Tariffs will make our country stronger than weaker.Waiting for it!Trump tweeted on Friday.(Reuters)

When Trump ran for president in 2016, he criticized China to gain the favor of the masses with strict words.Now that he is preparing to run for re -election in 2020, he should continue to talk hard to China, but at least in some key states, the acceptance of the public may not be as positive as that year.

According to Reuters, the trade negotiations between the United States and China fell into a major crisis last week. China has turned his face over the key points agreed by both parties.More products.

This trade war may last for a period of time, which will overlapped directly with Trump's re -election campaign period.In 2016, I helped Trump sitting in several large states, including Aiho, Agricultural State, has not been injured in the Sino -US trade war.

If ... when the presidential election event began, he had not solved it yet, and the soybean industry in the United States was severely damaged ... This will be a big problem with Trump, a Trump administration who requires anonymous anonymityFormer officials said.

Soy soybeans are the most important export agricultural products in the United States, but in 2018, soybean exports to China fell to 16 years.

US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and other government consultants also hinted not long ago that China and the United States have approached an agreement.If you do not have an agreement, Trump often blows his own super -strong transaction negotiation capabilities, and he will also be shadow.

Trump recently stated that Chinese President ... will soon go to Washington; probably to celebrate the reaching agreement.

However, no agreement was reached, and Trump's commitment was highlighted, that is, the agreement that did not sign the goal did not meet its goals.Trump had a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un earlier this year. At that time, Kim Jong -un hoped that the United States would terminate economic sanctions in exchange for North Korea to check.

Trump's consultant believes that strong performance will win the favor of his grass -roots supporters, especially in terms of Sino -US policy.

In general, I think he is good for him to the tough stance of China. Trump's former White House spokesman and Bush said that the former official of the US Trade Representative Office, Spey Saisse, said.He has shown that he is really willing to fight.

Trump's senior trade representative Littichzer promotes China to change its practices in intellectual property rights, mandatory technology transfer, exchange rate manipulation and other policy areas.

Although Trump was very happy when China agreed to buy a large number of soybean products such as soybeans, he supported Leitchizer's tough approach and insisted on continuing to continue sensitive structural reforms.

This determination was supported by the two major political parties in the United States.

Chuck Schumer, the leader of the US Senate Democratic Party, urged Trump last week to persist in Beijing.Don't give up.Toughness is the only way to win China, he said in the tweet.

Clete Willems, a recently left Trump Senior Trade and Economic Policy Consultant, said that the Democratic Party and Republican Party were quite consistent in trade issues.He has participated in trade negotiations with China for several months.My expectation is that you will not see people asking lsquo during the campaign; retreat to China! RSquo;.

However, the Democratic presidential candidate will almost criticize Trump's approach to negotiation, even if they agree with the need to significantly adjust their trade relations with China.

He didn't know how to reach a trade agreement ... Use tweets to promote the fundamentals of trade. Senator Elizabeth Warren said in a weekend campaign in Cindinniti, Ohio.

The Trump administration and the campaign team realized that tariffs have brought pain to farmers, and tried to weaken their influence through government support and calling farmers' patriotism.

Farmers are patriotic, and they understand that in the end, they must be held accountable in China. Tim Murtaugh, head of the communication team of Trump's campaign team, said in an email statement.Farmers understand that this is a long -lasting battle, because they are discussing long -term, and they know that the final result will be more beneficial to the agricultural economy.

After all, the key is economy.If the economy remains strong, then Trump's political achievements will be deeply won by voters, even those states affected by tariffs.

However, if the economy is stagnant, Trump's transcript will be deducted, and the Democratic Party will have greater opportunities to defeat key states such as Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Due to the frustration of the hopes of reaching an agreement, Trump talked about the benefits of tariffs again.

Tariffs will make our country stronger than weaker.Waiting for it!Trump tweeted on Friday.