Source: Wangbao Society Review

RecentKenan published X letter and long telegram, which regards the Soviet Union as the most threatened Communist regime in human history.

The conflict of civilization is that the Trump administration's 2018 strategic security report, national defense strategy abstract, and nuclear military situation report. Three reports. Vision of China as a strategic competitor and amendments, and the direct report of the US National Intelligence Director of the National Intelligence Director in the World Threat Evaluation Report.It means that after China is an ideological enemy, it further describes China as the main opponent of civilized conflicts.This shows that the hostility of the United States to China is increasing. If the mainland does not take action, the two countries may go to the showdown and even duel.

Why is the hostile to China rising in the second 10 -year meeting of the 21st century to the critical point that is almost close to the out of control today?From the perspective of Washington, first of all, China's economy has risen rapidly from Chande to the United States, which threatens the United States.Secondly, after China entered the World Trade Organization in 2002, it often violates regulations.During the negotiations with the U.S. trade, it often legislates Americans happy, but actually does not take it seriously.Third, it's amazing. My national propaganda video and the 2025 Chinese manufacturing plan not only shocked Washington, but also forced the United States to suppress China's scientific and technological development.Fourth, China has promised not to be in the southern China navalization, but it is out of mind.Fifth, China ’s Belt and Road Initiative has expanded from South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe to the Central South America and the South Pacific, which is close to the back door of the United States and Australia, causing debt crisis in countries along the route.

From the perspective of Beijing, first of all, the United States is unwilling to be challenged by the leadership of global hegemony and prevents China everywhere.Secondly, after the United States and China reach an agreement, they often have no faith.Third, the United States refuses to provide the status of the Chinese market economy state and makes China resentful.Fourth, China has affairs in China in the South China. The United States always provoke China with free navigation rights, while Beijing has never signed the 1982 International Marine Law Convention in the United States.Fifth, China has denied the rapid expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative of China, and China has denied the crisis of making debt.

International politics advocates strength, but it must also be tried to spend the momentum and do with strength.Although the existing power has more power, the rise of power is not willing to show weakness, but both sides should have control to avoid falling into the political tragedy of the country.Harvard's late professor Hang Tington proposed the theory of civilization in 1992. It was just an academic hypothesis that after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, world peace would not come.He believes that sooner or later China will take advantage of the situation and challenge the Western forces of the United States.

In Hangeton's global pattern, China will cooperate with Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea. If possible, it will also cooperate closer to Vietnam.This is exactly what Hantanton is worried. Once the East Asian civilization and Islamic civilization of China and neighboring countries are further combined, it will constitute unprecedented challenges to the United States. On the one hand, the root of their civilization is not from the West. On the other hand, they are inNuclear diffusion, authoritarian system, and anti -Western value system have common interests and great similarities.

Ms. Scjonna, the current director of Policy Planning of the United States State Council, believes that Russia, Japan and India are swinging between China and the United States.Russia is just a global residual power, and the importance is far less important than China.However, if Russia can stand on the same front as the West headed by the United States, Moscow may play a greater role.In the past three years, US President Trump has been trapped in Russia's political vortex, which has also gradually drifted the relationship between the United States and Russia, which can make China organic.Skinner pointed out that Japan and India have always been the target of the United States to win, which is why the United States has made every effort to promote the Indo -Pacific strategy.

In the face of the continuous upgrading of American anti -China policies, how can China be auspicious?First of all, Beijing has to develop a higher strategic height in the US diplomacy. There is no need to want to occupy the US winds everywhere. From the current active position, it must return to the stance of tight lights and actions to grasp the strategic opportunity period.

Secondly, the mainland does not have to oppose all the issues of Taiwan -related issues. Instead, it should be calm, because the mainland is dissatisfied with the Aiwai Act, and the United States knows the weakness of the mainland and greatly plays the Taiwanese card.Third, the mainland is heavily in improving human rights in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong. Western countries led by the United States, the more difficult it is to slander China's human rights record.

Fourth, in the South China Sea issue, in addition to expressed respect for the right of free navigation, the mainland can further consider the use of the island that it controls to open marine research and sightseeing and tourism.

In the end, in the Belt and Road Initiative, in addition to the outside world explaining that Beijing did not intend to make the debt crisis, China also responded to other participating countries to release more benefits, and it was stained with rain and dew.