The Chinese Official Media People's Daily published a comment article signed by the bells, saying that the US trade deficit with China is only a manifestation, and it cannot reflect the truth of the United States' commercial interests in China.Everyone can see that the so -called lsquo; losing losses rsquo; far from playing sad cards and being addicted to mouth addiction.LSquo; Speaking of new words for new words rsquo; behind it is another famous hall.It was just a person who scattered this kind of wrong theory made a wrong abacus.

The article also states that the Chinese economy has great toughness and potential, completely capable and confident that through the implementation of higher levels of opening up and expanding domestic demand to promote high -quality economic development, hedging the impact of Sino -US economic and trade frictions, realizing the stability of China's economy and a long distanceEssence

The following is the full text of this comment article:

There are always some people in the United States that the so -called huge trade deficit between China and the United States is worried. It will lose US $ 500 billion to China each year to lose millions of manufacturing positions, etc.He is a victim of Sino -US trade.Over the past year, this kind of loss has repeatedly become one of the so -called basis for the United States and regardless of the sincerity of the Chinese side.

The United States is the world's number one economic power and a maker of the world trade rules.If the United States is a loser, wouldn't it say that the rules formulated by the rules to harm their own benefits?If so, wouldn't it be a strange thing.Whether in global trade or bilateral trade between China and the United States, the United States is not only not the victims, but it is very cheap.In this regard, related industries, consumers and economists are clearly clear.

The huge trade deficit in the United States is not born of China, nor will it end because of China.On the one hand, excessive consumption, insufficient savings, and huge fiscal deficits are the root causes of the formation of US trade deficit; on the other hand, the United States also uses the US dollar as the status of international trade's main payment methods and reserve currencies.The purchase of US Treasury bonds has obtained a large amount of cheap capital, which is used in high -tech and other fields, becoming the biggest beneficiary of economic globalization.Kamen Middot, a professor of international finance at Harvard University of Kennedy in the United States; Ryinhardt believes that the United States has accused those countries with trading surplus meaningless.His view represents the views of international mainstream economists.

The trade deficit with China is only a manifestation, and it does not reflect the truth of the US business interests in China.The world economy has already entered the era of global value chain.From the perspective of production, the United States is in the high -end global industrial chain and high -end value chain. It controls high value -added links such as patented technology, core components, and research and development, design, and marketing, and has a huge profit.Examples of Apple mobile phones are widely known.If all the surplus is statistical in the terminal product exporter, it is obviously impossible to objectively reflect the value distribution in trade.In fact, since 2011, in order to show the true profit of a country in the value chain, WTO and OECD have advocated the method of viewing international production from a global manufacturing perspective and launching trade added value accounting.Unfortunately, the United States has always used the use of WTO and other multilateral institutions, and discard attitude. Even if the scientific method is scientific, it is impossible to support it.

At present, U.S. -fundamental companies have revenue for US $ 70 billion in China, and their profits are more than $ 50 billion.This is the embodiment of the opportunities and results brought by American companies to share in China.It is well known for cheap prices in the United States.Over the years, when the central banks of many countries have been busy inhibiting inflation levels, the level of inflation in the United States has always maintained below the target value of 2%.It is the Sino -US trade that allows high -quality and low -cost Chinese products to enter thousands of households in the United States, increasing the well -being of consumers.

As the famous writer of the United States Times Weekly, Robert Middot; Wright pointed out in the logic of mdash; mdash; the logic of human destiny, the prosperity of human destiny must understand from zero and the age.In the past 40 years, the scale of Sino -US trade has increased by more than 230 times. If it is not a win -win situation, but the zero sum of the victims of one party, how can it be possible to achieve such a huge change?

China has always been a big importer country, and the development of China has opened the door to the world. Today, China has become the largest trading partner in more than 120 countries and regions.China has never pursued a trade surplus, and sincerely hopes to expand imports of competitive products in the United States.According to the analysis of relevant US agencies, if the export restrictions on civilian high -tech products to China, the US trade deficit with China can be reduced by about 35%.How can you blame people to refuse to export your own advantages?

It is also ignorant about the loss of the US manufacturing position to the US manufacturing position.Over the years, the mainstream interpretation of the American academic community is that the loss of manufacturing positions in the United States originated from its own economic structural adjustment. Due to the increase in production automation and robot investment, the production rate of manufacturing has increased.Foreign trade will cause disadvantaged industries to eliminate and transfer, but it will also bring advantageous industrial expansion, thereby realizing the upgrading and adjustment of the industrial structure.Studies by scholars such as the University of California in the United States have found that instead of losing employment in foreign trade, it is better to gain more high -salary employment.

These simple facts and logic have long proven that the trade deficit and the loss of manufacturing positions can not afford to support the argument.It may be possible to divert domestic contradictions for a while, but over time, it will make the American people a real victim.In April of this year, a survey by the American Commercial Economic Association on the US business environment found that 3/4 of the commodity production companies were negatively affected by recent tariffs, increasing costs, and prompting half of the companiesselling price.American consumers, farmers, companies, etc. have become victims of trade frictions from the United States, not victims of unfair competition in China.

Everyone can see that the so -called loss theory is far from playing sad cards and addiction.The United States has another famous hall behind the new words.It was just a person who scattered this kind of wrong theory made a wrong abacus.The Chinese economy has great toughness and potential. It is fully capable and confident that through the implementation of higher levels of opening up and expanding domestic demand to promote high -quality economic development, healing the impact of Sino -US economic and trade frictions, and realizing the stability of China's economy.

It is not consistent with the facts, untenable, and disadvantaged people to repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly.