a confrontation of truly different civilizations. It is also said that Russia is still a member of the Western family.It is a family fight.The most impressive part of Skins is not that he said that China and the West are different civilized systems, but because he described China as the first powerful competitor to non -Caucasian white people. This has actually jumped out of the theoryFighting, revealing racist taste, reminiscent of the white superior theory of the Western colonialist era in the 19th century, degrading the color of colored races into unprepinal and low ethnic groups.This kind of narrow thinking has a open and spreading and spreading policy formulation, which will make Sino -US relations worse and worse, making the world more dangerous.